
Sunday, October 4, 2015

mildly exciting things to do on an otherwise boring day

Ive lost all sense of organization I've ever had, as you may have noticed. I have all of these half baked ideas squished into posts laid out poorly and interrupting each other. That's kind of how I think, I suppose. Good luck following this one. I started out just taking pictures for a photostory, thinking "oh, I'll  do the words later." and a couple days after that I decided that attention bust be brought to the Japanese maple in my back yard, and a few other times I just went out with the camera after school and took pictures without any purpose.

Due to the order that the pictures uploaded in, it looks like we're starting out with the maple tree. I'll just pretend that taking pictures of trees counts as one of the mildly exciting things to do on an otherwise boring day so we have a bit of a theme going here. Maybe we can be organized! Fake it till you make it, I guess.

This one I was attempting to use line, because we've been talking about the elements of art in art class (lets see if i can remember them: line shape color value texture space form?). Anyway, we have another example of my half formed ideas here, because I have lines, but i'm not sure what I'm doing with them, and the photo got a little fuzzy in the attempt. idk. If any of you can successfully art, you are welcome to talk at me about this.

I redecorated Lilly's room to be Andie's, because  I had painted the original poster board room yellow and was really not in the mood to put up the purple striped paper. Room difficulties aside, this is another one of the mildly exciting things to do on an otherwise boring day.
Thing 1) Endeavor to do your English homework while your best friend recites poetry at you. If the poem is about boogers, you should give up on the homework (at least for now) and giggle or perhaps make up your own poem about waffles.

Thing 2) Allow your friend to look up hairstyles on Pinterest and try them on your head.

If all does not go well, summon your sister, who knows how to deal with hair way better than you or your friend.

She's got it covered.

Do not allow yourself to become bored while your sister plays with your hair. It is ok to question why you let people play with your hair in the first place. Have your friend tell you a funny story about dinosaurs to pass the time.

When finished, just smile and nod when your friend tells you you are really pretty, even though your hair didn't curl like it was supposed to. Then go eat some cookies.

Thing 3 that's really just an extention of the first thing that came before thing 1 cause that's how I choose to number things. It's like a Doctor Who timeline.) Take pictures of things that are not trees.
This chipmunk was sitting in a dark corner of my deck rubbing his paws together muttering "nuts".
...wonder what he's up to.

This fella was obviously more successful at acquiring nuts than the chipmunk was.

probably could have flaunted that peanut at the chipmunk if he hadn't eaten it so fast.

This was from a foggy wednesday before I left for school.

Here's a picture of the moon I took a couple months back, using the big camera and a tripod. Not near as excellent as the one using the telescope, huh? I've got trees in the way and everything.

I've given up on the theme at this point.
This set of three pictures has been sitting in my drafts for quite some time now. It explains one of the big reasons why I blog.
How it works is this: I type something or take pictures of something and then put it up for all to see, hoping you liked it. If I did well in my writing or my picture taking, those who enjoyed it will cough up a hairball Nugget of Approval. A Nugget of Approval is anything from "Hey you did really nicely on this I like the way you composed the bit with the flowers" to "HEY GWEN I JUST READ THIS REALLY AWESOME BOOK AND". (although that second one has nothing to do with what i posted it still makes me happy because oh boy they want to talk to me!!! and talking to y'all pretty makes up for the social interaction I choose to avoid at school.

After the nuggett of approval has been found, I must dance around my house and squeal. Or if just then is not the time for dancing and squealing, curling up into a ball and thinking about how awesone yall are will suffice.

I cherish them forever.
I hoard them like Smaug hoards gold.
They are as precious to me as the ring is to Gollum.
That is an actual picture of me with the nuggets of approval. Gollum was my great aunt. Can you see the family resemblance?


the other reason why I blog is so I can unleash the half baked ideas.
Otherwise things can get constipated.

I'm done now.


  1. Your posts never fail to make me smile Gwen :) also these pictures are fantastic!!!! I love the ones of the birds ^.^

  2. You make nature photography look easy. Trying hairstyles always for me either looking like a tangled mess or absolute perfection that I can't take out or attempt to copy again.

    Wait Andie and Rylan aren't related?? Oh good. This is good, very good. (I didn't know if they were before or not, but I decided to just pretend they weren't.)
    I will never cease to adore your digital art.

    1. Thank you!

      Oh gosh! No, no they aren't. I should probably go back and tweak things to make that clearer, huh?

      You're in luck- because I've just finished illustrating your dream and that will be up soon.

    2. wait no, that's been explained in the Meet my dolls the whole time.



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