
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lilly, Rylan, and Andie realize they don't know how to build fairy gardens + shout out

There was a plan. At the beginning, there was a brave plan to make a fairy garden. The plan fell apart was when it was discovered that no one knew how to make a fairy garden. This, like all plan's pitfalls, ultimately led to the project's abandonment.
Despite their lack of knowledge in the field of fairy garden building, the intrepid trio plunged into the back yard with a passion only teenage girls can muster. (Rhinos, incidentally, happen to be just as enthusiastic in their endeavors to do... rhino... ish... things. Oh gee. The point is, Our girls here have the determination to rival a herd of strong willed rhinos.)

A nice spot behind a large boulder (Large, that is, to dolls. It is certainly not a pebble, but I am still bigger [in height, not mass] than said boulder.) was located and deemed, by the self proclaimed Deem-er Of Good Spots For Fairy Gardens (also known as Andie), to be a good spot for a fairy garden. What do you know. Such an aptly named title.
Once that was sorted, it was decided (by another self proclaimed official- "The Decider of Things In General", who also may be called Lilly) that the sticks and rocks should be cleared away.
So Andie picked up the sticks.

And Lilly carried the sticks to Rylan.

Who put them in a pile on the other side of the boulder, because who knows when you could use a few good sticks?

Another decision was made by the Decider Of Things that weeds should be pulled from the premisies. As far as I can tell, none of that happened. Andie looks like she's swatting a bug, Lilly seems to be confused between a rock and a weed, and Rylan back there is just chillin'.

Oh wait, my eyes deceive me. She was the only one pulling weeds. "It was a pokey one," she tells me, "very unpleasant."
Fortunately, though, when people got tired of not pulling weeds, Rylan, the In- House Fairy Expert (she read a book in third grade about fairies and remembers one- fourth of it, making her knowledge of fairies much more in-depth than her comrades.), decreed that rocks be placed in a circle around the area where sticks had been cleared away and weeds had not been pulled. Because fairies like do dance in circles. (which makes total sense when you think a bout how hard it would be to dance in a triangle. Or a concave octagon.)

Ah yes! Lilly's confusion between rocks and weeds has come in handy after all!
But the rocks were entirely too heavy for dolls (even ones so steadfast in their desire to make a fairy garden) BUT DID THAT STOP THEM?? NO. That comes later.

Rylan discovered the trick was to move the rocks along with your feet. It was inefficient and slow going, butb worked better than trying to pick them up.
And then Andie would arrange them artfully while Lilly used her power as the Decider of Things In General to decide that the was far to tired to move rocks and must take a break.
Rylan told her to man up- sorry: woman up-, which carries much more weight than being The Decider. Things got done a lot quicker after that.

This is the bit where it falls apart. No one knows what to do now. A suggestion from the audience might be in order.

And now here's some more Rylan because we need it.

Ok, that's about it, except for a shout out to Watermelon and Raspberry at EverythingAG
They are brand (since March) new to the blogoverse, and could use some visitors.
Here are some links to their coolest posts:



  1. I love fairy gardens! I actually made furniture out of sticks and hot glue (a bed, chair, table and swing to be exact) and then that week it rained every day, destroying all of my hard work :( Rylan's outfit is so cute!

    1. I tried to make a fairy house once, out of a class jar and colored beads. The same thing happened, only for me it was the dogs and not the rain. I'm gonna try again, and this time I SHALL SUCCEED!
      The boots are my favorite part- the my AG meet boots that i painted with water colors and cut off the tops.

  2. Oh, this was such a fun story despite the ultimate peril the girls underwent.
    I love fairies, and have made a fairy garden before!

    BTW, I like the girls' outfits. If you are going to build a fairy garden, do so fashionably.

    1. I think peril has been avoided here. ; )

      Fairies like when you keep things tidy, and even... Fashionable!

  3. Awesome pictures and cute story!

  4. Thanks for giving us a shout out! We love your blog!

    ~Raspberry (and Watermelon [she's here, too])~

  5. I just wanted to let you know that the link for Crazy Doll Stunts is broken. You forgot the e on everything. Thanks again for giving a shout out!

    1. You are ever so welcome. I'll see what I can do about that link.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have a fairy garden to make. :)

    1. Rylan would like to offer you your heart back. XD
      Have fun!

  7. Thanks for shouting us out! I really didn't want 58, but your pictures HAVE CHANGED MY MIND. I'll be off making a fairy garden...


    1. YES YOU NEEEED 58. AG's stock photos of her suck. She is so freaking adorable in person.


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