
Friday, September 25, 2015

THREE posts in the space of ONE! WhAt A dEaL!

For today's post, we have many special features, including skewed timelines, uninteresting anecdotes, crude scribbles, monochromatic geek tees, and so much more!
We'll start off the trip with the mildly interesting anecdotes concerning things that have happened in my life the past few months.
Mildly interesting thing #1
     I had to go to high school orientation on the 3rd. The welcome presentation was more than a little bit lackluster, in which the principal attempted to read meaningless quotes from the Internet through a coughing fit. Then we separated into groups with name tags to be led around the school, which is huge by my standards. So I wandered around with my fellow freshmen, none of whom I particularly liked and all of whom were being so loud that I couldn't hear the tour guides so I still don't know where any of my classes are. I had cut my nails specially in case anyone I don't like needed to Dealt With.
*deranged cackling*

After all that I found Brianna in the slew of nerds I get along ok with and she gave me a hug. She could count as a friend, I suppose, cause I go stand next to her when I feel awkward. (I have no classes with her, as I recently discovered. I also discovered it's perfectly fine to stand and be awkward by yourself.) Her hair is kind of a pink, flopped-over Mohawk now. It's sort of cool.

UPDATE: school has started now and brianna's hair looks like this:

Brianna's hair changes colours a lot. Here are some of the others I've seen:
This is her "mermaid hair"

This may or may not be original Brianna hair.

A bit more interesting thing from the same day:
     Dad and mom and I went to the grocery store. Usually there's nothing interesting about this, but today dad and I remembered the Old Spice shelf in the soap section. Old Spice is incredibly fun to mock. Here was the display on that day:
My manhood smelleth of swag.

Aside from swagger, we've also seen hawkridge, bear glove, and the elusive wolfthorn.
None of these sound like something I would want to rub on my body, or even could rub on my body, considering the intangible concept swagger.
I suppose you have no right to call yourself a man until you have washed yourself with bear gloves and smell strongly of thorny wolves.

Please tell me im not the only one to be amused by this.

Mildly interesting thing #2
     I went to Seattle, and Rylan went with me. Here is what she did over the weekend
got ready for an adventure armed with a sweater borrowed from andie,

ate too much candy,

played piano for a bit,

and watched the rain. Nothing extremely exciting, but it was an enjoyable weekend nonetheless.

We ate at a place called the Wing Dome, which (you'll never guess) has chicken wings. Oddly enough, I haven't ever tried a chicken wing before, so that was interesting for me. The spicyness scale goes from 1 to 7, and we got ours at level 3, which was a pleasant amount of kick, the same level of spicy that happens when I squirt the perfect amount of Sriracha sauce on something. I also had a turkey sandwich, but I was too full of wings to eat all of it, so when the fireball candies came at the end of the meal, Barrett and I made art...ish... with the turkey, straw paper, avocados, and the fireball. We called it Christmas turkey.
The straw paper looks like a santa hat!

After that we went down to the Ballard locks. I did not find them even mildly interesting because moving boats up and down is a slow process, but the salmon ladder on the other side of the locks was cool. That whole time, Barrett was interpretive dancing her way through the park, just like dad and I had to bother Tracy on Whidbey island. We should form an interpretive dance team.
it kinda looks like i'm kinking poor Barrett in the head.

Sub thing:
     Now that I think about it, I do the silly Bother Tracy thing partly because I like bothering people, partly because it makes dad laugh, and the rest of it is showing off for Elijah. (Eli is Tracy's kid.) We used to be good friends, and I even got him to sing about belly buttons once. But the his parents got divorced : (  , and he as been feeling like the sad face emoticon I just typed for quite some time now. Every so often I check to see if his sense of humor has returned.

It hasn't.

Returning to previous mildly interesting thing in Seattle.
     Back at Barrett's house, it began to thunder and rain. I sat at the dining table and drew some yarn.
that is some mighty fine yarn if I do say so myself.
Eventually Beckett joined me and drew some dinosaurs. He loves dinosaurs.

In the evening I migrated downstairs to listen to Pearl Jam, and Barrett and I had some conversations that surpass all this post hitherto in awesomeness factor. THEY INCLUDED:

  • how I should stop shaving my armpits and let the hair grow into long, braided ropes, which I could use to tie in a turban on top of my head, make a loop for going on ziplines, or tie them to an RV and sort of water ski behind it.
  • in which Barrett picks her nose, shows it to me, and says "I wish these gumdrops were covered in sugar." in a British accent.
  • "Darth Vader is sad. Chewie disliked him on Facebook."
  • "I'm scared of natural disasters... like daddy farting and killing the world."
  • I had mentioned that my dad doesn't have eyebrows. She said that the potion to cure him of his eyebrow paucity failed horribly and gave him an invisible unibrow.
And those were the most brilliant conversations I've had with a 5th grader in a long time. Then again, I don't get to hang out with many 5th graders. if you thought none of those were funny, CONGRATULATIONS! you are normal.

The next day (it was a sleepover) we went rock climbing! Remember when I said that I don't sports? I forgot to mention rock climbing. It is very fun. And good for my weakling noodle arms. At the rock gym in Seattle with Barrett we did mostly bouldering, just scrambling around the low walls with no ropes or anything. If we wanted to climb up high, there was another room with ropes and we had to put on harnesses so uncle Ken could belay us. I had been to a different rock gym at the beginning of summer, and they let you auto belay without taking a class first. You just clip yourself in and climb while the device at the top takes up the slack and if you fall it lets you down slowly. Being on belay using a person at the bottom is harder.
 (the one in Tacoma with the lovely auto belay+me in my standard uniform of a monochromatic geek shirt and basketball shorts)

Random interruption:
The blueberry with T-rex arms has now invaded my dad's bike helmet.

School has started for me. I have been in high school for one and a half weeks! (actually, 2 and a half, by the time I published this.) It is not fun. I'll tell you more about that once we get done admiring my shirts.
I have enough monochromatic geek shirts to last a whole week!
By monochromatic, I am referring to the background colour, not the graphic.

This one is just so punny. From FireAnt tees on Etsy
(get it? get it? get it? a group of crows is called a murder!)

This one GLOWS IN THE DARK!!! From David and Goliath.

Because it's weird and epic and I dig that. From GoodyTwoSleeves

This is my favorite shirt ever. It's a lovely oxymoron and I get a lot of compliments (which isn't necessarily a good thing, because compliments are like this:

Monty Python and The Holy Grail. the knights that go NI!
bring us a shrubbery
Also from FireAnt tees, I think

My other Goodie Two Sleeves purchase

And to conclude our monochromatic geek tees appreciation, we have my lovely old star wars shirt.

I could write a lot about high school and how that's going, but i really don't want too. Here is the basic version:
  • Mr. Rush (favorite teacher ever!) is not the librarian at the high school. He was going to move from the middle to high school with us, but that wound up not happening so there are a lot of sad freshmen.
  • There are lots of stairs and windy hallways. It's easy to get lost. (that's windy with a long "i" sound, mind you. There is no actual wind.)
  • I can't stand the lunchroom. Instead I go to the library and read with my pb&j sandwich. They say no eating in the library, but I've found that if you are very quiet and unobtrusive about disobeying the rules, people will turn a blind eye. Also, the library is upstairs, with windows overlooking the lunchroom. Looking down on all those people is a rather interesting detached feeling. Not that that's uncommon. I feel like I spend most of my time looking down on everyone like peasants and then remembering that the only reason that is happening is not because I'm awesome, but because I don't people well. Some would consider it a sad analogy, but at least it's more comfortable than trying to pretend to have moderately close friends and eating my lunch in the din of the lunchroom.
  • i have a teacher who makes a zebra face when he can't remember something. he bares his teeth and flaps his arms around. Most of the class just stares at him wondering if he's going to turn out to be a cool teacher or just an oddball.
  • biology is nowhere near as exciting as 7th grade life science with Mrs. M.     Biology at the high school is taught by an old fart.
  • Eight (probably more now, it's been another week) days of art class and we have only spent two of them drawing. or arting in general.
  • The pep assemblies are AN HOUR LONG. On the day of football* games we have pep assemblies in which you sit in the bleachers and watch the leadership kids try to eat doughnuts without using their hands. Yes. this is definitely helping my academics. I could not possibly achieve my dreams if I didn't know what it was like to have my butt hurt for an hour watching a select group of extroverts fart around for an hour.
Mmm hmm yes.
My attitude is excellent.

*Normally when I think of Washington, I think: trees! rain! mountains! coffee! hipsters??
I am disgusted by the diehard football fans.
FOR ONE THING they insist on every last person being excited about seahawks seahawks seahawks. One time we wasted several hours of school time to go have a parade. It was the stupidest thing ever. (it was, however, a prime opportunity to use my This Is Dumb stickers, if you will remember that.)
FOR ANOTHER THING most of the people in my town's happiness depends on the sportsball winning winning winning. It must be very sad to have all your hopes and dreams invested in a corporate entity. At Fred Meyer Dad and I saw a car decorated all saehawksy and -no im not kidding about this- it had "dreams really do come true!" painted on the side.

people are interesting.

Here is some tumblr stuff that is more excellent than my attitude.
(normally I would just pin them, but I don't know how to pin entire posts from tumblr. Is that even a thing you can do?)

science ruuules
Rumbleroar wouldn't let this happen.

: )

I need pockets like I need air to breathe.

If you want to summon the spirit of Gwen, be sure to leave out some books.

Vampire experts, is this true? 

Word again.

And here's some Lilly and Tomatoes, if that's what you need right now.

This is incredibly funny.


Instead of doing the button thing on my sidebar, I want to make a page of all you folks and write something nice about each of you. It was going ok because I have you all sorted out according to why you're awesome in my head, but I discovered that putting why each of you is unique into 2 sentences is rather difficult. 
So what I'm asking you to do is advertise yourselves a bit. Tell me in the comments why you are special because transforming my thoughts to words is hard, but I could probably do it if you gave me a little push.
What are you skilled at?
What is your content?
Seriously anything helps. Those are only two of a plethora of categories.
Pleeeaaaassee tell me anything that makes you special, even if you just have a really pretty blog.
If you have really low self esteem and cant think of anything you're good at, it's a good idea to be facetiously arrogant and bullshmidt your way though this one. It's better than nothing.


  1. BRIANNA'S HAIR IS AMAZING. (and so is your digital art, damnnnnn)
    love the introvert shirt, it made me laugh. kinda reminds me of when my seventh grade hr teacher would say "procrastinators unite...tomorrow...".
    aND THE BILL NYE THING IS SO TRUE i'm pretty sure i've actually interrupted conversations that way...oops?
    the photos of lilly are gorgeous, her hair is honestly perfect.
    hmm...what makes me special?

    uhh...i take photos of dolls that cause some people to love me but most people to hate me...? i'd like to think i'm somewhat skilled at sewing, as well as indoor photography (as most people say that my indoor photography is, well...good? i feelmso bad saying this because i don't have low self esteem, but i am extremely modest regarding what i'm supposedly good at).

    1. ISNT IT THOUGH? I wish I had her bravery. My hair would be purple now if I did.
      I'm proud of my scribbles also. They get the point across.
      Procrastinators unite tomorrow is BRILLIANT!
      Honestly my favorite days of science in all my years of schooling were where we watched a bill bye (episode??) and didn't bother the substitute. The bill nye for older kids i liked better because there was less obnoxious repetition and more of that "in the eyes of nye" thing.

      Thank you. Yes, definitely your photography, and the singular photo with song lyrics is your signature thing.

    Rylan looks so cute.
    That is indeed a very good yarn.
    I have uniforms at my school (poo), but if I didn't I would definitely be wearing my Les Miz tshirt, a purple tshirt I got from my aunt and uncle when I visited them at their lake house (it says lake girl on it), cascading cardigans (I FOUND OUT THAT'S THE NAME FOR THE FLOWY TYPE), and combat boots all day long. I love combat boots. I also love cascading cardigans.
    Your shirts look epic.
    Oh dear. I'm sorry about Mr. Rush.
    Windy hallways and stairs sound very confusing indeed. My high school is only one level, with the cafeteria and gym at one end and the auditorium at another. Then all the classes line the two parallel hallways that connect the two ends (except the engineering classrooms - those are tucked away behind the gym.) It's fairly simple once you get the hang of it (although 1000 kids trying to fit through two hallways during passing period makes it dreadfully crowded. I like to take the back hallways that connect the classrooms, which people rarely ever use for whatever reason. It is muc faster, and I feel like a super secret agent walking down them.
    MY MIDDLE SCHOOL SCIENCE TEACHER WAS LIKE A CHICKEN I SWEAR. I mean in how chickens jerk their long necks out and sideways jerkily and stuff??? WELL SHE LITERALLY DID THAT. At least your zebra teacher is somewhat amusing.
    My biology teacher's approach to teaching is to dump the materials for the whole unit on us and say "okay, go learn it and come back next week for a test!" He also likes to put giant homework assignments in his website at 11:30 at night and then expect us to have it done in class the next day. Yours sounds worse, though, because even though mine is a bad teacher he's a somewhat interesting person. He tried to dress as Donald Trump one day during homecoming week, but the dye turned his hair green instead of Orange.
    We've had one pep assembly so far, and I actually liked it. Basically the cheerleaders and dance team came out and performed for us, and then they crowned the honecoming king and queen. Yours sound horrible, though. (I'm probably not helping).
    Once again, 250 kids at once (there are four Lunch periods) makes my lunch horrible noisy and crowded, too. But the Dean of Students and a police officer patrol the entrances and lasso back in anyone who tries to exit, so I just huddle in a corner with a new friend I've made and a couple of my old friends. But you could probably bypass them if you brought a lunch from home and went straight to the library. Eating in the library sounds rather fun.
    BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL. Oh my god I love him.
    That actually did make me happy.
    I love this page idea!
    Okay. Let's see.
    I'm really good at writing*, and I'm a definte fantasy geek. I'm also highly intelligent and intellectual and enjoy learning about new things.**
    How's that??
    Idk those are the only things I could think of that really are special about me.
    Whelp that's all for now I am done clogging up your comments section :)

    *I think?
    **aka I'm one of those people who actually likes school.


    2. ITS NOT AS MAGIC AS YOU THINK- they're screenshots.
      I'm super high tech, I know.
      Cascaaaaaaaaaaading carrrrrrrrrrdigans. Did that sound flowy and cascading? No, not to me either.
      That biology teacher would be so stressful. But it's a good thing he's interesting. I would have liked to see the green Donald trump hair. Mr rush would sometimes dress up in a pink bunny suit to make us laugh (I mean like the pink bunny pajamas from that Christmas movie where the kid wants a BB gun). I'd probably like Stressful Homework Guy even less than mine, who talks to us quietly like we're scared deer and says "we're not going to turn you into rocket scientists, you guys." It supposed to be comforting, but it makes me feel like "what? I'm a year ahead in science! Why are we not doing hard stuff?"
      Actually, none of these were truly negative experiences for me, I'm just being cynical.
      The library is pretty great. They have terry Pratchett books there! I'm reading the Night Watch. Still have to read Equal Rites, though.
      Uniforms are an interesting thing. Sometimes I think that they would be kinda cute, but then I remember that I wouldn't be able to wear my snarky shirts.
      Les miz- les miserables? (Idk how to spell that) that's a book, right? Or a movie? Is it good? EXPLAIN!
      Super spy. When I go through the hallways, I feel like more of a criminal, feeling guilty and wondering if I'm in the right place and hoping no one will talk to me.
      Please draw the chicken teacher.
      We're looking to go nation- wide on the interpretive dance team. You could join.

    3. OHH OHHHH OHHHHHHH LIKE ON A PHONE I was thinking laptop here. Okayyyyyyyyyy. I can work with screenshots.
      Night Watch is great. Vetinari is great. Have you gotten to the bit where he impales the apple (or orange or whatever it is) with his fork yet?
      They are cute if you happen to go to a school that uses skater skirts and blazers, but here it's just plain pants and polos.
      *runs off*
      *comes back with long scroll*
      *unrolls scroll*
      *scroll reaches to feet*
      *clears throat*
      Allow me to explain.
      Les Miserables, commonly shortened to Les Miz, is an internationally-acclaimed musical about a street revolution in Paris during the 1800s.* It follows Jean Valjean, a former escaped criminal turned good, his adopted daughter, Cosette, the policeman out to get them and capture Valjean, Javert, Cosette's lover Marius, his best friend Eponine (who has a crush on him), and a band of college revolutionaries who want to overthrow the government. It follows how they all get swept up in the revolution and Jean Valjean's path to personal redemption (doing good to make up for the crime he committed). There's lots of death and blood, and the music is stunning. Ten out of five breadsticks.
      It was based off of the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, and a movie was recently made based off the musical. However, the musical is merely based off the book and the movie merely based off the musical, which means when you put the movie and book next to each other they look quite different. I recommend the musical. The movie's singers are almost universally no good (a bit of a problem in a musical), and the book is very huge and archaic and hard to plow through.
      *clears throat*
      *rolls up scroll*
      *puts it away*
      *hops on a donkey and fangirls into the sunset*

      *Note 1800s. Not 1700s. This was not the French Revolution, contrary to what some disillusioned fans will tell you.

    4. Blood! Death! Breadsticks! I'm excited now. I'll add that to the list of media I must expose myself to (Shakespeare is still on that list, you know.) . Musical. Not boring? Musicals tend to bore me. But if it's just THAT good I can suffer through.
      Nope, no stabbing fruit yet. (Who is vetinari? We're concerned mostly with Vimes at the moment.)
      My younger cousin goes to a polo school, and my younger younger cousin goes to one of those plaid jumper schools. Uniforms are interesting.
      You can still take screenshots on a computer, you know. You feel kind of silly looking up "chromebook screenshot" or "Mac screenshot" but it gets the job done.
      The library could do with some natural light. When you put the stamp of approval on, will you please "accidentally" knock a hole in one of the outside walls? Please and thank you.
      *aquires donkey*
      *attempts to ride donkey*
      *donkey does not move*
      *runs after you and your donkey, waving more scrolls*
      *the scrolls are about silly movies I've seen*

    5. The musical is not necessarily boring. Some of the songs go on for a while *coughcoughFantineI'mlookinatyou*, but overall, since their voices are generally so powerful (like a whole army of Idina Menzels or Ariana Grandes. Bc of the vocal range required in the songs, even the extras always have really powerful and stunning voices) it stays interesting. Plus the period costumes are always fun to look at. The musical I guess is a really high-quality musical that may drag a couple times *coughcoughFANTINE* but overall is really good, and the movie is a really bad action movie. Action-y, but a bad movie. None of the people can sing (except Enjorlas, who's not really a main character) bc they cast famous actors, not famous singers or famous singer-actors. YOU MUST SUFFER THROUGH THE MUSICAL.
      *runs off*
      *comes back with another scroll*
      *unrolls second scroll*
      *clears throat*
      You probably already know Vetinari, you just don't know that you do. Havelock Vetinari is the name of the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, who appears in The Color of Magic and maybe also The Light Fantastic (but just under the name Patrician, I think.) He is the governor of the city and the one who told Rincewind he would be tortured if he didn't become a tour guide for Twoflower in COM. He's an assassin and the best there is, and he's only a little older than Vimes, so when Vimes was young he was relatively young too. He was attending the Assassin School at the time in history Vimes has gone back to (he was maybe about our age), and there's a scene where the other boys are making fun of him and someone throws a fruit at him and his reaction is just the best. YOU SHALL SEE THE MAGIC SOON, YOUNG BLOOD.
      *rolls up scroll*
      *dashes off and returns it to its shelf*
      *dashes back*
      Ooooh, THANK! I did not know you could do that. I'll have to try it.
      I'll try.
      OH AND ALSO.
      Actually, I don't really know what interpretive dancing is, but I basically did a bunch of miming arm and leg motions and twirled around a lot. It was me interpreting the song through my dance, anyway, so I think it counts.
      *loops back on donkey*
      *sweeps you up onto donkey*
      *we discuss the scrolls*

      YES. I AM AWARE OF HIM. And we did stab some fruit. That was brilliant.

      I belive you interpretive danced correctly, by my standards. You can also do it to conversations and books being read aloud. It's harder, but very funny.

      Lemme tell you about Monty Python and The Holy Grail
      Wait no, I won't. I need pictures. I'll post about it soon.
      SPEAKING OF WHICH- should I make a seperate blog for my silliness and just do doll stuff here, or just change the name of this one?

    7. IKR IT IS.
      Speaking as someone who has a blog that's kinda both, I say probably stick with one blog for a while. It's better to wait and know for sure you want to have another than to start a new one right now and then get too busy/lazy to maintain two blogs. Maybe just change the name, and if another few months go by and you still really want a separate one THEN make a separate one. But I really like it this way.

  3. I like your nails.
    I like brianna's hair.
    Going to Seattle sounds fun.
    I like the yarn drawing.
    I love rock wall climbing, although I don't do it very often.
    I love the dark side t-shirt.

    I think I can write. I also like blog designing.
    That's what I can think of for the self promotion thing.

    1. No one needed to be Dealt With. But dad says the last thing he wants to talk to the principal about is his daughter scratching people with her claws.
      Seattle is so very fun (well, the traffic isn't) but other than that, I hope you get a chance to go sometime. Pike place market is cool- you get to watch people singing and throwing fish.(it's supposed to be a reenactment of some old timey fishy thing, but it's mostly just funny) and there's this restaurant in the freemont district called pies and pints, which has AMAZING pot pies.
      I don't go very often either. : (

      Writing, blog designing, open mindedness.

  4. The purple hair!! I want a purple wig for my dolls!!
    So many things to comment about-
    I love the Bill Nye joke- really though
    Very realistic and detailed drawing of yarn
    One of my talents?
    Procrastination- really- I was procrastinating writing a comment and I am also procrastinating getting off the computer to go finish another essay
    Ok- probably not the best talent but I guess my other one is............................ reading really fast? Yes, I can read very fast.
    My content? Anything to do with AG dolls, sewing and photography.

  5. THE PURPLE WIG IS AWESOME! The text post are really funny- I am way interested in those. Brianna's hair is really cool looking I wish I could dye all of my hair (at the moment I have blue streaks that I kinda have to hide for school. Your shirts are amazing!
    Nothings to special about me, I like photography and am pretty ok at it at the moment, I am pretty good at art in general but it rarely comes up on the blog.

  6. I love your nails how did you cut them like that you have to tell me they are awesome


I love getting comments! <3 And sometimes I even remember to reply ;P