
Saturday, April 25, 2015

She has arrived.


Our rather short story begins with a brand new doll arriving at a brand new place of residence. She is slightly nervous, and the third person omniscient narrator is slightly incompetent in her line of work, as the omniscient part is not entirely truthful.

"I hope this is the right place." She said. Out loud. Because talking to oneself out loud gives off a teeny bit of confidence (to she who is talking), and more than a teeny bit of the impression of madness (to everyone else). It is debatable whether the talking out loud technique should be used, and requires careful weighing of the pros and cons of doing so- whether you want confidence or presumed saneness. It worked rather well for our protagonist, for the teeny bit of confidence was gained and no one but the third person omniscient narrator, who is apparently all-hearing as well as all-seeing, heard.

She knocked in a decidedly assertive fashion on the door.

 And was met by a nearly disconcerting guard armed with a ballpoint pen. "Stand down! Be you friend or foe?" Bellowed she who answered the door.

She blinked. "Umm friend, last I checked."

"Would this be 7644 East Swamp Road North Dollworld?" She added, glancing at the smudged scrap of paper in her hand.

"Yup. Are you our new roommate...sister...friend...thing?"
"Something like that-Gwen didn't say much."
"She never does. What's your name?"
"Rylan Kaimana Parker ."
"All three?"
"nah, whichever one you like."
Rylan or Parker or both or neither gestured to the weapon "I'm glad to see that someone aside from Shakespeare has figured out that pen is mightier than sword."

"Mmm, thanks." Andie said, proudly fingering the pen.
"Do you greet everyone like that?"
"Yeah- I wouldn't use it on you, though."
"Good to hear." 

"Come on in, I'll show you around. I think Lilly made cookies."

It was at that point that The third person not-quite-omniscient narrator got bores of portraying Andie's awkwardness and decided that it would be much more fun of a task to play with Rylan Kaimana Parker's hair for a while. Or perhaps take more pictures for Maddie's AGPC or Izzy's poster contest, which is due om may first, I think, so I should get on that.


  1. She is so cute! Are you debating between those 3 names?

    "the third person omniscient narrator is slightly incompetent in her line of work"
    "Rylan or Parker or both or neither"
    "'Stand down! Be you friend or foe?'"
    I am begging you to write more stories about your dolls.
    And in other ramblings from my dolls to yours WELCOME DEAR RYLAN KAIMANA PARKER. We hope you love it in the blogosphere :)

    - Ellie + her dolls

    1. I amuse myself with things like that. XD
      I should, I should. But you remember how the last story went, don't you? I forgot about it 5 times and couldn't describe what was in my head so it came out very boring. I never even thought of a title for it! *regretful snarling*, if that's even a thing.
      And yes, she likes it. : )

  3. I love your writing style with a passion. xD

    Welcome, Dylan Kaimana Parker! Beautiful name.


    1. that's great! I was wondering if it was too wordy, because one time I read The Hero And The Crown and the anecdotes were pages long and hard to follow. Mine isn't like that yet, but I'm worried it's getting there.
      Kaimana means Ocean or powerful ocean or something in Hawaiian. I liked Rylan Ocean Parker, but then I had two names that ended in an and all there were two syllables. So the three- syllable, exotic Kaimana balenced it out just beautifully.

  4. That was super funny :0)
    Welcome Rylan Kaimona Parker!!
    - Zoë
    ( I love your cloud backround by the way)

    1. I tried to make it that way- and complete honesty seems like the way to go. XD
      She says thank you
      I found it on Pinterest! Just search Eloise Renouf and you get tons of beautiful patterns like this.

  5. Congratulations! I love the name :) Andrea's shirt is so cute!

  6. Welcome Rylan Kaimana Parker! Love her name, it suits her perfectly.
    I laughed so hard when I read this. :) Your writing style is awesome! "I'm glad to see that someone aside from Shakespeare has figured out that pen is mightier than sword". Just--yes. Yes.

    1. XD I love it when that happens. Sometimes I'm rather dull and obvious in writing photostories, but this one turned out rather well.
      Andie would like everyone to know that she wants a REAL sword, thank you very much.

  7. Oh, she is such a pretty girl : )
    BTW, your sense of humor is just...awesome. : )

    1. I have two senses of humor. The one here, and the one on the award post of terror. That didn't go over very well, so this one will do. XD

  8. Congrats on the new doll!

  9. Oh. My. Gosh. GWEENNN!! Ahh! I thought she retired! That's like, my favorite doll ever and I am trying really hard to get my parents to let me get her ^_^ Okay, I'm super jealous :P You wanna trade dolls?? Just kidding :P

    1. SHE'S NOT RETIRED YET! I've only heared one place that said she's getting retired. She's only been here 4 years, so I dont think it's happening soon. BUT IF YOU LOVE HER, YES, BY ALL MEANS, GET HER.


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