
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Hootenanny worm wart oil enhancing melancholyizer

Hey there folks.
Ive managed to crawl out from my homework and books and tv shows and music to come say hi.


Andie and Rylan also say hi. I took these before Halloween was even here, and now Halloween is gone. Im super great at keeping track of things. The leaves were kind of squishy from the rain so Andie had to do a dance to get them to crunch properly.

This is from before October even, I think. The moon was making the clouds all shiny so I took out the camera and the tripod and tried to capture it. You can't get the clouds and the moon all properly exposed in the same picture, which is why the moon is so darn bright.

I've been feeling kind of sad or overwhelmed or something. Probably from too much homework and not enough sleep. Don't you think for a minute that the reason I've been loosing sleep is because of homework. No sir. I've been procrastinating the heck out of things. 

This looks kinda fluffy. Wouldn't you want to float in it?

I'm just in love with Andie's shirt. 
I'm sure you all already know of Lorilizgirlsanddolls, but Ill mention how much I love it anyway. 
Do any of you Etsy explorers have shop recommendations for me?

In other news, I have started reading Romeo and Juliet, because im just that classy. Nah.
Please, tell me about your favorite books in the comments! I love hearing about books and tv shows and movies I should read and watch. And hearing what you guys get excited about is always really cool too.
Getting back to Romeo and Juliet, I found this bit amusing, though the rest of it is difficult to slog through.
"I will bite my thumb at them, which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it."
[they guys we may or may not be biting thumbs at enter]
"Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?"
"I do bite my thumb, sir"
"do you bite your thumb at us, sir?"
[he talks to his friend and decides biting his thumb at someone is nowhere near as cool as it seemed.]
"no, sir, i do not bite my thumb at you sir, but i do bite my thumb."
(I'm thinking biting your thumb is something close to the middle finger.)

Copy and Paste has arrived again, with more things from my notes that I hadn't discovered before.

I suppose I would rather scream defiance at the universe  than have angsty little butterflies swarming about my face.  I don't know what problem I have with butterflies, but obviously the angst is not a plus.

I'm pretty sure that these are more Terry Pratchett quotes and/or references:

Celestial parsnip
Small boring group of faint stars
Flying moose
Okjock the salesman
The 2 fat cousins
The knotted string

Don't ask me. To make the crops grow or the moon rise or something. Or maybe they're just keen on killing people. That's religion for you.
here ends the Terry Pratchett quotes.

Dad's shampoo names:
Hootenanny worm wart oil enhancing melancholyizer
Plum mango morning star lollygag
we had been sitting bored in the salon, waiting for mom to get her hair done, and started making fun of the shampoo.

Me: talking about preschool 
Dad: did you learn the unforgivable curses?
Me: yeah! Guess how many people I killed?
Cole: how many?
Me: I don't know I couldn't count!

Sometimes I just find inexplicable strange things in my notes. There is no context, so you have just as good of an idea as I do about what's going on.
Gardening vigilante
I dare someone to write a story about that.

on the Friday before Halloween my bus driver gave us cookies. That was nice.

the frog is still hanging out on my door.

Look! It's a snickers bar to describe me!

I have this job feeding my neighbor's pigeons, which is how I pay for my doll obsession.
The day before yesterday I found this juvenile red tailed hawk in the pigeon loft. We know it was juvenile because no experienced bird would crawl into a hole to get food. we found one extremely* dead pigeon, but the hawk must have flown out when I opened the door, because we couldn't find it anywhere. 
*more than just a little bit dead. I would go as far as to say advanced dead.

Look! It's Whitney The Friend and her hat. and a laptop because I was supposed to be researching.

I expect the purple stuff is pureed Marshawn Lynch.

Lilly was doing some art today. We took her to a museum, where she saw a glass sculpture she liked. So she sketched it and painted it when we got home.

(doll universe aside, I think it's pretty good for a first try at painting, considering I had mostly forgotten what it looked like and had only my mediocre sketching skills to save me.)

The editing thingamabob I use, iPhoto, changed and I couldn't figure out how to edit. At all. This is frustrating. {I did edit it on picmonkey, though, so it's not as dark as it once was.} I'm in one of those moods where you kinda wanna do all these things but you do none of them in reality. I just spent 15 minutes thinking about how I should go get the laptop to write a post, work on a health presentation, and do math homework. None of these are terribly hard things, and I have resources to do all of them. So why do I just sit here?
Understandably i'm in no mood to figure out why a finicky old computer won't let me edit my dark pictures.
The spinning beach ball of death. That's my mood. Just like this 8-years-out-of-date computer.

I think I have a sinus headache. It hurts behind my cheekbones and eyebrows.

I wish I had something interesting to tell you.... Maybe I do. There's this person at my school named Lissa. She's an interesting duck. Way back in 6th grade, I was seated next to her in math because the teacher hoped I would help her with the classwork and understanding and such. I sit on the stool next to her's in silence because I have nothing to say. (I rarely do, out loud.) She asks me: "why are you so quiet?" and I'm unsure of how to answer. How do you answer a question like that? "I hate people" feels like it should be a standard response for me, but in all honesty it just isn't true.
While I was trying to come up with a response, She told me "they say that quiet people are possessed."
Thanks, Lissa.
Whoever "they" are, you should stop listening to them.
(I mean if she was really concerned she could have shouted CHRISTO to see if I flinched or dumped holy water on me to see if I burned or whatever else it is the Winchesters use to detect demons*.)
But she's not the kind of person to say weird things just for weirdness sake. (I am. I like to think I know this kind of person when I see one.)
I came up with some responses to help you shut down people who try to question your quietness.
Question: Why are you so quiet?
  • I ate too much peanut butter and now my tongue is stuck to my mouth. I'm communicating with you telepathically right now.
  • You can see me?
  • Excellent question. My research team is working on it. I'll get back to you as soon as we have sufficient data for a meaningful answer.
  • Why are you so loud?
  • Iay ancay nlyoay peaksay niay igpay atinlay. leasepay oday otnay rytay otay akemay onversationcay.         -crewsay ouyay.
  • It all started when I was 5. The family cat absconded with my tongue and though it was found some years later in Brazil, it has been nonfunctional. I use a bit of third degree magic to make it seem like I am speaking, but it takes a lot of energy.
  • Saving oxygen. You're welcome.
  • That is no way to speak to your lord and savior Desayuno. Repent, puny human, or I shall smite you.

*There are multiple demon detectors, in the 4 episodes of Supernatural I have seen. There's the one that goes BeeeeeeWWWWwwwwOOOOoooOOP and the one that goes asjghrvlBYSVJHKvjnbvkjbkafh. 


  1. *waves to you, Andie, and Rylan*
    That is a very nice dance.
    AWWWWW NOOOO THIS IS NOT ALLOWED one of my besets friends is not allowed to be sad. *hugs* I hope you feel better soon, dear.
    Cute frog!
    Whitney's hat is amazing.
    You know what would make Sam and Dean's job easier? Holy water guns. And they should always just say their last name is Christo when they're impersonating FBI agents so they can detect if they're talking to a demon straightaway.
    Salt-filled hula-hoops would also help.

  2. You CANNOT celebrate fall without a leaf pile photo I have decided.
    Last week I had to listen to a person ranting on Romeo and Juliet, I think I should pass this information along ;)
    You are the coolest person I know, really, feeding pigeons?! Ever since I read Rebecca's books I always thought feeding pigeons was cool.
    I cannot wait to use the "You can see me?" line when the next person asks me why I'm so quiet. (It happens very often, too often)

    1. Feeding pigeons is not fun. They poop all over the place and fly into you. Probably among the least graceful birds, cause their wings go FWIPFWIPFWIPFWIPFWIP. And are nowhere near silent.


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