
Monday, January 4, 2016

how many employees have fallen to the corn syrups's sticky regime?

 I illegally acquired a sprig of rosemary from the bush next to me, and made plans to speak to the ghosts in the study. (More on that later.) from there we walked to a fancy grocery store that does not like corn syrup. I think there might be epic battles being waged under the streets between the employees of the grocery store and corn syrup. how many employees have fallen to the corn syrups's sticky regime?
I feel like it is important to mention that I had string lights tied around my hat for the whole walk.

At the beginning of break, I thought "I'm going to post so much!!!"
And I tried. I had a photostory all put together. It was Christmas themed and everything! And maybe funny? There was a picture like this in it:
"i'm so rich that I use fancy pants as a scarf!" Lilly was acting as Ebeneezer Scrooge.


After that, I forgot about blogging entirely. I drew a bit, making a comic of Ellie's writing camp challenge 3. Those looked like this:

And then I colored it, but used all the wrong shades, so just gave up. Anyhow, the main character is that one girl I drew last time, just put into Ellie's story.

While drawing, I listened to Hesitant Alien. It made glitter shoot out my ears. My favorite song of all of them is Brother.

Time flows weirdly on break. I remember almost nothing. There was a lot of laying around my room, watching Supernatural, and ??stressing????about???nothing?that??should???be??stressed??over??????
For Christmas I got Welcome To Night Vale socks

And a glow-in-the-dark A L L  H A I L  T H E  G L O W  C L O U D tee shirt.

Other material goods included:
A plant, named Franklin
'e's a cutie wootie

• A shirt that says "I see your snark and will raise you some sass" which I might wear if I was at all confident in my sassing. But talking to people is so hit-and-miss with me. I hate it with all my soul. So wearing the tee shirt and not being able to sass cause I can hardly get words out anyway would just me silly and inaccurate. I hate inaccuracies with everything that isn't already part of my soul.
Which is part of the reason why I loathe all of my past selves. That information is no longer relevant or accurate, and I cannot stand to have that represent me.
• a shirt with a Van Gough painting of the TARDIS exploding. That's probably in an episode I haven't gotten to yet. I'm on season 5 right now.
• a mug that looks like it's screaming. You can put cookies in the mouth.

During a family Christmas gathering, I succeeded in spilling an ENTIRE pitcher of water and an ENTIRE plate of cookies. I've got skills.
After that, I went down to the basement where Barrett and I danced to The Beatles in the dark.

WOAH GUYS. For a minute there I pondered: "what if I quit blogging and left? I haven't been posting much lately... How would it affect me?" And then I thought "Nah. I just need to get back into my groove. I hate it when people leave. I'm not going to be one of those people."
[and just to be clear, if I ever were to leave, I wouldn't do one of those melodramatic Goodbye posts. I'd zoom out of here in a stolen car making rude gestures at you all.]

I need to tell you about New Years, because it was lovely. We drove up to the Seattle Cousin's house on New Year's Eve and had DELICIOUS CHILI for dinner. Chili is my favorite food, if you didn't know. Barrett and I made a party for our dolls in her room. All together we have 7 dolls. Andie, Lilly, and Rylan for me, and Saige, Kaya, Maddie, and McKenna for Barrett. Here are some pictures of that.
that was the only decent one i got, sorry.
When the clock struck 12 and 2016 began and when everyone was dancing and shouting, it is said that Rylan pulled Andie close and gave her a quick kiss before running away giggling. Unfortunately for the people who ship Rylie, there is no photographic evidence of this, so we have to go on a sugar-high Maddie's word.
but seriously, 7 is a lot of dolls.
We (dad and Barrett and me) walked around a lake a bit, and then got coffee.

In a walk through the alleys later that night (with all of us- my and barrett's immediate family), we saw a house with tons of Christmas lights coordinated to music. It was mostly Journey. While standing around at the bright flashy house, I illegally acquired a sprig of rosemary from the bush next to me, and made plans to speak to the ghosts in the study. (More on that later.) from there we walked to a fancy grocery store that does not like corn syrup. I think there might be epic battles being waged under the streets between the employees of the grocery store and corn syrup. how many employees have fallen to the corn syrups's sticky regime?
I feel like it is important to mention that I had string lights tied around my hat for the whole walk.

I got tired way earlier than I thought I would. I slept in the study, which probably has the most ghosts in the whole house. It has a doorway to the attic and a picture of a distressed unicorn.
Ghosts dig distressed unicorns. Or at least, if I was a ghost, I would totally love to have a distressed unicorn painting or an actual unicorn. (if you can't tell that he's distressed cause it looks like he's smiling, I have to tell you his chill is fake. look at his face. Look closely. doesn't it look like he's going "well shit." also, I will have to direct your eyes to the small stab wounds.)
In said study is a huge bookshelf that goes over the whole wall, over the door, and has a desk built in. It's pretty AWESOME. Up on the top shelf there's a collection of puppets. Cole and Barrett got those down and sat on me and on the fold out bed next to me to tell ridiculous stories. I don't remember how they went. I was too sleepy and burrowed into my warm sleeping bag to pay attention.
On the very first day of 2016, we went to a fancy, organic breakfast place (that probably hates corn syrup just as much as that grocery store did) I had pancakes. There was no peanut butter that I could find, so I tried something new, which was raspberries with a bit of whipped cream atop my pancakes.
IT WAS EXCELLENT. And here is a new years thought for you all. If being concerned about your looks prevents you from eating delicious pancakes, you're doing it wrong.
With our tummies filled up with a huge breakfast, we went for a walk, which included visiting a Japanese dollar store. here is the loot from that:
A pencil pouch that is a little less distressed than the unicorn, some small envelopes with a cute mountain, and doll sized dishes.

later in the afternoon, we saw the new Star Wars movie, which was excellent.
Here are some frivolous things I can tell you, if you haven't seen it yet.
  • Kylo Ren is a dramatic little poop head
  • Rey has this stuff handled
  • Finn is like an excitable puppy
  • it is full of parallels to the other star wars films

And speaking of stars, the moon was causing cool things to happen the day after Christmas. I am quite fond of this. I hope it isn't too fuzzy for you.


  1. Hehehe sounds like you had a fabulous holidays :) I love your nature pics Gwen!! They are flipping awesome!! Omg my big bro and I saw the new star wars movie and it was so so so so awesome!!!! I literally couldn't stop smiling the whole evening! >.< BB-8 is life O_o

    1. I am awful proud of the one with the shilouetted trees and the stars.
      Rey is my favorite character. I like when she's piloting the millennium falcon through jaku(or however you spell that) and finn's shooting down the guys from the first order.

  2. At least I'm not the only one who doesn't remember anything that happened over break. XD
    My friend got me into Sar wars and I definitely agree with you on all those points.


    Brother is really good.
    AGH THOSE SOCKS LOOK AMAZING. And that shirt sounds amazing too.
    Awww Franklin! I had a rosemary plant named Enjolras. But then my mom took him to use him as seasoning in our food. *ANGRY FACE*
    Christmas lights on your hat is most festively acceptable. What sort of hat was it? Because I am thinking that may be hard with a beanie - but you don't strike me as a beanie sort of person. Was it a fedora?
    (that is quite a good ship name btw good job on that.)

    (who blogs at ayyyy the self-promo)

    1. Give me 3 examples of my sass in 12pt times new roman font, and then I'll believe you. (Cause I can't remember any right now)
      No,no,no. I'm not that cool. It was a big, fluffy ear flap hat with pom-pom on top and purple, green, and gray stripes.

      Both of them refuse to say anything. But Andie tries not to smile.

      Is the self promo thing automatic? Cause if you have to type in your url every time, this seems pretty foolish.

    2. That is still a very cool hat. V. practical, warm, good for winters.
      No, I just copy my url and then paste it beneath my name.

      - Ellie

  4. THE SCROOGE OUTFIT THING IS AMAZING! Your comic is really cool as a person with the patients of a goldfish I could never do that although I would love to. The New Years celebration sounds very cool and Rylie is an excellent ship name. The new Star Wars movie is great when I saw it there was this guy in the theater yelling at the movie and being incredibly snarky and sarcastic about it and it was incredibly funny.

    1. It took me a long time because I have the patience of a goldfish too and I spent most of my time not drawing. You could do that. You should do that. I dare you.
      Tut tut tut. He shouldn't be yelling in theatres. But dad and I do like making fun of movies we find silly. We do that mostly at home.

  5. I actually just followed you yesterday. I thought I was following you, but I guess not. I just checked your blog and saw a whole bunch of posts I'd never read, and realized why they didn't show up in my feed. Sorry 'bout that. Anyway, I'm officially a blueberrywitht-recarmsian now. You need to think of a cool name for your followers other than that mess of letters I just created.


I love getting comments! <3 And sometimes I even remember to reply ;P