
Friday, February 13, 2015

I should think of a title for this story, shouldn't I?

It was hopeless. After an hour, Pythagoras gave up teaching and said "ok just-just stab whenever you can and let the adrenaline do the rest."
The two girls were practically sick with worry, but plowed resolutely onward behind the goat. It was not long before they reached a road. Crouching behind the bushes, a whispered meeting was being held. 
"This is where Ond's demons patrol most of the time. Here's the plan: We run. As fast as you can. If one of  them sees you, you fight. When you think you have a chance, you run, straight on until you get back to the forest.  Do not wait for the rest of the group. Just run. Got it?"
"Got it." Came the reply.
"And if you must fight, Andie, remember fire, air, earth, water. Lilly, just stab."
The road was wide as a 4 lane highway. Some 50 feet away were 2 hulking black creatures milling about, backs turned. The trio ran for it. The plan might have worked if the demons couldn't hear so well or move so fast. This, unfortunately, was not the case. They were barely halfway across when one of the snarling monsters was upon them, bared teeth and claws. They scattered. Andie sprinted as hard as she could toward the forest. Her feet pounded the grass. But there in front of her was another monster. She made a sharp turn and ran between the two demons, barely dodging their grasping claws. Fire, she remembered. She first fire proofed her hands, the summoned the biggest flame she could muster. It flared high above her head when she turned around to face the demons, flinging the blaze with all her might. She had never been a good shot, but these guys were impossible to miss. She watched in pride as their shaggy coats burst into flame. And then fled in horror as they charged toward her, madder than ever.
Lilly had her blade. It was a nice one and she felt suddenly powerful and dangerous and was overcome with the desire to save Andie from her pursuers. She leaped over several rocks until she caught up with the monsters. Andie's flame had gone out when it had rolled on the ground, so she took this opportunity to spring onto the back of a demon, ready to do some hard core stabbing and mutilating and things of that sort, only to have to jump off again when an avalanche of dirt and rock came crashing down toward her and the demon. Andie had remembered her earth.
Andie was too busy watching to make sure Lilly got off the demon before the avalanche struck to notice the demon coming at her with its teeth and jaws open, ready to tear her apart. When she did notice, she had just enough time to to remember water. The sheer force of the wave she was creating was holding the demon at bay, teeth inches from her face. She was choking on the backsplash now, pinned to the ground by one of the enormous arms, claws getting ever closer to her neck.
Lilly took this opportunity to do the stabbing she was cheated out of earlier. She bounded from her boulder onto the back of the demon, and avoiding the forceful spray of water, she drove the knife into the neck of the beast and gave it a good firm twist. This procedure was repeated several times, blood spurting from the wounds. The monster shrieked and so did Lilly. Oh, how she hated blood. The monster reared up in agony, and Lilly was thrown from its back and landed hard on her own.
The last demon keeled over dead. Andie gaged and spit the water from her mouth and scrambled up from the puddle. Lilly dragged herself up and together they made it to the other side, but didn't keep running like they were supposed to. Lilly was making weird noises instead of breathing. Andie sat her down against a tree and looked at her with concern. Lilly stared straight ahead and said quickly "this is really weird" her breath was returning shallowly and her vision was going spotty and her ears were roaring. "You okay, lil?" Came Andie's garbled voice through the static. 
"Kind of." She answered "I just can't see and everything is all garbled" she felt Pythagoras at her side, slough she couldn't see him through the spots.
"She just got the wind nocked out of her," the goat informed them through the rushing. "Your lungs just kinda deflated when you fell. It's all very strange isn't it? That was some mighty fine stabbing you did out there. Wise to twist the knife like that."
Lilly smiled a kind of half smile that said "yeah I'm not really proud of that" and then thinking about killing the demon and all the blood made her throw up.
Pythagoras then insisted on checking her for a concussion while she assured him that throwing up was just from the blood and no, she was fine, really. 
Lilly could see the outlines of things now and they all caught their breath and discussed that Andie should probably not stop to watch the battle when she was doing the fighting. When lilly's vision had cleared and her ears stopped ringing the party moved on, away from the slain demons in case any more should come. None of them wanted to stop walking when dusk fell that evening, for they still had adrenaline coursing through their systems and we're still stressing out about those demons. But the trio was far away from the site of their near demise and they had once again reached a safe patch of forest, with no chance of meeting any sort of monster. And still, as she lay on the lumpy ground in her sleeping bag, Andie felt anxious. She did not like killing things, not one bit. And she began to wonder...What if Lilly had not stabbed the demon so viciously? She had seen the wild fury in her friend's eyes, driving the blade into the thick neck of her attacker. But what if Lilly hadn't made it in time? How long could she have held it off? When she finally drifted off to sleep, her dreams were riddled with various beasts tearing her to shreds as Lilly looked on in horror, knife hanging limp at her side. Several times she woke in a cold sweat, panting after a frantic sprint in her dream. But despite her troubled sleep, things were, in fact, brightening. 


  1. Wow, this is awesome, Gwen! You're a great writer. :)
    -Seven Little Daisies

  2. Oh! Excellent battle scene, especially the bit with the water and the knife. I could visualize that perfectly :) And Lilly never ceases to delight me.
    Just one question: Andie and Lilly are just friends, not sisters, in this story, right? So in "real" doll life are they just friends or actually sisters? For I am confuzzled.

    1. Here they are friends, in real life they are sisters. When I first thought up the idea I couldn't think of any names so I just used Andie and Lilly.
      Yes, confuzzlement! I'm not the only one who uses that word!

      My math teacher though. She banned the word confuzzled 'cause she "doesn't like made-up words."
      *does a really sassy "Really?" with eyebrows raised*

      - Ellie

  3. I also loved the battle seen!
    Your descriptions are, as always, amazing!


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