
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sunshine, green things, and reacquainting myself with the big camera.

There was a period of time when I discovered The Big Camera (As in not my iPhone).
 I loved experimenting with the manual focus and zoom, full of twisty dial fun! But when I posted the pictures they seemed fuzzy (At least on the mobile version, which is the only place I view blogs from). I figured that was because they were too small, so I stopped with the big camera and went back to my phone.
And it is glorious. Because I edited them too.
SO. If the pictures are fuzzy to you, you can enlarge the pictures or something. 

Ugh too much sun on Lilly's face. And this fern frond decided to do a nice dance for us while I took pictures. So if you're wondering why Lilly's overexposed face is up here (shame on you, sun!) It's because the dancing fern wanted to partake in the post.

Trying to decide if this is cool or not. 

We have this wooden ladder that was going to be part of the slide, but we stuck the slide on the Monstrositoy (that's another story) and let the ladder on a nice big rock. So if you were curious about the glowing white book of confusingness, it's not glowing, white, or a book. It's that ladder and the sun just loves it.

It's pretty warm today in my backyard, perfect for stretching out and letting the sun shine down. Aahhh.

Looks at this! It's split down the middle- Lilly has more springy colors and vibrant leaves behind her, but Andie has muted colors and dead (or at least not budding yet) branches behind her. It's like one is the goddess of spring and the other is the goddess of fall.

The colors seem to go so well here!

Oh pretty Andie. I wasn't really sure about the vest at first, because being "fashionable" is more something Lilly would do. But I like it pretty well, especially when it comes out more red then purple. 
What do you think? Was the vest a good idea?

In these next 2 photos you can see the difference between the edited and not edited.
For this one I bumped up the vibrancy and temperature, I think. 
I love this so so so much I think I'll change Andie's picture to this on the meet my dolls page. (And put up the drawings. I kinda forgot to do that.)

Here's the original. It's sort of washed- out looking, huh?

Oh da feets. 
About Andie's boots: Since I had two pairs of the same boots from the My AG meet, I tried to customize them into awesomeness. If you'll remember, the first pair I painted with coffee. That was cool for the shoot, but they got sticky pretty fast. So I tried again with gouache paint and that might not have failed if I had used the right shade of brown. So I sanded off the old paint with a nail file and tried again with water color. I also cut the tops off. Don't ask me why I did that; I don't know.

Shooting into the sun was a rather silly idea in this spot- I am displeased with the lichen being the background, but the shadow was cool, so I kept it. 

Changed the angle for a greener background.

I like how Andie seems taller. It's probably just how I placed them, but she is supposed to be older. 

I'm wondering if Andie and Lilly have different skin tones, or if this is just an optical illusion. If they do, Andie has kind of an olive tone, and Lilly is more peach. It's funny how we compare colors to fruits.

Grrrrrr Lilly why are you out of focus?

ooooh shiny!

Well that was three pictures with no variation in angle or pose. A mark of laziness. I shall have to make a mental note of this. Good thing we're done.

Alrighty! That was fun! You bored now? Yeah, me too.
soooo have you heard of Izzy's poster contest? Should I enter one of these? Which one looks most poster-ish, or belongs on a doll's wall?
Ta ta for now!


  1. Ahhhh Gwen these are absolutely stunning!!! I adore the one of Andie that you're gonna put on the Meet the Dolls page ♥♥♥


    1. Maybe I've caught up with you? lol : ) Andie turned out amazing here, didn't she?

  2. UUUGHH I LOVE THESE I especially like the one split down the middle, the one two after that, the first, and the one shot into the sun. The vest is amazing, and you should definitely enter the contest!

    - Ellie

    1. Yay I was right! That vest does work- it came from the Our Generation Boho Beauty set.
      You should enter too!

  3. These are gorgeous! I love Andie's outfit.

  4. I love all of the pictures!

  5. Those pictures are so pretty and magical!

  6. All these photos are amazing, and I especially love the one when you zoomed into the details of the tree with the dolls in the back ground.
    You should definitely enter the contest!
    I think I might go take pictures of my dolls...

    1. WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH. You have dolls? Is this a new occourance in the universe, or am I just not paying attention?


  7. Really gorgeous photos! They look amazing!:)

  8. Gwen, quite honestly, these take my breath away. I can't believe how goregeous these are. Like seriously, freaking amazing. Really, I can't express my amazement! Like... WOW!!!

    1. And yes!!! Please enter one of these for my contest, they are all AMAZING!!!

    2. Mmm hmm I am marveling at the greatness of the Big Camera too.
      But I wonder which one? Should it be like a movie or doll series poster, or just a picture?


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