
Sunday, May 10, 2015

The documentation of the less than epic quest to make a fairy garden is continued

We last left our brave heroes wondering how one was supposed to go about making a fairy garden. There were multiple ideas concerning the proper methods and styles of fairy garden, though none of them had any real facts behind them.

"I think we should make tiny houses out of sticks and make a lawn out of moss." Lilly said.
It remains a mystery to this day why she felt the need to look directly at the camera.

Rylan's idea included "dumping a ton of flowers in it."

Andie's idea was "Why am I wearing a skirt? I never wear skirts! I think I'll go inside and put some pants on."

 "Sit sown. you need to help decide. You're pretty in a skirt anyway."

"oh.                                               thanks!"
she sat down.

"Did you just give Andie a compliment and she took it? Color me impressed!"

"is that not something that usually happens?"
"never. she is vehemently against the idea of 'pretty'."
"it must be awful hard to me against the idea of pretty when you are the very embodiment of the word."

"You people need to shut up."

That minor conflict aside, It was decided that Rylan's idea was easiest, so the girls set about gathering flowers.
Ryaln herself got dandelions, which are growing ALL OVER THE PLACE. she barely had to walk two feet to get an armload.
At the front of the house she found the rhododendron bush and got one if it's brilliantly red flowers.

Lilly went around the side of the house and found some forget me nots.

I love them they're so delicate and tiny and blue. I love blue.
I'm sorry what's that? A sudden change in photo quality, you say? I blame the phone camera. Don't worry, it'll be back to normal after this.

They gave their flowers to Andie, who arranged them in a spiral pattern.

Lilly had disappeared after handing Andie the forget me nots, and now she was back with a burlap sack full of-

shiny stones and marbles!

mmm hmm yes. these were by far the girls' favorite part of making the whole thing. the blue one with the matte finish was the most prized of the lot.

They arranged the stones nicely, continuing the spiral pattern, but leaving room between the shiny marbles and the big rocks for fairies to dance. In a circle. I don't know what their deal is. I turned out all right, unlike this post, which I got tired of narrating.

^*`~-_-~`*Random extra pictures of joy*`~-_-~`*^

Man I like posting straight pictures so much more than trying to write a story.

Have a nice day, everyone!


  1. Wow! That spiral is beautiful! Your photography skills shine brightly Gwen. Oh... A sad song just came on the radio, let me cry. (It's God Bless The USA.) Do you even live in the US? Sorry if that was random but that song is sad. Anyway, I agree it is much easier just to post pictures.

    1. Thank you. Good thing I'm not to the point of blinding anyone yet. XD
      I can't say I have heard that song, but I do live in the US.
      My favorite sad song is Future Days by Pearl Jam.
      Yup. I like not narrating things.

    2. Ha ha ha. Nope, you haven't blinded me, but your getting close. Ahh my eyes! ;) Just kidding. (Not about you having good photography, just about me screaming about my eyes.)

  2. I love the circle of flowers!

  3. The flowers and stones are so perfect for a fairy garden! I love the first random picture of joy ;)

    1. I wasn't really sure what I should do, and dumping flowers on it was the easiest.

  4. Ooo pretty. Pictures of joy are the best! :) I love the spiral. Spiraly spirals are awesome.


  5. The pictures are gorgeous, I love the fairy garden!

    I love all the little flowers and everything they all look amazing!! ^___^

  7. Their fairy garden looks very pretty :) I love the first two bonus pictures. I believe Rylan is near to becoming my favorite of your dolls :).

    - Ellie

    1. Shhhhhh she's my favorite too. ; )

    2. Also I nominated you for an award.

      - Ellie

  8. Hooray for fairy gardens! They delight and enchant me. I would love a human-sized one to run to when math homework overwhelms me. ;)



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