
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tacos and Totoro

In a recent conversation with Donald The Local Fanboy, he mentioned that Twenty-One Pilots was having a concert and he couldn't go. "I'll be crying myself to sleep tonight, Gwen." He told me. "Not that that's unusual. But this time it's out of self pity instead of self loathing."
I made the usual noncommittal noise of acknowledgement with an ambiguous head waggle in response to this, but I did wonder about the self loathing.
I am sure that I am not the only one who lays awake at night remembering every rude, out of context, weird, insensitive, overly sensitive, misinterpretable remark or lack of remarks I had made that day. And the day before that. And the thing I said five years ago. And the things I can't quite do, the things I'm scared to do, the things I wish I could have done better, the awkward situations I wish had never happened. And future things that might happen and how doing things now can affect future things. And not doing things. These all seem like mild insecurities in the daylight, but at night when you cant fall asleep, they're all your fault and you're a horrible person and every person you've ever dealt with probably hates you.
Doing things.
Speaking to people.

Here's a taco to make us feel better.
If that didn't work, here's some Totoro:
Studio Ghibli Gifs

Here's a Totoro smile to brighten up your day! | Totoro | Miyazaki | Studio Ghibli

Studio Ghibli Gifs

If that didn't make you feel better, I don't know what to tell you.

After reading Night Vale Horoscopes, I decide I had better make my own. SO I went outside tonight and spoke with the stars. Here is what they say about you.

Aries: please ignore the fact that your dog is licking the floor. It's none of your business what happens between your dog and the floor.

Taurus: You mess with the bull, you get the horns. Today would be a good day to invest in bull repellent.

Gemini: You know what they say. You know what we think. When did you learn to read lips? Even more frightening, when did you gain the ability to read minds?

Cancer: You like listening to My Chemical Romance. Never heard of them? Don't like them? too bad. You love MCR.

Leo: Today is a good day to eat animal crackers and watch The Lion King. Avoid Finding Nemo.

Virgo: Gravity hates you. The law of conservation of matter hates you. We wouldn't recommend studying physics.

Libra: Watch Finding Nemo. Show it to Leo. Enjoy the effects.

Scorpio: nanananananananananananananananananananana nanannananananananananananananananananananananananana batman.

Sagittarius: You need new shoes.

Capricorn: Tell your Internet friends you love them. Pack your bags for a permanent stay in Reality. Health insurance is not included.

Aquarius: You will find the meaning of life inside the esophagus of the next person you accidentally kill. You will cry. You will tell no one of the knowledge you have gained. You will stare at the sky in agony. You will wait for the end to come. It doesn't.

Pisces: Cuss like a sailor. Swear like a rock star. Curse like an eccentric Latin professor calling down the Ancient Ones.


  1. I mean, all the awkward moments (etc.) I regretted from a while ago don't bother me. I think of it as I tried to interact with people (or they tried to interact with me) so it's their fault if they make me awkward.

    I'm scorpio, but I never liked it. I don't know why. Right now I think Im more Leo (based on yours). My throat hurts really bad and I'm tired an all I want is gram crackers. A Disney movie wouldn't be that bad: usually I watch Forrest Gump on Netflix.

    I'm tired.

    1. It's make more sense and be easier to blame things on other people, but my brain says NO! I WANNA WALLOW IN SELF LOATHING! And I try very hard to convince it that it's not a good idea.
      I hope your throat feels better, dear.

  2. Well, I guess this is bye then Gwen. We had a good run here but reality calls.(Wails in distressed Spanish even though she doesn't actually speak any ounce of coherent Spanish whatsoever) Now to calculate the volume of a compound 3D shape or something.

  3. I do the awkward moment too, but in the worst moments. I'll be in the middle of math and I'll get a cringe attack and my classmates will look at me thinking I'm having a seizure or something. I make the awkward moments awkwarder basically.

    and I'm an Aries, but I don't actually have a dog. What does this mean.


    1. It means that your inner spirit animal may or may not be a dog. Best keep your face away from the floor for the next few days.


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