
Monday, June 15, 2015

The misadventures of Gwen- 8th grade graduation

Apparently 8th grade graduation is a very serious thing. They want you to dress nice and stand up/sit down in this special choreographed way. "And all the parents are there you don't want to embarrass yourselfffffff!!!!" This is strange because my town is a boatload of  rural, hunting, sports fans who's most urban experience is a Seahawks game. Formalities aren't their thing. I see them more as loud, excitable, gung ho Americans eager to root for Seahawks Seahawks Seahawks.
Why do we suddenly care about nice clothes and walking in a straight line? Hmmmm...

I wore a dress. That's the second time this school year, and the first time wearing a dress to actual school. I had thought that combat boots would look cool with this dress (dark blue, floral, from Eddue Bauer) so my dad's teaching partner Kim lent me hers. They did look awesome and felt nice, but were too small. We might go to the army surplus store to buy me a pair in my size.
I wound up wearing my converse.

So today I walked in a straight line behind Josh and in front of Kirsten (annoying people) and we all sat down in the proper row in unison in alphabetical order. *jazz hands*.  I got an award that has something to do with the president and my 3.9 GPA, and another one to do with the american legion. No idea what that is.

Most people would say something sappy about how great their middle school years were (like Tristan and Callie did in their stupid little speeches), but that would be a flat out lie.

Things that happened in middle school:
•Decided that I hate middle school
•Wrote "Petty Conversations for the Weak Minded" (all about why I hate middle school)
•Astonished at the stupidity of my peers
•Made 0 friends
•Wrote an essay about how my attitude about people in general was impeding my ability to make friends
•Made 0 friends anyway
•Quit saxophone, clarinet, and piano (not all at once)
•Got braces
•Discovered nerd side of the force
•Discovered peers who listen to things other than country, pop and rap (icky poo)
•Sang "enter sandman" by Metallica and made everyone laugh because they didn't know I liked Metallica*
•Refused to try out for track
•Made a presentation on the Internet Demons
•Made snarky comments on various foolish things with Colton and Mr. Rush
•Threw books at people
•Made This Is Dumb stickers
•Found several people I could stand next to if I needed to pretend I had friends

Yup. That was fun.
(Sans sarcasm: there were 7 things that I found truly fun. Whoever guesses them all gets a prize.)

If you want me to post Petty Conversations for the Weak Minded (first hand research from the lunch table), tell you all about the Internet Demons, or post This Is Dumb sticker printables, just ask.

*jazz hands are always sarcastic. Always.
*it's an acquired taste. you probably won't like it.

This makes me happy.
Calvin and Hobbes/Doctor Who
I just started watching Doctor Who and the diehards will be pleased to know that I didn't skip 9.

OH HEY! I visited my dad's 5th grade classroom last week (because going to wild waves with my class sounded like a dumb idea) and found a kid named Josh (who is way cooler than 8th grade josh) who was dressed as the 9th Doctor. 5th graders never cease to please me. 

The moral of this story:
8th grade graduations are silly
Jazz hands are sarcastic
Gwen generally gets good grades
Gwen is not good at people
Doctor WhooooooOOOOOOOooooooo is pretty cool.


  1. Sounds like a very interesting graduation! ;)

  2. I would love to read Petty Conversations for the Weak Minded and definitely the Internet Demons. Your posts are always entertaining. Watching a middle school choir concert was something I could not stand that I had to suffer through a few months ago. (Don't get me wrong, the songs they picked were great but the people I could not stand and I don't even know them!)

    1. Ugh people. People are among the most annoying things.
      I'm so glad we don't have choir. Or orchestra.
      The Internet demons are coming to get youuuuu!!!

  3. You just scared me to death because I start middle school next year.

    1. Any advice to avoid the dangers of that horrid place?

      Don't have a "boyfriend" (or whatever it is your hormones tell you DON'T bother with a significant other)
      Be sarcastic about your problems.
      Just do the work. No slacking for Tenley. Teachers are easier on you when they know you consistently turn in your work.
      Try to not mindlessly diss on people.

    3. Thanks for the tips. I'm still terrified, but thank you.


    - Ellie

  5. Please publish petty conversations for the week minded! To be honest I can relate to most of the things that happened to you in middle school, except I have a year left. Oh I am always stuck with a Josh too, he drives everyone at my school mental. Oh yay Doctor Who and Calvin and Hobbes!

    1. The name Josh must be a bad omen. (Unless, of course, the Josh in question is a 5th grader and too tiny/adorable to do anything wrong. Plus dressing like The Doctor nullifies all your faults)

  6. Yes, I agree with the above people. Publish the petty conversations for the weak minded.
    I agree with you on all those things.
    I'm a U so I'm stuck at the end of the alphabet.
    I've made those "friends" whom I can stand next to and pretend to talk to.
    And I hate people who make sappy speeches- Middle school is like walking through the gates to H. E. double L.
    I have awards ceremony during school on wednesday. I have to sit and watch teachers pets get awards for two hours, while I (being an average student at my nerd school) don't get anything.

    1. The pretend friends are very nice when you don't want people to come up and ask why you are standing alone.

  7. I tagged you for the World Doll Day tag, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to.

  8. Well that was certainly interesting.In a good way. Don't worry I'm not good at people either. I mean come on we run blogs about DOLLS. I used to be good at people but now my friend list is down to about 2. And only one of them is going to my school. I'm really hoping that you had fun throwing books at people, writing a presentation on Internet Demons, making This Is Dumb stickers, making snarky comments with Colton and Mr. Rush, singing metallica, and finding pretend friends. Because God knows that's all I'll ever have.

    1. Except for on heeeeeeeeerrrrreeeee! We'll give you cyber hugs and imaginary cookies.


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