
Thursday, May 21, 2015


I was thinking about the colors of my room yesterday and thought that they needed to be shown to you. Andie helped me.

Blues and grays are so calming to me.

It wasn't really helping- mostly testing which of my blankets is the softest.

As I was fiddling with her hair, I noticed it smelled sort of like my cat... who has been dead for three years.
I realized it was from a sheet I had used as a background a couple weeks back that has sat around in the closet since before Otis died.
I do not like the smell of cat.
To fix this, Andie had her hair rinsed in the sink. But it still smelled and I did not want to use shampoo. So instead, I made cinnamon apple tea and soaked her hair in that. I don't know why I'm less afraid of tea than I am of shampoo, but there it is.
It turned out rather well, actually. The water made her hair soft and the cat smell has been replaced with cinnamon smell.
At first I was worried that this would fall into the "ideas that work well in theory but I should never try" pile, but I guess not. Another idea in that category is drilling holes in my doll's feet and filling them with sand so they're less top heavy. Do you think I should try that?

Yes, I am just posting pictures of my bedding. 
Oh hold on! here's some flower pics for you all. That's a relief.
Sweet peas


Well, that was fun. 
Do you have any outrageous ideas?
I would like outrageous ideas, whether it's doll care/improvement or just things I should post.
Yes, really. Anything is helpful. You could have my dolls riding cows on the moon, for all I care.

P.S. I need to update the meet My Dolls page, and I'm not sure what Rylan's personality is. Do you have any more outrageous ideas for me?


  1. Okay, all your photography is amazing!
    And I used to have a dog who died and I used to smell her in my old house too. Plus, before she died, she became slightly blind and would run into walls by accident and get blood on them. I saw those little spots and thought of her. I never washed them off though.
    Nothing comes to mind of crazy things I've done. But on my old bus my friend has. She has proved her theory that if all windows on the bus are down and you spit out of one, while the bus is moving, the spit comes back in through the next window. It happened to hit a 7th grader. She's also twisted a water bottle so much that the bottle cap popped off and went out the bus window sounding like a gun. She's crazy.

    1. Good! I'm glad it's back to standard.
      Old pets are sad. When Ripley died when I was really little I asked where he went, and the story always was that he hopped in to the pickup truck with papa (great grandpa) and they drove to heaven.
      The wind currents on busses are interesting things, aren't they? The spit thing sounds like something I would have found amusing, but only if I was watching it, not doing it. Upsetting the bus drivers is not my favorite activity.
      My friend Tyler did that yesterday during passing period. He just shot it into the feild in front of the portables, so no harm was done.

  2. You. Do. Not. Want. To. Know. My. Weirdness. (Maybe you do NOW but if I tell you, you will regret it greatly)
    Anyway, Rylan strikes me as an easygoing, sometimes sassy, nature loving chick.


      Somehow I think I can handle it. Is your life ambition to be the first person to poop on the moon?
      Ok. Thank you for putting that into words for me.

  3. Great pictures! Good idea for Andie's hair I may try that sometime due to the fact that Emily's hair smells like my dog (when I was at camp one summer he always slept on my bed that happened to have my doll on it when I was away).

    1. I suppose I forgot to tell you all to let it cool down first, Im not sure what the heat would do to it either.
      I wish you luck in your endeavor to fix Emily's hair!

  4. Loved this! I've always used shampoo on my dolls hair, and conditioner. It works well. I've never thought of using tea before, but it acutally sounds like a pretty good idea. When I got miss mackenzie her hair was so knotted that it could stay in a bun without elastics. No matter what I tried, nothing worked. Then one day I put her hair up in seven mini buns to curl it. When I took the buns out, voila! It was all smooth and nice.

    1. I was sort of worried about what product would do to the texture of her hair, but if you think it works fine, I'll try that some time.
      Mini buns and braids work pretty well, don't they?

  5. Your photogray is beyond words! I just uploaded a post and it would mean a lot if you would cheack the post and leave a comment! I would make my week!
    Eva(AmericanGirlUtopia) :)

  6. I love the dandelions picture, I have never thought of soaking the dolls hair in tea or drilling their feet but they are useful :) Don't think of them as outrageous ideas just think of them as clever solutions ;)

  7. I love your photography! Thanks for following me! You doll is so awesome! I love all of the pictures with her hair! This post makes me want to go and buy a doll like this. :) Also please help me out by entering in my story contest. It's a contest for my birthday and blog anniversary. For more information go to my blog. The most unique story wins a notebook or candy!

  8. OH MY GOD! You see if I try to just restring my dolls I freak out! So drilling, sand, and top heavy makes me want t wrap myself in bubble wrap and hide in the basement. You are super brave to even have that thought run through your mind. I really like the pic with her hair all splayed out behind on the bed.


    1. It freaks me out a little bit too, and I'm not sure I can go through with it.
      lol, bubble wrap and hiding in the basement... XD

    2. I happen to get freaked out by gutting dolls,taking off their heads,etc. Yesterday Kanani's head fell off during a photoshoot! It took forever to put back on! I guess I could hide in the basement, but not wrap myself in bubble wrap because we don't have any...XD


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