
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Blueberry with t-rex arms

I have no clever things to say in mind or any intention of making a coherent post whatsoever. I am terribly bored and even more tired, but by brain says "NOO! no sleepy. we post now. yees." So I'm like "Ok, brain, we can post. What do you want to write about?"
Brain: Win arguments in head. Yes. very clever. Ohohohohohho we go take pictures of squirrels now?
Me:  no, i don't think we'll do that. But we can take pictures of squirrels when it gets light out.
Brain: ok. squirrels good. Want cookie? You want cookie NOW!
Me: the cookies aren't even good
Brain: U WANT NOW.

that was interesting. That is how most conversations with Dumb Brain go.
Here, I drew a picture of Dumb Brain.
I can't seem to get rid of him.

I was doing some more drawing (by drawing, i mean crude scribbles that only sort of aid my post.) and decided I better make Schmidt.
This is Schmidt


Schmidt is really dumb. Even worse than Dumb Brain. Bad things happen when you let Schmidt take control.
Things that happen when Schmidt runs amok:
"Oh, Schmidt."
"Schmidt just got real."
"I Schmidt you not."
"I call bullschmidt."
Schmidt is so stupid that he doesn't even know that his name has a c in it.

This is Philosopher Squirrel 
He comes when you are trying to think deeply, win arguments in your head, or comment on a post with something other than a perfunctory "lol that's great!". He is running on his little hamster wheel in your head, but keeps falling off or getting hungry or just wants to go watch some tv, He's an easily distracted little fella, but once you get him on track, his boundless energy and ability to make thought provoking remarks come out of your food hole will make others think very highly of you. 
TROUBLE IS. He can't see your vocabulary through the whirring slots of the hamster wheel and you wind up with an inarticulate, slimy pile of thoughts, leaving you with nothing to do but clean up his mess and mutter "never mind"

And a blueberry with t-rex arms from when Ellie was educating me in the area of Shakespeare and I read blubbery wrong. It's arms should be shorter, I know, but you can only get t rex arms so small. There's normal, small, extra small, petite, children's, and guinea pig. If you want smaller than guinea pig, you have to make them yourself. If you still cant do that, you have to go sub atomic. Thanks, ant man.


Yesterday I did my first star party! 
We did things a little differently than practiced because it was mostly old ladies that came. Instead of pulling out all the telescopes and having people find the targets themselves, each of the star guides chose their favorite and manned it the whole time, pointing it and showing people the stars.
Zis is my favorite. The Obsession 15''. Of course, it's everyone's favorite except for the astrophotography telescopes. With a 15 inch diameter it catches a ton of light. It's like having an enormous pupil. This puppy is as tall as me and has a floating mirror at the bottom that we have to collimate at the start of each star party. 
I was the newest star guide, so I got first pick. Then John grabbed the 12'' Obsession, cause those are the best kinds there. Im not sure what Braden got. (Yeah! I remembered all their names. Braden is the one who has been there for 4 years, and Brett is the other newbie who was shaking with excitement last time I wrote. He wasn't there.)
The dome thing you see in the background is the observatory where Braden and Mr. Pauly teach and do astorphotography. There's a little room at the bottom where we store the telescopes and John and I practice editing pictures in Photoshop. It's so you can see the galaxy's or nebula's colors better.
anyway, the old ladies were very excited and easy to impress, so that went over well. We showed them Saturn, Alberio, and the Hercules cluster. Then we paused to watch the International Space Station go by, and the clouds snuck up when we weren't looking, cutting the party short.

Before that, I had gone on a hike with my aunt and uncle (cousins too) to comet falls. My biggest cousin Jack was having a bit of an angsty day and spent the entire car ride complaining about the naming of the milky way. He thinks it isn't majestic enough and the secretions of mammal's nipples is not fit to be the name of our galaxy.

Because I adore waterfalls, man.

A week ago I tried to learn how to skateboard, but I fell off and skinned my knee. It was fine until I put a band aid on it and the puss got all weird and sticky.

So here's a squirrel from my grandma's back deck.

Snape. "What the devil is going on here?"
(idk if that's what he's saying or not, but it's his catchphrase through the whole musical.)
A Very Potter Musical is great.

And Terry Pratchett is even greater than the potter musical.


  1. "schmit just got real" HOLY SCHMIT THE SCHMIT JOKES IM CRYING

  2. "I Schmidt you not" is the best phrase I've ever read in my entire life.
    I love this post so very much

  3. My brain fights abut food with me too. Mostly cereal.

    I love the Squirrel.

    That happens to my cuts all the time (since I am a naturally clumsy person, the floors, tables, and walls hate my knees. Same with door frames.)

    I like hikes

    My friend, Lilian, started singing the opening song to a very potter musical so I checked it out and I find it EXTREMELY funny.

    I am glad to have met the other companions of Gwen.
    "What the devil is going on haaaaaaaare?"

    - Ellie

  5. Ooh, I like Philosopher Squirrel. xD

  6. Holy schmidt this post is really cool!

  7. I love you blog and the pics of the waterfalls are amazing anyway I was wondering if you could check out my blog at dollsworld123.blogspot,ca

  8. That waterfall is beautiful!

    The brain-stuff reminded me of Inside Out. I think my Philosopher Squirrel must be very clumsy, because he often falls off his hamster wheel of thought.

    Does your knee hurt?

    The squirrels where I live are a much lighter shade of brown. The one from the grandma's porch is cool.


    1. *Your grandma's porch, not "The Grandma".

  9. I think my favorite of your drawings is philosopher squirrel. He seems to be a bit like a conscience. He tries to do good and think deeply, but sometimes he gets muddled or messes things up quite badly. The philosopher side of him wants you to do what is good, but the squirrel side wants you to do what is tricky and bad.

    Those waterfalls are also quite amazing! Aren't waterfalls just the best? If I could I would make myself a tiny pebble that resided on a river bed near the beginning of the falls so I could let the water rush over me forever. It would be quite peaceful. Maybe I should now go build a minecraft world where I do live under a riverbed!


    1. That may be so... I've always thought of squirrels as neutral, though. Very twitchy and unsure about sharing thoughts.

      I want to be a pebble also

  10. I emailed you about a photostory.

    1. I'm waiting on a couple answers before I can take the photos

  11. That waterfall is so pretty!!! :)


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