
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Awards spread faster than winter colds in elemtary school

Watermelon nominated me for the:
Hand in hand Blogger award

How many dolls do you have?
3. Rylan, Lilly, and Andie. Plus Kaya is boarding with us until I see Barrett again.

What do you want to do on your blog in the future?
Take stunning photos like Shannon and Maddie and dolly dorm diaries and....

What do you have planned for this summer?
We were going to go to Canada, but we forgot to get passports.
The only thing I know for sure is that I will be a Star Guide and engage in astronomical awesomeness.

What are your favorite songs?
This changes week to week. Right now its:
I wish I was the moon (Neko case)
Snow (red got chilli peppers)
Stairway to heaven (cover by Rodrigo y Gabriela, original by Led Zepplin)
Orion (cover by Rodrigo y Gabriela, original by Metallica)
Minority (green day)
Into the west (LOTR soundtrack)
May it be (Lotr soundtrack)
Sorrow (bad religion)
Future days (pearl jam)
Unthought known (pearl jam)
On the radio (Regina Spektor)
Fidelity (Regina Spektor)
Wonderwall (oasis)
Come away with me (Norah jones)
Missy (airborne toxic event)
The trees (rush)
And. So. Many. More.

If a new AG doll came in the mail right now, what would you name her?
She would be #61 and I would name her anzley, or Sarah Wednesday, or Jordan, or Logan, or fern.

And Tenley from The Sunshine Dollies nominated me for:
Great photographer award

Make sure you have:

  • enough light (don't shoot inside or at night. Outside and by a window are your best bet)
  • no harsh shadows (shoot on a cloudy day or in the shade, or use a reflector {aluminum foil over cardboard! cheapskate greatness!} pointing up at your doll's face to reduce raccoon eye.
  • your dolls in focus (grainy, blurry dolls suck)

Another tip: Gwen should use her own tips

What is your favorite book?
Leviathan (Scott Westerfeild)
Rooftoppers (Katherine Rundell)
The Color Of Magic (Terry Pratchett)

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Tillamook Mudslide.

What profession would you like to peruse when you're over?
Anything sciency. I liked earth science and life science (because "geology" and "biology" seem to be too advanced for middle schoolers. huh.)
And I like space and stars (us smart people like to call that astronomy, don't you know) which is why I'm doing that star guide thing this summer.

Does your handwriting look better in pencil or marker?
Depends on how tired I am.

What does the fox say?
"why do we have a song about me making human nonsense noises? Will you all please be quiet?"

Swimming or sledding?
Swimming. It requires less walking uphill and you just get to lay on your back and float. And you get to pretend you're a mermaid.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
This actually a philosophical question.
Let me refer to my 3rd grade sound unit in science. Sound is just molecules bumping onto eachother, which go all the way to bump into your eardrum, and then your ear does this complicated ear thing.
The answer to this question depends entirely on if you call sound just molecules bumping into eachother, or molecules bumping into your ear...
I say that no, it doesn't, because there are no ears for the air molecules to bump into, and hearing and sound is something unique to animals (who aren't around to hear it).
But this only works in theory, because there is no way that you will get all animals out of earshot of the tree.

Why did you start your blog?
It's time for a history lesson!
I first discovered doll blogs when I looked up american girl crafts (the website you see on the side of AG craft boxes that doesn't seem to exist) and I found American Girl Fan. I read that for a while until the "shout out your doll site" thing came up. Then I read everything. I read a lot of your blogs before getting my own and saw many great bloggers. (does anyone miss the spicys?) I had seen how awesome everyone was and I wanted desperately to be a part of it. After discovering the doll blogoverse I took pictures of all my doll activities in hopes that I would someday have a blog. In November of 2014, I finally got my own! It's so much fun and I love you all!

There are no nominations because I am a lazy butt.
I got this awesome t shirt last week.

 I have some good news! My birthday is in 1 week, and school gets out in 13 days! (school days, that is. Im not counting weekends. Also, I have a photostory that should be up soonish, and an OG review after that.

Good Later!


  1. congrats on the awards! haha, my brother would love your shirt. ;)


  2. The tittle of this is just perfect. I love your shirt!

  3. Cool! I guess a lot of people like you! Including me!;)


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