
Monday, February 16, 2015

Lilly's trip to Seattle Feb 14

* Ziiiiiiip*


You have no idea how undignified being stuffed in a duffel bag is.

Today we're heading up to Seattle to visit Gwen's cousins.
No, there will not be a trip to the American Girl store.
But there is a lot of fun stuff planned- I get to go because it's my birthday! I am now 13, the same age as Andie!

Im just gonna finish this burrito while I wait for us to het there.

Road road road road CAR road road TREE this is so boring.

When will we be there?

I can see Seattle!

Yay we're in Greenlake! That drive was way too long for my liking.
{only 2 hours}
Still. too long. I need to stretch my vinyl legs.

Here we are at Gwen's cousins house!


Hey lilly! Its been a while! What have you been up to lately?

Oh, you know, just wreaking havoc across the land and nice, respectable things like that.

The others are on the kitchen table waiting for you.

So we stood there and talked for a while.

And somehow sage wound up with tomatoes on her head.

Mckenna and I played outside.

Ooo one hand!

We ate cake and ice cream too, but I forgot to get footage of that.

{ Gwen Comentary}
We walked a mile to this restaurant called Pies and Pints in the Roosevelt district an I had a very lovely steak and potato pot pie. On the way we saw this pit they were digging for a light rail or something. Coolness!

And here's Barrett being adorable.

I really want to live at Barrett's house because there are books all over the place.

Books by the couch

A whole wall of books- Oh man I need that so bad.

books hiding under the cupboards

This one is my favorite. BEHOLD: THE TOLKIEN SHELF!

Booksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooks. : )

{back to lilly}
The next morning, Maddie and I played soccer on the porch.

She kicked....

GOOOOOAL! It went right between my feet

And down to the grass below .

Who's gonna get it?

Not me.

By then to was time to go rock climbing at UW anyway.

We found pretty flowers along the way.

The gravel and rock wall was wet, too slippery to climb. But we dod have a rather lovely time just sitting there.

I had a fairly good weekend, when you don't count being stuffed into a duffel bag or sitting in the trunk while Gwen and her extended family wandered through the bookstore.

 {more Gwen}

Silly girl didn't wear leggings with her skirt and was cold the whole time.

We explored the rest of the UW campus. This one we like to call the Harry Potter building

It was really cool

This study room looks like the great hall. It just needs an enchanted ceiling.

Good books are a priceless possession.

It's Hogwarts, I swear!

Im always so surprised at flowers blooming in February.

Did you guys have a good weekend?



  1. Lilly, you're so adorable :). Happy b-day! And man, does that burrito look good.....yums ;)
    You know that whole wall of books??? I have those bookshelves! They're in the living room in my house. My mom gets the left two for her memoirs, autobiographies, and poetry, and my dad gets the right two for his history and travel.
    Your trip sounds super fun!
    My weekend was generally fine. My parents (I kid you not here) literally forgot me on Valentine's Day, but they made up for it later with a box of chocolates and two boxes of girl scout cookies. :D Yums.

    - Ellie

    1. Ah yes, Girl Scout cookies.
      What's your favorite kind? Mine's Samoas.

    2. Definitely Peanut Butter Patties. I also like Thin Mints, but you can get those at a supermarket under the name Grasshoppers by Keebler. YEAR ROUND GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! :D

      - Ellie

  2. Happy Birthday Lilly! Love your mustache shirt. :) Your trip sounds super fun, and I really want to have that wall of books.
    -Seven Little Daisies

  3. Happy birthday!
    Books. OH. MY. BOOKS!
    That book shelf looks amazing. I swear when I have my own house there will be books every where. (Even in the bathroom.)
    Your trip looked super fun!
    My weekend was okay but I am off school today because of snow.

    1. YAS. Books all over the place, hiding under beds, on top of cabinets, on the stairs... I really want a window seat between two bookshelves so I can read and look out at the rain.
      I must agree with you books are necessary in the bathroom. Pooping, frankly, is quite boring without them.

  4. Lovely post! Looks like you gals had a blast.

  5. Haha! So cute! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Wow! They do have a lot of books! :)


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