
Sunday, May 17, 2015

My oddness is showing again. (I seem to have an allergic reaction to awards that make me say strange things.)

Right, then. Emily tagged me with the books and reading book challenge thingamabob:

I'm really feeling the colors. Mmm hmm. Summertime.

For this one you answer all the questions which stay the same no matter who it gets passed to. Then you switch out the last question for one of your own. Got it? Got it.

Onto the questions (which I did not bother to format into a question)
To be read:
The Light Fantastic (next Discworld book that I can't find at the library oh well I guess I'll have to buy my own copy.) 
 Hawksmaid, which has been sitting in my windowsill for weeks
And cinder, I guess, 'cause Emily and watermelon seem to be really excited about that.
Also, I just found two books on the floor that we bought at teaching toys two weeks ago. Peter Nimble and Wings Of Fire

Book or series that you want to see as a movie?
This Amazon customer wrote a review:

In an alternate history, Europe is headed towards a Word War. The Germanic Clankers, with their advanced machinery, face off against the British Darwinists, with their crossbred animals. The Darwinists have a new weapon, the Leviathan, a flying whale ship. Deryn Sharp is new to the service and is on the Leviathan for her first assignment. But only males are allowed to be in the service, so she must hide her identity from everyone, and disguise herself as a boy.
Meanwhile, Prince Aleksandar Ferdinand is woken in the middle of the night and forced to flee his home. With only a small group of men, Aleksandar faces foes at every turn. When the Leviathan lands near Aleksandar, he meets young Deryn, and their fates intertwine.
In this latest young adult novel from Scott Westerfeld, he has created an alternate history in a steampunk version of World War I. It's a fantastic world of elaborate machines and bizarre, unnatural animals. In addition to the unique world and fascinating story, the characters are just as absorbing and are the driving force behind the story. Aleksandar is spoiled, but very bright and capable. And Deryn is brave, talented, and humble. The two are from different worlds and seems as if the reader is viewing to drastically different stories, until the two worlds collide.
There is no lack of suspense and action in this steampunk adventure. As a growing niche in the science fiction genre, this novel is sure to be popular amidst youth and adults alike. With events culminating in a climactic ending, there is room left open for a sequel, which I certainly am hoping for. It's a fun, fresh and decidedly unique tale. Don't miss this one.


Did I mention it's illustrated?
Ascending by Keith Thompson, Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

THE LEVIATHAN APPROACHES Illustration from Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld.
They're seriously riding around in a whale blimp and it's cool as heck, man!

Overhyped book:
Hunger games. It displeases me.
Hang on Taylor swift, I've got to be a hater for a minute.
•katniss is not a relate able character. She tries too hard to seem...hardened? "I'm not the forgiving type," she says. She analyzes situations with cold and impartial regard. The whole book's tone was "I'm only here because I want to survive. Beat it, will you?"

Gregor the Overlander was Collins's first series. It was about your average middle school guy who falls down a laundry grate after his sister and finds an underground world where bats and rats grow to enormous size and the humans are constantly at war with the rats. 
Gregor seems more human. He has the usual blunders, feelings, hopes and worries of a normal person.

Best book series I will ever read:
The leviathan trilogy
Harry Potter
The Bartemaeus trilogy

Really bad movie adaption:
Percy Jackson 
I'm not even sure if they had the same plot.

Book that made me cry:
The book thief

Books I'm reading right now:
The princess bride. Taxes were here even before stew. The story takes place before Europe but after Paris.
It's funny.
Under the egg: a story about a girl who finds a famous fainting in her attic. The author makes research sound fun and interesting! That was surprising.

Book/series I didn't like:
Hunger games for the reasons stated above.
The hardy boys. One time dad was reading a hardy boys book out loud to my brother and I, but we got bored so he went off into a tangent about blueberry pancakes and elephants.
The actual characters were very dim witted, and the word eager is used far too often.

Earthborn was about an alien girl who was born on earth who didn't want to return to her planet of origin. I wanted to see her home planet, so that was dissapointing.

Book I really need to read:
Ummmm... You tell me.

Favorite children's book:
Wizard and wart. We'll hocus in the front and pocus in the back and take naps in the middle.
And then there's ALL the if you give a mouse a cookie books- I had a mouse stuffy wearing overalls holding a cookie.

Image result for if you give a mouse a cookie
And the Pigeon books- DONT LET THE PIGEON DRIVE THE BUS!!!!
 Image result for don't let the pigeon drive the bus

My favorite books read in the past summer (not an actual question. I just felt like saying it):
The railway children
Tuesdays at the castle
Summer of the gypsy moths
Pippi long stocking

Extra question:
Best lazy summer read. One that makes you want to sit in a hammock and read all day.

Right. I nominate:
Watermelon at everything AG
Raspberry at Writings from a vinyl universe
Shannon at the realm of AG 

And now here's the strap staph stamp stalk step stirrup stoop still sting stolen study stodgy stinky studious stellar steeped stood still stupid stomped Stephen stewed stingray  step stomp STAHP YOU ARE TOO SWEET FOR YOUR OWN GOOD AWARD!

Awarded to me by Ellie.

I like hard pack ice cream because that is how tilamook mudslide happens

The last movie I saw was Napoleon dynamite. And after that, a play put on by the elementary school of Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

My favorite breakfast food is pancakes which my family eats for dinner more often than breakfast.

My favorite movie character:
Iron man, Loki, Legolas, Gandalf, hiro, dory, oh gee. There are so many that I can't think of!

I do not often wear jewelry. I abstain from glitter and unnecessary dangley things. 
Earrings: why do I want to poke holes in my flesh so I can dangle metal and glass from my skin? Nope nope nope
Bracelets= doll necklaces
Necklaces: OOH pretty! I shall put it away in a box and never look at it again.
Rings: what am I supposed to do with this? It's obviously not a ring of power.

For that matter:

Dresses: where are the pants? If I sit like a man people will see my undies.
Fancy shoes: how do I run in these?
Sweaters: ITCHY ITCHY ITCHY GET IT OFF! Where are the pockets?
Slacks: pockets? Hello pockets? Where are you? I need you!
Leggings: oh leggings- why must you always remind me of my thighs? And again: pockets?
Female tee shirts: why are you $50?
Female "cargo" pants: Ah! Hello pockets! Why do you not fit my iPhone? *agonized scream*
Female sweatshirts: oh floppy neck thing spawned in hades, why do you curse my existence with your floppy nonsense? Get off my neck! I wonder if there's a reason why cowl rhymes with foul...
Makeup: excuse me, why do you like painting all over your face? Did you know that paint goes on paper?
Swimsuits: stay away from me.

Ok. Now I nominate:
Kirsten and Sylvia at Journal of 2 Dolls
Charlotte ate Seven Little Daisies
Kaitlyn at American Girl place  
A doll's life
Emily who is now dancing in the moonlight instead of falling from stars.
Jana at the dolly district
Izzy at Forever Love Dolls
And whoever else wants it. Or if you don't want to do it because these take an insane amount of time to make, that is ok too.
Your questions (not referencing movies that were made before we were born this time! Aren't you proud of me?):
1. If you could be a magical creature, what would it be? Why?
2. What is a tetrahedron? Is it a Platonic solid? 
3. What color would you dye your hair? Does if correspond with the magical creature you would like to be?
4. If you got a tattoo, what would it be of? Why?
5. Aren't Kleenex boxes really pretty?
6. Who said Humpty Dumpty was an egg?
7. Am I asking too many questions?
The eighth optional question: Feel your nose... The outside of it, silly! Is is greasy? Does that bother you? In theory, could we use nose grease as hand lotion? Are you wondering about my state of mental health? Did you just say "eww gross. I would never transfer the natural and moisturizing oils of my face into my hand. Gwen what on earth is wrong with you?"? Would you consider doing that in a desperate situation?
Does Gwen just need to wash her face?

Alrighty now. Remember to keep on being weird on the outside and pretty on the inside and vise versa and upside down and backwards and a great writer and bad photographer and great photographer and bad writer, eat your vegetables (scratch that. Fruit is better.),  and keep your aura blue and balanced or whatever. Y'all have a nice day.


  1. Thanks for nominating me! I'll get it up at some point.


    1. Five months in the future, for all I care. Whatever floats your boat.

  2. I totally relate to you about jewelry, nail polish, makeup, itchy sweaters, and the like. :D I'm three-fourths of the way to twenty years old, and I've never worn makeup in my life. I will never get my ears pierced, EVER. And jewelry is a nuisance.

    LOL, I actually started trying to rub my nose oils onto my hands... what an wonderful idea! I wish I had more of it. (I'm only partially kidding.)

    Continue with the awesome posts. :D


    1. You can't have doo dads and eccentric clothing getting in your way when you're trying to do stuff.
      Ain't nobody got time for that.

      I WANT LESS OF IT, PLEASE! I don't need the extra zits, thanks.

      I try, I try.

  3. *dances around, throws confetti, and screams for joy b/c I sucked you into Discworld*
    The Light Fantastic is quite good. I personally enjoyed it even more than TCoM. I read it at Thanksgiving dinner a couple of years ago, curled up antisocially on the couch while my aunt yelled at me for a solid ten minutes to come "socialize", or float awkwardly among relatives who occasionally ask me what grade I'm in and otherwise totally ignore me. (This is the aunt who believes that All Girls Wear Makeup And Like Boys Or Else.)
    Leviathan sounds interesting. I have a couple of friends who have read it and say it's amazing. And it does sound like a great movie. And those illustrations are breathtaking, man.
    I wasn't a fan of Hunger Games either. Well, let me correct that: I wasn't a fan after I read it. It was one of the series where you love it when you're reading but after you're done look back like "why the fridge did I like that it's awful". I personally give Katniss some allowance on her detachment because I'd rather her be a detached strong heroine than a compassionate wimpy girl who hides behind Gale, but you're right, it was a little obnoxious. The thing I didn't like about HG was how depressing it was. It was like DEATH DEATH DEATH happiness oh wait just kidding DEATH DEATH DEATH TORTURE TORTURE TORTURE DEATH DEATH TORTURE. Like, I'm all for angst, but it has to be properly balanced. Even though I get it was kinda part of the point/plot, HG was not balanced.
    The Princess Bride sounds good as well. I must investigate it. And I believe it's right about taxes.
    I love your introduction to the second award :).
    I like pancakes when they are very underdone. They always seem to just crumble into little bits in your mouth if they are not. They must be like raw batter in the middle with a thin shell of cooked stuff on the outside to keep the raw stuff in. I like them rare.
    *does that thing where you're so excited you can't even speak* YOU HAVE JUST SUMMED UP ALL MY THOUGHTS ON JEWELRY YEEEEESH.
    Dress problems = bike shorts. I wear them under all my dresses. They are great help :).
    I HATE IT WHEN FEMALE CLOTHING DOESN'T COME WITH POCKETS. Like hello if anything we have more to carry. Like you want to tell a woman with two twin babies that she should have less room to carry her baby gear, phone, tissues, makeup, wallet, and mirror than a single dude with a phone and two bucks.
    I hate makeup, too. It literally feels like there's a bunch of artificial, gritty goo sitting on my face. And - wait a minute - THERE IS! :P
    I love your outro :) please keep that.
    I think I may have just written an in-depth narrative longer than the post itself.
    OH WELL!
    That is all for now. Unless I think of more, in which case I will be back. *flourishes black cape and leaps offstage*

    - Ellie

  4. Hmm. My sympathetic hatred of your aunt is rivaled only be that of the stupid airport security guards.
    It's auful hard to socialize when you are being lectured on how to socialize.
    The hunger games was one of those books you can't put down even though you don't like it.
    Please do. It is a tale of true love and high adventure. It's INCONCEIVABLE!
    Thing though thise thise these thou thong THANK YOU!
    I like them done enough for the outside to be crispy and the inside to be perfect cake texture- no gooey ness. I only cook them to your specifications when I know that I will be fishing them out of the freezer to put into the toaster next Tuesday.
    The prettiest villan you will ever meet. Loki's prettiness almost outweighs iron man's Snarkiness.
    Oh yes! Mom suggested that, but I forgot to look. Thanks for reminding me!
    (Purses are silly too. I can't belive I forgot to put that up there. Purses: you are no match for the power of pockets and their magical equal weight distribution and inability to be lost [because who looses their pants?])
    I will keep that. I like it too.
    *leaps offstage after you, brandishing six-fingered sword*
    *me: you seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you.
    You: you seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.*
    I'm very sorry I shouldn't be referencing The Princess Bride when you haven't even read it yet, but with the bit about the leaping and the black cape, I just had to take that and run with it.


    1. Oh and hank you for the nomination. :)

    2. Calm down.
      You got nominated for the reading thingie, so you answer all the questions in bold gray, except for the children's book one.

  6. Okay. This is funny.
    So Ellie nominated you, right? Well, she nominated you too but I just went ahead and nominated you again. Confusing, huh? LOL! Well, anyways, you nominated you for the award also (check out my blog to see that:)) And thanks SO much for the nomination on the award!!
    P.S. Isn't the pic for the STAHP "Ur Too Sweet For Ur Own Good" Award silly? LOLOL


I love getting comments! <3 And sometimes I even remember to reply ;P