
Saturday, January 31, 2015

AGPC challenge 1 all about Andie

This is my entry photo!

Andie likes to draw like me.
She also loves the woods

The gray clouds are like a big down blanket to wrap yourself up in.

Her favorite thing to do is go out into the woods and draw anything that springs to mind.

Today it looks like a girl with a flower crown

Are you doing Maddie's American Girl Photo Challenge?


Saturday, January 24, 2015

What's up?

 Hey people. Sorry we've been gone for so long.

 But our absence hasn't been entirely futile.
Gwen has been working on a lot of projects lately.

 Making stuff for the bookstore...

 Cleaning off this shelf so we can move in here...
She likes the Trifold Board In Front Of A Window setup much better than the iPhone Pictures In The Darkest  Corner Of Her Bedroom silliness.

 So yeah. We're still here.

 Just waiting for Gwen to finish her projects. (I saw a posterboard couch for us in her room. That looks cool)

 If she ever gets books made, this will be the name of the bookstore.

 And here are some lovely fake flowers for you.



Monday, January 19, 2015

A very fine day lazing around the house

 Hey peeps. *sniff* Today I had a bit of a cold. I spent the day lazing around the living room sleeping and reading. *sniff* The cool thing about the living room is that Gwen just recently made it for us. I've grown bored of reading and sleeping for the time being, so I thought I'd show you some of the *sniff* cool stuff.

 Oh yeah. this is the book I was reading. Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell.

Anyway, Instead of a couch, Gwen made Lilly and I some poufs. As I recall, they are bucket hats that don't fit her anymore.

 The hat part is *sniff * filled with stuffing and the brim is folded underneath and hot glued in place.

 The bookshelf (converse box) looks a tad tacky. Gwen's not done with it yet.

 Lilly got to help decorate the walls.

She made that in art class. Kinda abstract. I like it all right I guess.

She also made this one. I think its a little.... obtrusive. That's a new word I learned. A real one this time. It means noticeable and in-your-face. *sniff*

Below is my contribution to the decorating. The cover for the Foo Fighters' new album Sonic Highways.

 My favorite song is Something From Nothing.
You see the Space Needle up in one corner? And the Hollywood Sign? There are a bunch more places I don't know the name of. Each song was recorded in a different city. There are 8 total.

 A potholder makes a very nice accent rug.

 Lilly was super sweet and brought me some tea.

"Thanks, sis"

"Any time. I need to have some excuse for eating cookies, right?"

So we drank our tea. It helped my sore throat. : )
 My tea looks like Its going to spill. But it didn't. Thats how skilled I am. : D

Have a nice night, everybody!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lilly was feeling froofy today.

Yes, Froofy is a word. You know how I know? Because I said it. Froofy is a word and don't you forget it!

Now that we've got that covered, I can tell you what it means. With some lovely pictures of Lilly that I took.

 She made this little crown and put it on upside down like an elf's.

 I could have done this better if I had something to focus on in front of the pretty bokeh shapes on the crown.

 She insisted upon standing amid some christmas lights.

 "its like I have stars at my feet!"
Yeah. If all the stars were connected by ugly green wires.

 Part of being froofy is being frilly.

And the other part is being poofy. Understand? Frilly + Poofy = Froofy? 

 This tutu is darn thick, I tell you! almost directly beneath her and still no sign of the shorts she's wearing under it!

 She's feeling very froofy princessy indeed.

 It's glowing!

 Zis one is my favorite.

 Tulle just looks kinda cool, when Im not wearing it.

Well, that's It I think. I like blogging. Gwen made some awesome stuff for us, which I'll show you tomorrow.