
Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's 80 degrees and I have gone insane

It's May. In Washington. And it's 80 degrees outside. What is wrong with that? Washington seasons go: wet (late September- early June), and damp (July-early September) It should not be this hot nor the plants this droopy in May. 
I don't like being hot. Heat makes me angry. (For that matter, I don't like bright sunshine either- it makes taking decent pictures difficult.) Rylan is the same way. She doesn't like the heat, but even less than that she likes her grouchy housemates lazing around inside like steamy sweaty slugs with a cantankerous streak.
(that was her terminology. Rylan is BFFs with the dictionary, and cantankerous is her new favorite word.)

Anyway, she went outside with me and we found this pretty cool root sticking up out of the ground, which she decided to take a nap on. I got an ok picture of it, but it's not on here. Now i'm wishing I had it,but it's on the computer at home, not the chromebook. 
It's kind of frustrating, because the chromebook is what I use most often, but I always hook up the camera to our very old, slow mac. So now I want to look up Google Drive and see if that is the answer to all my problems. (Speaking of looking things up, the telescope I mentioned a couple of posts ago is not happening. Dad and I discovered that it isn't nearly as cool or impressive as it sounds.)

Aren't cedar trees cool? The bark grows in long, cris- crossing strips. The needles aren't even really needles- they're folded over leaves! She want to be a forest ecologist or somethng.

I don't know what it is. I'm really not feeling these photos. Do they seem like all the same color to you?Perhaps I should be using a brighter background.
I was also wondering if it would be cool to do an eye swap and make Rylan's eyes blue. Is that even biologically possible? Does that matter?
Doll customization is something I want very badly to try, but I'm not sure what I want, besides for her (whoever "she" is) to be really unique. 

Thank you for listening to me babble to myself!


  1. Rylan is adorable! Its rather hot here too, which is weird because it was forty degrees two weeks ago.

  2. I like these pictures. I think they're quite clear and focused, and Rylan's personality comes through a lot. :)
    So are you not going to volunteer there, or just not use the telescope?
    OH MY GOSH I HATE HEAT TOO. I hate it with all my heart. It makes me feel slow and sluggish and get a headache. I also can't think straight. Bleh :P.

    - Ellie

    1. Still going to volunteer, just not buy a telescope for myself.
      Excellent! I was a tad worried that they were grainy and bland. >_<
      Heat turns me into a zombie. I'd much rather freeze to death.

  3. Ooo I love the pictures! :) I think the background nicely compliments Rylan's bright outfit. I have discovered that light blue eyes or the light hazel eyes (like Lanie's, not like Isabelle's) look very good on dolls of color. ^-^ In order to fix my Lanie, I have to remove her eyes and wig. :/ I'm nervous. I'm actually looking forward to heat even though I hate it because the freaking rain is ruining my pictures. I seriously think I've gotten sick because of too many cloudy days in a row. Not even kidding.

    1. Clouds can be depressing, and being depressed can make you sick, so maybe that makes sense.
      I wish you good luck in your doll fixing endeavors! If it goes well, you should make how to posts!

  4. I live where it's always hot in May to Octoberish.
    But the worst part is when I'm at
    a) school and
    b) my LOOOONG bus ride.
    Mainly because on person who's at the top of the city sets our school's AC to a certain temperature. He/She doesn't realize hat it breaks all the time and its like 89 degrees inside, about a degree cooler than it is outside. I promise there's mo AC in the gym.

    1. That sounds awful! I would hate to live there, especaily with broken ac. (No one has ac here anyway, 'cause it's not usually this hot. I think I would want it desperately wherever you are.)

  5. I think blue eyes would be amazing!! It would definitely be a unique feature, now I want to get a #58 and swap her eyes too....

    1. It would be so cool. Extremely unique or even otherworldly. And if you did the same, they would be intergalactic twins!

      Im not sure if intergalactic is the right word. I just imagine them reaching across the span of time and space and internet with supernatural twin power.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi!
    I nominated you for the Great Photographer award on my blog!


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