
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Recent attempts at art

We already know that i'm not a fantastic artist, but the important thing is that I try. Im having those feelings similar to those in my watching post from a little bit ago, and would rather not show you because I feel like it's not good enough. But if I keep everything to myself, I get too deep into my little cave over here and start to become a sad little hermit. Have I already told you the story about hermit swag? 

I had gotten some Tombow blendable markers for Christmas, and this is the result. I do not find them to be as blendable as I would like. The fox is similar to the one on my favorite stationary.

And here we have a Night Vale angel (all angel's names are Erika, and they legally don't exist, so I'm soing you a great favor here and putting myself at risk just for mentioning these heavenly beings.) Done in acrylic, which is frustratingly shiny.

I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO USE A SEWING MACHINE! I sewed this for Rylan, and then I lost it somewhere in my room.
Now we are getting into non- art things:

A small part of my rock collection arranged by size

And color!
I love pretty rocks and I (sometimes) like organizing things, so sorting rocks is very relaxing for me.
We should give people cool rocks as tokens of affection, instead of roses. Rocks will last a lot longer. I would love to sift through my rock collection and find a special rock unique for each and every one of you. For extra special people, I would draw pretty designs on the rock. While we're at it, I suggest to you that you should find a way to go on a walk outside with your friend(s) and find cool rocks for them. And tell them how much you love them, because friends are hard to make and hard to keep. (Or maybe for you they aren't. There's lots of levels of social skill, on here, i expect. And if we were to graph it, i'd be somewhere between the middle and the bottom.)

We aren't even talking about art anymore. My dog is just really pretty. Her name is Heidi.

And here's my sleepy squishy Indigo.

Have a lovely night, everyone! But also time isn't real, seeing as we just changed it to fit our needs and it caused me to loose an hour of sleep and everyone is experiencing a different increment of time at the moment so it's rather inaccurate for me to name a specific one and tell you how you should have it. 
Instead of silly time things, I will tell you this: have a nice life. Make it fantastic if you can, but if you can't nice is also acceptable. If you're having trouble with nice, that's ok. All that matters is that you're trying and don't intend to stop. Done is better than perfect, I suppose.
I intend to speak to you again soon. And in that amount of "time" in between this post and the next, I will try to do something fantastic or nice or get something done, perhaps so I can show you, and I implore you to do something fantastic or nice or get something done as well. 


  1. dude you're a wayyyy better artist than me. period.

    i love the idea of a rock instead of a rose. i collect flowers and press them, usually dandelions because they're everywhere.

    your dog is so cute.

    time. ive thought of it quite a lot and i think of it as a useless measure humans gave.

    i'm off to do something fantastical.


    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality


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