
Saturday, January 31, 2015

AGPC challenge 1 all about Andie

This is my entry photo!

Andie likes to draw like me.
She also loves the woods

The gray clouds are like a big down blanket to wrap yourself up in.

Her favorite thing to do is go out into the woods and draw anything that springs to mind.

Today it looks like a girl with a flower crown

Are you doing Maddie's American Girl Photo Challenge?



  1. I don't think I'm entering, but I will totally vote for yours!

  2. Oh my gosh, Gwen, this is definitely one of the best entries I have seen yet. The quality is perfect, the details are flawless, and Andie's personality really shows through these photos. I love it. <3

  3. Oooh! I love your entry sooo much! I will definitely be voting for you! :)

  4. I think yours is better than mine!


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