
Friday, October 9, 2015

I dream of Mexican food. (Gwen's digital scribbles inside!)

Ladies and Gentlemen and variations thereupon- Welcome to another Gwen cartoon, in which I see something brilliant and attempt to draw it. With my finger. On my phone. You will, I'm sure, excuse the lack of quality. The inspiration for this week's (month's? fortnight's? Oh, what the heck. Insert any space of time here.) cartoon attempt stems from an In Depth Narrative Completely Unrelated To The Post way back in July.

here is  the comment in it's original format so we may fondly remember my old blog design.
If you can't read that, here is the comment copied and pasted.

 Interpretive dance has now become my Thing of the Day.
I like Florence very very much. This reminds me of a cartoon i once read about a little girl who named her female cat Mr. Fluff.
In today's In Depth Narritive Completely Unrelated to the Post, I will tell you about a dream I had last night. It involved you, and so I am telling it.
Basically, you (rather, someone posing as you) made a YouTube channel and I got to go on the set of one of "your" videos. But it wasn't you at all, it was some chick named Ashely Prince who had long blond hair and sparkly earrings and said, "Ohhhh, I'm the REAL Gwen," which disappointed me a lot because she wasn't nearly as cool as the real Gwen, so then I got impatient with her and left her and (we were in a forest) went down a hill into a tiny rural colonial esque village where the REAL you was (I was very glad to have found Actual Gwen). Then it turned out that your village was being attacked by your tyrannous king, and as part of the war effort we had to engage in a Mexican cook off with other villagers (our team won, partly thanks to a guacamole i made and a tomato salsa you made) and then we won the war and the king was overthrown and we were all free at last from his reign. Then Mini Nellie and Mini Caroline, who were fairies, and Mini C was also Mini N's servant, were waking along, and Mini N kissed Mini C because she was pretending she was Mini Samantha, and then i (dream me) realized that this whole entire dream had been a story written by you on yor blog, and it concluded with you saying all the fairies disappeared into a hidden land and only one girl could ever see them again, and that was you, and the dream ended just as i was commenting HOLY CRAP THIS IS AMAZING GWEN on your post.
That was my dream.
It was rather strange, I'll give you that.
But this concludes the In Depth Narrative Completely Unrelated to the Post.

- Ellie
Some may think it creepy or weird that and online friend I have never met irl before had a dream about me.
They are probably right.
But that means nothing, because I dig the weird things. And this dream is great material for silliness. Mexican cookoffs! You cant get any better than that for a revolution.
The point is that i like this dream so much that i had to illustrate it. Each drawing takes less than an hour, but the whole thing took me months because i am incredibly lazy. And then I had to go ask if this would be weird or embarrassing for ellie, which, I am pleased to let you know, isn't. She digs the weirdness just as much as I do.

Once upon a time, there was a silly teenager named Gwen who liked to play with dolls. After the huge success of Gwen's blog, the need to find another outlet for doll craziness presented itself, resulting in many quests through Instagram and Etsy before finding a nice little spot in YouTube to make the best stopmotion videos you ever did see. So excellent and famous was this channel (not to mention the entity that was Alone In Doll World), that it had it's own studio in beautiful Washington, along with Gwen's mansion.

Here we turn our attentions to Ellie, a long time participant in the online shenanigans of Alone In Doll World. She and her blog and instagram and suchlike were every bit as famous as Gwen's company (llc? corporation? UNIVERSE?).

Being that both humans considered themselves to be decent friends and were rich and famous and did whatever the heck they wanted, It was soon decided that Ellie simply must leave the Other Side of Reality and come to Doll World and do a collaborative project together or something like that. If you don't understand the shoe, I am ashamed of you please refer to this post.

Having successfully crossed the gap between the other side of reality and the actual, cold, disgusting reality that the rest of us live in, Ellie made herself present at dollworld studios, equipped with silly ideas and Fall Out Boy lyrics and all the supplies for a war against Navel Oranges.

Everything should have gone all right.
Except it didn't. 
Something failed to add up.

You see, the girl who greeted Ellie was blond and pretty with sparkly earrings and a great attitude and people skills.

But Ellie knew that Actual Gwen was not any of those things.

So she left the impostor to her own devices, wandering around the woods humming the lord of the rings soundtrack until she came to a little colonial village.

Where she met a person in basketball shorts with a dog. The dog's name was Heidi, and the person's name was Gwen. Actual Gwen. With a mouthful of braces and a faceful of nerd glasses. It was quickly explained that the girl Ellie had met on the way in was actually just a decoy...butler...thing, a girl named Ashley Prince who Gwen paid to deal with people. Her duties included answering the door and the phone and giving tours.

Midway though an extensive conversation about oranges and swords and Discworld, they were rudely interrupted by one of the drones, ordered by the king to scout the area and remind people to kneel every 5 minutes. This led to a discussion of politics and the tyrannous king and the bubbling revolution. If you don't know what Disccworld is, I am extraordinarily ashamed of you please refer to this post.

At this point, the third person omniscient narrator made a heavy handed and awkward attempt to show the king's evil by adding a character unnecessary to the plot and killing him off .

"hey! I have an idea!" said the character completely unnecessary to the plot,"Let's host a Mexican cookoff and secretly plan an uprising by passing notes in the taco shells!"

The drone (or the king?) didn't like this idea. Partially because Mexican food makes him gassy and partially because revolutions stress him out, scrambling to hold on to his power. Stress also makes him gassy.
He put an end to Sombrero Kid right away. 

"I'm so sorry, Sombrero Kid," said Gwen. "Your death will be avenged."

Ellie paused to smirk at the third person omniscient narrator's writing incompetence .

But Sombrero Kid's death was avenged anyway. Gwen made salsa, even though tomatoes are icky. And Ellie made guacamole, even though avocados are slimy. The rest of the villagers made tacos and burritos and nachos and other things that end in os. Also there was quesadillas and enchiladas and other things that end in as.

The lovely Mexican foods were then presented to the king with extra beany bean dishes in hopes the king would become so gassy that he would abdicate and go off in the forest by himself and fart. 

Also, the salsa and guacamole may or may not have been laced with laxatives.

Now that the king was overthrown by way of bowel movement, Ellie and Gwen rode into the sunset on some donkeys to the library, which happened to be open all night and welcome donkeys. Idk if donkeys are even a thing you can ride. They wouldn't be too small, would they? If they are, these are special Washington donkeys, similar to dwarfs in their size and strength.

And then this bit with mini dolls as fairies happened and I have absolutely no idea what's going on, so we're just going to blame it on Ellie's subconscious mind.

And then things got meta when she realized this was all a post by me and not a thing that happened at all. But it wasn't that either. It's a dreeeeaaam...

That was fun! I have absolutely no idea what Ellie looks like, so she came out as Random Person, as used in my last post about the Nuggets Of Approval. But now I cant use that as Random Person anymore, because the essence of Ellie has taken it over.
This is probably the only drawing on this page I am actually proud of. It is a self portrait of me at school. I am a very grumpy person. But I got the glasses shape right and that's why I love it so.


    You must have magical drawing powers because that purple jacket looks EXACTLY LIKE MINE. My hair is shorter, though, and brown. But it used to be that length, so that's okay.
    That last picture of you is brilliant.


  2. This whole post is so wild and perfect oh my god I love this.
    R.I.P. Sombrero Kid

    1. I'm so wild. *elephant noise*
      Sombrero Kid will have a special place in our hearts, his inexplicable desire for Mexican food will always be remembered.

    I love the drawings and that dream is so funny.
    I remember my dream back in, like, march when I threw a birthday party and you and other blogging people showed up.
    Also, I love your new blog design.

    1. Thank you, thank you, madam.
      That would be cool. If I was to show up at an Emily birthday, I would probably get you copies of my favorite books or a stuffed animal as a present.
      (I always confused on what to call those things because "stuffed animal" reminds me of the actual dead animals at Cabellas. But when I say "plushie" no one knows what I'm talking about.)

  4. This was awesome! I love how your stories are so random and odd, but come together in a perfect way. I liked how they rode off into the sunset on donkeys instead of horses, horses are so overrated.

    1. Random and odd is my speciality, dear.
      Ellie came up with the donkey bit.

    2. Nope! Nope! Nope!
      Horses are not overrated!!!!!!
      Boo you!
      Boo the world!

      (Just kidding Izzy, you're still awesome. Idk about the world... But you're cool.)

  5. This is hilarious and wonderful and oh my gosh!
    I love these little cartoon post things, and you're really good at drawing them and hilarious when you write them.
    *hides eyes in fear of being blinded by awesomeness*

  6. What drawing app do you use for these?

    1. Hilarity is what i aim for.
      Here, have some sunglasses.
      I'll show everyone later, if I remember to post.

  7. I emailed you. But you may not want to read the email. It's a very confusing and weird thing.
    Then again you said you like weird, so idk.
    I would have commented it, but it would have been a very, very long comment.

  8. YOUR DRAWING POSTS ARE AMAZING OK! Seriously though all of my online drawings look like my dog did it without looking.

    1. Have you ever tried doing a drawing of your dog without looking? It's pretty fun. Called blind contour drawings- you try to capture the outline and ridges and things of an object WITHOUT looking and WITHOUT picking up your pencil and WITHOUT looking at your paper. It looks pretty bad, but it's fun to do anyway.


I love getting comments! <3 And sometimes I even remember to reply ;P