
Friday, June 10, 2016

Death Frisbee! + art

Things that have happened recently

- Have I told you about my hive mind? Because I'm part if a hive mind in computer science. Our mission is to get our work done and bother Mr. Collins as much as possible while doing it. This works well, because we are the kind of people who are high functioning weirdos with straight A's.

- Brianna and I have similar ideas about hair and brilliant forms of media. I got her to listen to Welcome To Night Vale, and I am attempting to watch some musicals so I can get her references.

- We did MAP testing, which the school pretends is very important, but I get the feeling that it's not important because they just crammed us in the auditorium with chrome books. There was just you, your computer, your burning eyes, and no surface to write on. I am displeased.

- My cousin brought his friends to my woods. I became their leader and made them eat play dough. But I had to eat it myself first, so this was not the best of plans. But they STILL ATE IT, even after the faces I made!

- At a social event, my dad said "if you talk to thus guy the whole time, I'll give you a million dollars." And I told him "I don't think you have a million dollars to give me." He said "i don't think it matters."
- Burned. By my own father.

- I intend to read Petty Conversations for the Weak Minded on Literary Arts Night


- I've started watching Steven Universe. It is very calming to snuggle up in a blanket and watch fun little kid's shows. The background art is also very pretty and inspiring, and it's fun to see the different styles between the shows. (Steven Universe and Adventure Time)

- I also want to start watching Over The Garden Wall, because the fan art I see for it is always gorgeous...WHOOP I WAS ON TUMBLR AND FOUND A GIFSET AND THE BACKGROUND ART IS JUST AS COOL AS SU & AT. OFF I GO INTO CARTOON LAND

- This morning I ate breakfast on the deck in the sunshine, and am typing this in my room with an open window. everything is pretty and ideal. I must try to hold onto this feeling.

- I love asparagus. Just so you know.

- Whoops! I forgot to post this and now MORE things have happened!

- My birthday happened, and I got a chocolate cake with mocha frosting.

- I also got a fancy pen for drawing on the iPad, and I drew these things, which turned out presentable  enough for a first try
Look! It is a picture of my best friend Ellie, talking about people misusing semicolons/ why indigo shouldn't be in the rainbow.
I don't know how to do backgrounds - but LUCKY YOU GUYS get to WATCH MY PROGRESS!

- Donald and i went to an art museum and several bookstores before he left for Alaska, which was enjoyable, considering how bad i am at having friends. We made a lot of jokes and spotted cool architecture, and discovered mysterious new orbs in the already mysterious wave of concrete blocks at the museum.

-These geese crossed the street

- These 2 gifs were next to each other in my saved images, and I can't remember if that was intentional or remarkable coincidence.

-Another thing I can't remember: I wrote "death frisbee" in my closet and I remember writing it there thinking "it's gonna be really funny when I find this again and can't remember why I wrote it." Well, the time has come when I forgot why I wrote it, but it's not funny. Just frustrating. I suspect it was about boomerangs, though.

- I made my brother a flower crown for his birthday and he looks excellent in it.

- I made a different flower crown and gave it to Donald, who has been wearing it around school.

(expect more dolls and art in the near future)

It's been a while! I plan to be more active now, so let's catch up- what have you been doing?


  1. Have fun at the Nightvale live show! I went to one earlier this year, and it was wonderful. Everyone there is very friendly, and the show is hilarious.
    ps: nice flower crown <3
    Bridgette| A Bit of This and That

  2. Your dad is my new favorite person this is official.
    And asparagus is gross, just saying.
    I love the rose photo!! It's so pretty. My mom pulled out our rosebushes a few years ago so now we don't have any pretty roses to look at anymore. :/

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

  3. Steven Universe is seriously one of the best shows ever (and MAP testing is horrible)


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