
Friday, February 5, 2016


cacti are just like people.

there are tall skinny ones

and short round ones

and prickly ones

and not so prickly ones.
Some bloom,

some don't
every day they're out standing in the blazing sun

but they don't shrivel
they hold tight to the water they can find
and provide for other living creatures

keep on being a cactus
you're doing just fine
night will come
droughts will end
and you'll bloom.


  1. This was such a creative take on an inspirational post. I loved it. :)


  2. OH MA GOODNESS that short round cactus was so incredibly cute. Gosh I love this. THE INSPIRATION. THE INSPIRATION!!!!

  3. this is adorable. let's all be cacti <3


    (plus we can scare away our enemies with our thorns :P)

  4. i am a cacti. i loved this so much.

    and it is so true.


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