
Monday, May 18, 2015

STAHP all these awards. (though you flatter me) + other randomness that doesn't belong.

STAHP you are too sweet for your own good award round 2- give to me by Jana from the dolly district.
Let me get one thing straight. I'm not doing the picture, the rules, or the extra nominations because I am a lazy butt. But I do encourage you to answer the questions down in the comments, if you feel like it.

Jana's questions:
1. Favorite hairstyle?
My hair is extremely short. It is a pixie cut, which makes styling (except for pretend Mohawks) impossible. I hate styling my hair about as much as I hate jewelry (see last post), so most days I rock the bedhead look.

2. Grace Thomas or Isabelle Palmer?
Little Isabelle was very specialized. Hardcore ballerina paraphernalia made the mixy matchy idea obsolete, especially for my non- ballerina dolls.
Grace is my favorite of the two because you can say that her clothes are not solely baking oriented.
I also like her highlights and side bangs.

3. Pop or country music?
I don't listen to a whole lot of either.
I do have some Johnny cash, which is the only kind of country music I will tolerate.
And according to iTunes, Green Day is pop, which surprised me. I've always considered it to be rock, and their early albums a bit punk. Hmm. I'm not going to argue with iTunes.

4. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

5. Your favorite bible verse?
The bible is not something I deal with on a regular basis, so I don't have enough information to complete the question. "Where my hands touch the earth is where my soul meets the universe" is something. I don't know if I heard that from somewhere or if i accidentally make up dumb quotes, but there it is.

6. FAVORITE  restaurant?
Samurai, a Japanese steakhouse where they cook the food and set things on fire right in front of you. Coolness man.

And Kathryn from Hobbits and Hippogrifs got me too. Here are her questions:

What is your biggest Summer plan?
Go to Canada, though we don't even have passports, so that's probably not going to happen this year.

Why is a raven like a writing desk?
All I can think of is Edgar Allan Poe. He was a poet and apparently really liked ravens.


What is your favorite comfort read?
Summer of the gypsy moths

What dessert do you feel like eating currently?
ice cream. 

Do you like to play sports? If so, which ones?
no. if a game requires more rules than tag, I stop paying attention.
However, if you want to play chase people around in the woods with big sticks, I am SO READY!

Now, because of what happened at the top of the post, I invite you to answer these questions in the comment box.
These ones from yesterday I am curious about:
1. If you could be a magical creature, what would it be? Why?
2. What is a tetrahedron? Is it a Platonic solid? 
3. What color would you dye your hair? Does if correspond with the magical creature you would like to be?
4. If you got a tattoo, what would it be of? Why?
5. Aren't Kleenex boxes really pretty?
6. Who said Humpty Dumpty was an egg?
7. Am I asking too many questions?
The eighth optional question: Feel your nose... The outside of it, silly! Is is greasy? Does that bother you? In theory, could we use nose grease as hand lotion? Are you wondering about my state of mental health? Did you just say "eww gross. I would never transfer the natural and moisturizing oils of my face into my hand. Gwen what on earth is wrong with you?"? Would you consider doing that in a desperate situation?
Does Gwen just need to wash her face?

Here are some brand new questions also for you to answer in the comment box. If you want to.
1. If you had a raccoon as a sidekick, what would it's personality be?
2. How the heck do you people take such good pictures?
3. What would happen if Lilly had telekinesis?
4. The world would probably collapse in to pandemonium, huh?
5. Design an outfit for american girl and describe it or draw it and post it for all to see.
6. Seriously, people. I need shannon and maddie and polka dot bee to get together and do some kind of doll photography help workshop thing.
7. We need an elite group of doll photographers giving in-depth tips or maybe just telling me what to do because I feel stuck and unsatisfied.

Here are some weird pictures I drew.
Here is a cthulu. Some kind of mythical creature that... I don't know. Lets just call it an octapabatman.

This has been and always will be my home screen. Cthulus are a lot more adorable in cartoon form.

Didnt even try. I hope you know these aren't here for the awesomeness factor. But Fat Man should be a thing.

This is the very coolest thing. Chevron pencil shaving. What have I sunk to?

Well this is kind of depressing. No good drawings, no good photos, no good doll posts, I haven't felt like doing homework AT ALL.
I'm just so tired.

I hope this funk will change when school gets out.

Unnnnggghh. June 17 can't come fast enough.

Here let's look at happy things. Barrett makes me happy. This is from when my cousins and I saw Robin Hood at the Seattle Children's Theater a few weeks ago.

Remember to be weird on the outside and pretty on the inside and inside out and upside down and backwards and vice versa and a good photographer and a bad writer and a good writer and a bad photographer or both or neither 'cause it's all good, man- we love you every which way. So live long and prosper and eat your vegetables (or fruit 'cause the choice is yours- I can't tell you what plants to eat.) Keep your aura blue and balanced and whatever May the force be with you amen.


  1. Hey, That's weird: I get out June 17th too. And yeah, I have been cramming homework in on the bus and study hall... oops.
    I would want to be a fairy because all little girls want to be one. And I could have magic.
    A tetrahedron is a triangle kind of pyramid. It has four, flat sides that are triangles.
    I would like to do a ombre of (Starting from the bottom) pink, purple, dark blue, light blue. (My hair is REALLY long right now.) It does not correspond with my fairy.
    I've already made a vow to not get a tattoo (because I'm a dancer) but maybe a rose or something on my wrist.
    YES! My mom always throws them out even I insist we keep them.
    Mother Goose who was self conscious of her honking, so she made fun of poor Humpty. That's how he was known as an egg.
    I have to say, my nose isn't oily, but it is soft. And if it was, I might.
    I guess that's up to you. I wash my face when I remember to. (That isn't very often)

    1. Your imagined hair sounds like an ocean of colors!
      I would want to be a fairy too, so I could fly.
      You would be right about the tetrahedron! Aren't those lovely math words?

  2. In answer to your most thought provoking questions:

    1. If you could be a magical creature, what would it be? Why?

    Ohhhhhh.....probably a mermaid.....I love to swim and I love water too. But, I think being a banshee might be kinda cool. Wow that sounded strange. XD Wait, that's not really a creature...

    2. What is a tetrahedron? Is it a Platonic solid?

    A tetrahedron is a four-face platonic solid.

    3. What color would you dye your hair? Does if correspond with the magical creature you would like to be?

    I'd like some dark blue on the ends of my hair. And yes, I think a mermaid with ashy blonde hair and blue ends kinda sounds good.

    4. If you got a tattoo, what would it be of? Why?

    I hate tatoos, and always will.

    5. Aren't Kleenex boxes really pretty?

    Very! When shopping, it might take three minutes to find the perfect one.

    6. Who said Humpty Dumpty was an egg?

    Excellent question. Perhaps a King's man. Rumors fly around you know.

    7. Am I asking too many questions?

    Nope. : D

    The eighth question is optional, and I choose not to delve into such a deep topic.


    1. Mermaids sound awesome, so does blue.
      Yeah, poking things into your skin to put permanent ink there sounds awful, but I do think that drawing on myself with sharpies is cool.
      I like the Kleenex boxes that look like sketches of flowers.
      Rumors fly around. Lol. It takes some pretty bad eyesight to mix up an egg and a dude.

    2. Oh yes! And a tetrahedron is a Platonic solid. A tetrahedron is a three sided pyramid and a platonic solid is a tetrahedron, octahedron, hexahedron, icosahedron, or a dodecahedron. And leonhard Euler (pronounced oiler) had something to do with it. I thought that those were wonderful words.

  3. Oh my gosh I just realized how long that was. My apoligies!


I love getting comments! <3 And sometimes I even remember to reply ;P