
Thursday, March 10, 2016


The most relateable thing Donald has ever said was "If this place weren't so heteronormative, I wouldn't be having this problem!" 

It appears I have been neglecting my duties as a blogger again. It's ok though, because this time I have something to show for it. Three images is sufficient.

Things that have happened lately:
I joined track
I ran long distance for about 4 days
I quit track
(As I have never ran more that a mile and a half in my life, it is understandable that running at least 4 miles in track was a bit much for me. Also I didn't do any conditioning beforehand, because I only joined track to get people to stop saying "You should join track!". If you think that I am a lame for quitting just because something new and hard, that is ok, because I think that too. But I am also happier now that I quit, because I was exhausted and didn't have time for homework.)

In computer science the people in my table group and I have formed a hive mind. We are goofy nerds and still manage to get things done. Sometimes we say things in unison just to be freaky. It's all part of the hive mindedness.

Updates on everyone's favorite geek: Donald The Local Fanboy!
Recently Donald came out (as bi, I believe) to his adoptive parents, who are homophobic little poop heads. They are displeased with him, and intend to send him to Alaska in the summer to be with his biological mom. He is very happy about this because his biological mom (who he had spoken to on the phone) loves him and supports him 100%. He came to school SO EXCITED and told all of his friends about this development. "I just love how much that backfired on them!" he said. So his punishment for being who he is, is to go be with people who love him for who he is. We were all very happy with him, but also sympathetically miffed about his adoptive parents, because why go through the trouble of adopting someone you weren't prepared to love no matter what?

Have a nice Friday, drink something warm and gaze out the window, or whatever makes you happiest.


  1. 1.) these pictures are gorgeous holy crap.
    2.) the whole track thing sounds like me "getting fit". i ate healthy for a good two days and then caved. oops?
    3.) the donald story made me smile, i'm glad things worked out so nicely (in a sense) for him!

  2. Very artistic title 10/10 watermelons very nice.
    Your hive sounds awesome.

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality


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