
Friday, July 13, 2018

Book Reviews with Andie- The Language of Spells

Good afternoon and happy... whatever day today is, everybody! It's Andie here and I am going to spill my thoughts to you about The Language of Spells by Garret Weyr.
My summary is this: a dragon named Grisha is born in a forest in Germany. He gets turned into a teapot by an evil magician, and then sold to an emperor, who dies and gives him to an antique shop, where a young man named Yakov finds him and brings him home. Yakov can see that he is a real dragon inside a teapot. He is sure to put the teapot in a window so Grisha can get some sun, and talks to him every day. Eventually, he finds a way to release him from the teapot, and tells him that all the other dragons have been called to Vienna. Little did they know that it was the evil magician Leopold who was doing the calling. More than half the dragons are put to sleep and hidden beneath the city. Grisha and the remaining dragons are left as museum and national landmark guides. They forget the terrible fate of their brothers and sisters.

Eventually, Grisha meets an eleven year old girl named Maggie. They become fast friends and on their adventures around the city of Vienna, Grisha remembers his early days there and that his friends are missing. He and Maggie embark on a quest to save the sleeping buried dragons, talking to enchanted cats about where they're hidden, and to Yakov's granddaughter about a potion to wake them up, going on excursions to London, Rome, and the Black Forest. Unfortunately, all magic demands a sacrifice, including the magic to reverse Leopold's spell. When they find the sleeping dragon's deep beneath Vienna's subway system, Maggie's sacrifice is to give up the thing she loves most- being able to see and talk to her friend Grisha. The spell works.

Now lemme tell you guys, I loved every page of this book! I love dragons and old cities, and children literature that reads like you could be telling a fantastical story to a child. There were beautiful illustrations and likable characters, the whole shebang. But the ending. Oh, how I loathe the ending. It's not a bad or poorly thought out ending, it just makes me sad. Imagine not being able to see, hear, or feel your best friend, even though he's right there. Imagine him knowing that and not being able to do anything. Maggie can't even see the dragons that she freed, nor can they tell her how grateful they are. Good Lord I Hate sad endings. If you are going to read this book, read all of it except the last chapter, and then make up your own ending.

Farewell form Andie, hater of bittersweet books.

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