
Saturday, December 19, 2015

No one in the doll house was meant to be a newscaster.

Good morning, doll world. We have some very exciting news for you today. Of course, it's exciting every day! We aren't dead! We ate cereal! Oxygen and water continue to be the two most mandatory things for survival! Today's excitement includes: 
  • Yule is coming up on Monday and Christmas is coming up on Friday
  • Andie laughs and blushes whenever Rylan says something funny, which is one more reaction than what happens when Rylan usually says something funny, and two more reactions than the normal response to other stimuli like small talk and kleenex boxes and macaroni.
  • The light in the picture is fabulous.
  • I'm pretty sure Gwen is going to see the new Star Wars some time soon.

But our top story today is that someone actually went outside! School makes us sad, so nobody felt like doing anything last week. We were too busy being stressed about nothing and procrastinating on homework. I bring you live to Rylan.

Good morning, doll world, I'm coming to you live from outside of Gwen's house, where no one has been in weeks! I must say, it is pretty great out here. There are... green things, ... and brown things, ... and lots of cold air. Let's interview this green thing here for it's opinion on it's existence.
Green thing, what can you tell me about your life as a green thing?
Green thing:
How about the cold air out here, do you like that?
Green thing:
Green thing:
Green thing: *intense silence*
Know what? never mind. I'll just go over here now. In the brown thing department, we have lots of rotting leaves, and some branches knocked down in a wind storm. Maybe i'll just sit out here and enjoy the green and the brown and the cold and the silence. I'm done reporting. Have Andie do the weather or something.

And now, the weather.
Ummmm. I'm Andie the Meteorologist. We aren't actually sure what the weather is here, because the weather behind me is for north carolina. I'm pretty sure we're not in north carolina. um.
I don't know- it doesn't feel very carolinaish. Just give the weather. 
OK. Well, folks, it looks like things are in the 60's to 70's, with a chance of The Beatles and Led Zeppelin.
Those are temperatures, Andie, not decades.
RIGHT, SORRY! Why am I even doing this? If you want live updates of the weather whenever the fancy strikes you, simply look out the window. This has been Confuzzling Weather with Andie The Meteorologist.

Winter break has come and I am finally able to chill. Today I decorated cookies with my grandma and made radioactive slime bears.
And then dad and I found the reflector and the flash for the big camera, which is why the news photos were so lovely even though they were taken in my dark room at 4:00. It gets dark so early it makes me mad.
she was holding the handle for a wagonfull of books but that never got drawn so.

Also, in this very chilled out day, I drew a girl with extremely puffy hair, like a girl named Laci I knew once. I want to be good enough at drawing to make comic books. That'd be cool.
Ah well. As long as i keep trying to draw, i'll get better, no?
foreshortening is definitely something i'll need to learn how to do. *siiiiiigh* at least I know what it's called.


    ANDIE YESSSSS. Does Rylan react in any special way when Andie says something funny?
    HAHA YOU FIENDS THURSDAY FOR ME. That is, Christmas is a day earlier for me than it is for you - my family celebrates almost solely on Christmas Eve.
    I just love the whole newsroom setup! And the decorations on that tree are fabulous. I have a doll-sized tree, but I haven't gotten around to decorating it yet, xD.
    Okay Rylan looks really awesome in that outfit. And the scenery is so prettyyyyyy (as it always is outside your house, lmao).
    "with a chance of The Beatles and Led Zeppelin" gwEN I'M OFFICIALLY DYING.
    What is this foreshortening?

    1. foreshortening is like in the Uncle Sam picture where he's pointing and saying "I want YOU for the us army" and the hand is all weird because of the perspective.
      Lilly and Rylan agree with you that their respective clothes are indeed very dashing.
      With Andie's whack sense of humor, rylan usually rolls her eyes.
      *grins* that's the line I'm most proud of. Thank.

  2. LILY'S HAIR WOWOOWOW. And I love this, doll posts like these are my favorite. Radioactive slime bears..I need.


    1. Radioactive slime Bears will improve your life in every way. Give yourself to them.

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  5. lol. Take Three.

    Just wanted to say I am hosting a giveaway and if you want you can enter it for $15! All you have to do is submit a guest post!


  6. This has nothing to do with the post. Just a warning. I was wondering, did you unfollow me? I'm trying to get one more follower by tonight, and I was wondering if you unfollowed. (If I can reach that many, I'll have a doll related giveaway.)


I love getting comments! <3 And sometimes I even remember to reply ;P