
Sunday, June 14, 2015

The musguided adventures of Gwen - the fateful eye swap.

No. It didn't go as planned.
No, it wasn't really fateful.
No, you should not try it.


So yesterday I attempted to perform an eye swap on Lilly and Rylan. I poured hot water in their faces to get them squishy, and popped out their eyes with a wooden spoon. It wasn't until then, when I was sitting on my floor with bowls of hot water and decapitated doll bodies strewn around me that I remembered Rylan and Lilly's eyelids are different colors.


So I sat there wondering how I should pull it off. My ideas included: painting the eyelids (but I'm not good at painting and lack confidence in my ability to mix paint to match skin tones, so that's out.), never showing them blinking (as if that would ever happen.), and peeling the eyelids off (holy mother of nachos, NO, don't do that!). I have more bad ideas than I care to admit.

My only other option was to admit defeat (one of my greatest skills). I would have to put each set of eyes back into their rightful heads.
This was not easy. I gave up on Saturday. I tell you- it's darn near impossible to get the eyes back in. The head just keeps squishing away from you and the eye holes are too small.

But on Sunday my eyeball- replacing thumb had renewed it's strength and I accepted that giving up was foolish, for then I would have only two dolls with their eyes in the proper place.
This time I was prepared. I had watched several more eye swap tutorials, had boiling water at my disposal, and had enlisted my father.
I suceeded.
Dad got bored and went to play Threes on the iPad.

It's less scary than it looks.
So now lilly has eyes. Rylan is still waiting. I'll do her later, when my thumb is feeling powerful.

The moral of this story:
•don't attempt eye swaps until you are sure that the eyelids are the same color. This seems easy, but you never know when an unexpected bout of stupidity will take you.
•use really hot water when putting eyes back in.
•dads aren't that helpful
•thumbs are.


  1. Oh. Gosh.
    That picture is not that creepy...
    I don't think I, not being particularly brave, could do that. I'm glad that Lily has eyes again.
    I've found out that my dad isn't particularly helpful when it comes to AG from the time that my sister spilled milk on her bitty baby and my dad had to take off her head and put the body in the wash. He took the doll head and shook it at us. I was 5. And a bit creeped out.

    1. XD that sounds like something my dad would do, if I had any dolls when I was 5. I didn't get interested until I was 12.

  2. I'm glad that you posted this, I've been thinking about doing an eye swap. I just don't think my hands/thumbs are strong enough (and I'm an adult!). I think I'll pass...

    Glad you were able to get everyone back together!

    1. Fear not, your thumbs will soon become strong enough!
      All you need to do is 1) believe and 2) build up thumb strength by giving foot rubs. This is especially good if you convince the person who's foot you're rubbing to pay you.

  3. Awww. Rylan would've looked SO COOL with blue eyes! I'm really disappointed it didn't work out. On the bright side, maybe you can use some eye-less doll photos for the "spooky" theme in my contest. ;)

      But white eyelids on a black doll would not have been cool.
      Nah. I was thinking of doing more with magic.

    2. Yeah, agreed. I was kind of joking with the eye-less doll thing.

  4. Ohhh....good luck on the remainder of your escapade!
    I think I'm going to make a cutom this Summer-not with any of my current dolls of course. I'd feel that I'd be murdering one of my children!


    1. It does kind of feel like that! You need nerves of steel.... Or something.

  5. So I tried to take my Lanie's eyes out because they were all weird. I really want to give her the dark green eyes. But eyes are expensive on eBay. And I didn't get my water hot enough like 7 times. So I broke a wooden spoon. Yay me. So I had my dad just pop out her eyes with his thumb. My thumb is not a thumb of power. Eye swaps are painful. The doll head creeps the rest of my family out. So now they try to avoid the bathroom at all costs. Where her head currently is. XD ooh I wonder if I could play a prank on everyone by hiding the head somewhere. And the decapitated body somewhere else. :D


    1. Do it.
      Scare them into submission with your scary doll bodies!

    2. I did it. I freaked the crap out of them.

  6. And that is Watermelon for you! *claps confetti* XD I could never do anything of that sort or even attempt it so you guys are like totally awesome for trying! Anyway, good luck with further customizing.



    2. First, remove bones, fluids, and muscle from your hands, leaving the skin intact. Then fill the void with confetti.
      Smash hands together and watch confetti come shooting out of your fingers.
      That is how you clap confetti.
      10 extra points for being morbid.

    3. I would try that, but I'd rather keep my hands. XD They're pretty good at petting doll hair. ;) I have a wierd obsession with just sitting there and letting my doll's hair. :) I'm weird.

  7. I've customized dolls before, but I've never taken their eyes out! I'm not ready to attempt that yet! You're brave! ;)

    1. It's less bravery and more lack of reasonable fear. Raw stupidity founded on the abscence of forethought.


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