
Monday, May 9, 2016

We're destroying things, as it turns out.

"All right girls, listen up! I have out first mission. We've been hired by a person named Mr. P to take down Portable 9, a storage facility for unusual artifacts. We're supposed to set off an electromagnetic pulse, which will permanently disable all of the computers and robot guards in the building, as well as everything else electronic in a ten mile radius. We won't bring our phones."

Andie slouched in her seat a little bit. "Robots aren't very easy to stab. Are we sure this is going to be fun?"
Lilly rolled her eyes. "Stabbing people is nowhere near as fun as you might think," She said. "Just think about it."
Andie thought about it. And then made a face. She decided not to think about it anymore, and instead asked Rylan, "What's the rest of the plan?"

Rylan scribbled on the whiteboard, pointing out where they would pick up the EMP, the weakest points of entry in Portable 9, alternate escape plans, and where they would rendezvous with Mr.P

[Camera sweeps out over grass plain. Characters stride purposefully to an unknown destination. Intense rock music plays.]

[Rock music fades to lighthearted banjo as it is realized that walking isn't anywhere near as intense as driving a car too fast while off to go do something illegal.]

Our heroes (or villains, depending on who you are) reached the EMP pickup spot in a comfortable count of time, with the next-preferred method of light jogging and fast walking, as the first-preferred method of transport- the telekinetically powered Radio Flyer wagon from last May- was nowhere to be found.

Exactly as promised by Mr. P, the item was prepared and ready for pickup, laying inconspicuously among bricks and rubble from a long-demolished play fortress from the big people.

Just as Andie scooped it up and put it in her backpack, Rylan began to realize that two girls in bright clothes, plus one in a cartoonish yellow sombrero would attract some attention. Here they were out in the open, a grass field on their right and thick bushes on their left, standing in a tight bunch, fiddling with backpacks and foreign objects. She frowned at her own bad planning, and that no one else had noticed it was bad planning.
Rylan looked over her shoulder.

1 comment:

I love getting comments! <3 And sometimes I even remember to reply ;P