
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

In the garden with Kaya

Hey everyone! I took Kaya out for a photoshoot today. I think I'm finally out of my funk; I finished my homework, did a photoshoot, cleaned my room a tiny bit, and even made dinner! It's amazing the things that you can do when you aren't hiding in bed hating people (don't worry- there's still plenty of that) and scrolling through Pinterest so satisfy your out of whack sense of humor. Shall we get on to the pictures?

Kaya is such a pretty girl. Dosen't she have the cutest nose?

I wanted so badly to play with her hair, so I did this hairstyle. It was going to turn out elven, but elaborate hairstyles are not my forte. So I just made 3 tiny braids and sort of... intertwined them with the rest of the ponytail. And then I was hating all my hairties, so the end wound up getting wrapped in embroidery thread.

There's still quite a bit of hair at the bottom and its so silky soft. I'm petting it as I write this.

The thing I don't like about using a reflector is that it always makes shiny silver spots in their eyes. Do any of you fabulous photographers have tips for me?

It seems that a bumblebee interrupted us.

Sweet ride.

The roses are just starting to bloom in my garden!

P.S. What if my dolls had supernatural powers?


  1. Ohh love the pictures. Kaya is such a pretty pretty dolly. If your dolls had supernatural powers, that would be freaking AWESOME. I also really like Kaya's 'do! I wish my dolls had powers. I would make them make me fly. I wanna be like a bird. I wanna fly.

    1. Once you learn how to fly, would you teach me? I want to fly too!!

    2. I'll try! XD

  2. Awesome pictures <3 Kaya is cute as a button, and I love her hairstyle! :) I think you're very good at elaborate hairstyles, indeed.

    - Ellie

  3. Oh gosh her hair is just too amazing. Why must I constantly be adding dolls to my wish list...

    Great pics! It's fun Kaya gets to stay for a while. She'll have an awesome time!


    1. Because all dolls are awesome! I really want a #61 with brown eyes.
      I think she will. ; )

  4. She's so cute! I love her nose too. ;) Your photography is wonderful Gwen! If your dolls had supernatural powers you would most likely be running away from them, screaming and swatting them with whatever you have on hand.

    P.S: Thanks for entering my contest! ;) I saw it on your side bar.

  5. Oh my gosh wow her hair is so pretty you did an amazing AND THE PICTURES ARE ALL ADORABLE AW I LOVE THE LAST FEW WITH THE WAGON.
    And about the AG community thing, I agree. I've never seen such a sweet, supportive group of girls with so much talent with so many tips to share, it makes me so happy. One can only imagine what it would be like if the whole world was like that.

    (p.s. The dolls with supernatural powers would be amazing wow the possibilities someone should write a story based off this)

    1. Yay! Usually I'm too lazy to do anything but a ponytail, but putting tiny braids all over seems to be a great way to pretend to be elaborate. Fake it 'till you make it, I guess.
      The wagon made a nice big splotch of vibrant color, huh?
      Everyone on here is a perfect unicorn and I want to pet them all. XD I don't know... The AG community is just so awesome.


  6. :D:D:D
    Kaya is so pretty! I love her hair style! My sister's Kaya has the frizzyest hair and she won't let me do anything about it. So she just keeps it in two braids. I love that second to last photo. Those roses are so pretty.

    1. I hate it when doll hair gets frizzy. That's why Lilly's hair kind of bothers me.
      I can't wait until the while garden blooms! This bush was a different kind and it bloomed earlier.

  7. These photos of Kaya's are gorgeous, and her hair is to die for! Considering I actually aim for the silver circles in my dolls eyes when using a reflector, I'm afraid I wontnbe of any use in that category. Ooo, dolls with supernatural powers...I like the sound of that. ;) and I agree with everything you said about the AG community. :)


    1. I don't like them because in real life things don't tend to shine up from the ground. Maybe I should use something other than aluminum foil as a reflector. My idea right now is to find some metalic gold spray paint. I'm hoping that the spray paint will give the cardboard or whatever a matte finish and the golden color will make the pictures look warmer.
      I need to add that to my list of projects.

      I think Andie would have power over the earth and levitate rocks and such.... I don't know. It's something to think about.

  8. I love all the pictures! Kaya is so cute!

  9. Amazing Gwen! Kaya is so gorgeous, really :) I love the hairstyle you did on her, and as always, your pictures took my breath away :)

    1. Thank you! isn't she though? The hairstyle was fun. I spent far too long looking for hairstyles on pinterest before saying "oh whatever. Let's just do mini braids.
      I love it when they do that! would you like your breath back?

  10. Oh my gosh!!! These pictures of Kaya are absolutely beautiful! I love her hairstyle and the embroidery floss as a hair tie is truly genius, it looks perfect on Kaya.

    1. XD It was a tad bit difficult to tie on, and now I don't want to take it off!
      Kaya likes it too, I think. Only she says the middle braid is pulled too tight, so maybe I will take it out tonight.

  11. These photos of Kaya are gorgeous! And I love her hair.
    I also really agree on what you said about the AG community.
    - Zoë


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