
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Tribute to Summer

Hallo, humans of the earth! I have started high school, so summer is pretty much over for me, but the weather outside is still saying "hang on, people! I have sunshine! And green grass! Don't give up yet, you still have some summer left!" So I went out and played in summer today, and my dolls went with me. Here are some of their favorite things that happened this summer:

"This summer I liked designing the Tomato Hat campaign and talking to the troll in the living room was fun. I got told a TON of stories about troll culture and stuff. Some of them seemed funny at first, but if you were an actual troll they might not have been so fun. Like the getting eaten by bears on Thursdays. Or was it Tuesdays? The bears seemed to have developed a strong sense of time and adjusted their appetites accordingly. I still don't know if any of that actually happened wherever trolls belong or if she was just making it up. Huh. Anyway, stuff that made me happy this summer was designing my room, getting my hair dyed -i'm experimenting with side bangs now -You like?-, 

and swirling around in breezy dresses! I have several of these. There's this, which Rylan brought to our house when she came way back in march or something, the blue one, which I'm sure I've worn before but I can't remember exactly when I showed you guys, um, there's the Josefina skirt from the tomato party, and the butterfly twist dress, which we haven't seen since my birthday in February. But Gwen found that when she went to Barrett's house a few weeks ago. "

"What? oh. um, I like... the sky. I was reading a book once called My Name is Mina, and at the end of each chapter there were "extraordinary activities". One of them was to look at the sky and count all the things you saw, and all the things that are there but you can't see. Like you can see birds and planes or a cloud floating across the blue, but stars and such are also there- you just can't see them. And among those are galaxies, too dim and far away to see. So when you look, you look at so much but see very little."

"Making up the words to Sense and Sensibility was fun, and so was the Dolls and Dinosaurs game."

Rylan had picked a rose to go with her romper.
"I spent way too much of this summer dealing with my eye. You are never trying an eye swap again, got it, Gwen?"
Yeah, I know. sorry.
"Coming home after getting my eye back in order was pretty good. And I liked inventing the dolls and dragons game, and Andie trying to teach me how to skateboard. We're getting better, but I still need something to hold on to 'cause I'm terrified that thing is going to roll out from under me. It actually did once. I was going downhill too fast so i got scared and leaned backward, which was an awful idea. I didn't manage to hit the ground, though, cause Andie got in the way. Speaking of her..."

"Hey, Andie! I destroyed some plant life in your honor!"

"Coolness. We shall vanquish all the pokey, thorny plants of doom! Cut off their heads and stick them in vases!"
"If your plan is to actually destroy plants you have to get it by the roots so they won't grow back."
"But of course. I was getting to that. I'll make a plan of attack after lunch."
"You guys, please don't actually destroy the rose garden."

And then I tried some group shots because why not? These are the girls of east swamp road, the most epic people for miles around.

Andie, your rose-
"our spoils of war, you mean"
"yeah, those bite back, you know, all thorny and evil"
"lucky I came out alive!"
-is blocking your sister.

ok good. now yall look cute.

What was your favorite thing about your summer?


  1. It's looks like your dolls had a fun summer!


    I like Lily's purple hair.
    I also liked Andie making up the words to Sense and Sensibility.

    - Ellie

    1. I must agree! I'm finally feeling good about photography again! (though the first couple might be a tad too bright.)
      hell yes.
      Ah cahnt ahmagine wahy. lol.

  4. I love the purple wig and yellow dress they are so cute.


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