
Monday, July 27, 2015

the tomatoes are coming

So earlier this week Barrett's doll Saige came out to visit. She and lilly had been planning this elegant tea party and meeting of sorts for months. They made for fancy teas and matching cups and cute dresses and flowers, etc.etc.etc... 
Anyway, Saige arrived at the door at about 2 in the afternoon, and Lilly skipped over to the door and did an excelent job at showing proper manners, full of prim exuberance that plainly said "I want to be a princess, and I'd be darn good at it too." Saige, seeing how the game was to be played, replied to Lilly's chattering with an eloquent display of posh conduct.

The manners battle continued as Lilly led her cousin to the garden on the back deck, where the much-anticipated fancy tea was waiting, and, quite frankly, getting cold due to the excessive flaunting of the girls.

Saige was the first to grow tired of the courtesies. She started up a conversation on wearing tomatoes on one's head. It was a very interesting topic, which had brought itself to life in February, when Lilly had gone to Seattle for her birthday. Saige had been bored with the normal talking (she always is. If someone isn't saying anything about mutant vegetables, zombies, or aliens, she wants no part in the petty stuff. {though she's great at faking it, and would have won the manners battle if she hadn't given up so quickly}) so she put a clump of tomatoes on her head.
She said it was a very enjoyable experience, and that everyone should wear tomatoes on their heads. So for months she's been cooking up a plan to achieve world peace by means of tomato themed headwear, which she hopes will be widespread and successful.

While Saige is the mastermind of the plan, Lilly is good with math and art, so she can handle money and advertisements. The point of the tea party was to have a conceptual meeting in which Saige describes her idea, Lilly provides artistic input and design strategies so everyone knows what's happening, and then goes on to make the thing.

Right now her idea is to have a lot of tomatoes as a background and have bright, big fonts proclaim the awesomeness of tomato hats.
This was dismissed immediately by the self-proclaimed "expert", who was thinking a more simplistic approach (perhaps a close up on a cartoonish person's head adorned in tomato themed headwear with "Tomato hats" printed in an average sized font (most likely with serifs) down in the bottom left corner.) and was explaining this to Saige when Andie and Rylan showed up. Inexcusably tardy.

Rylan waved hurriedly at Saige, practically dragging a disgruntled Andie behind her, who was complaining loudly about how dresses and parties are stupid and she wears whatever the heck she wants and "Why on earth is there no dialogue in this story? the Third Person Omniscient Narrator is slacking, and MARK MY WORDS, I'LL FIRE YOU!" She paused to shake her fist at the sky while the Third Person Omniscient Narrator giggled invisibly, bent on taunting her for the rest of the shoot. 

So the two newcomers were brought up to speed with the tomato hat plan. Lilly's advertisement design was pretty well liked, but Rylan thought a website would be in order, where people could learn about the cause and donate and buy tomato hats. She was excited about this, because it gave her a chance to improve her website design skills. (which were at about the same level of greatness as Lilly's drawing skills, but it's ok, they're all amateurs here, hopeful, but destined to fail. {I already know this will sink. I am the third person omniscient narrator, after all.})

Andie was still fuming about being giggled at by the Narrator, and would have repeated the fist shaking gesture, this time with her middle finger, if only her fingers would move independently, but she can't even bend her elbows for pete's sake. (don't even get her started about Pete and all his sakes.) All fuming aside, however, she managed to provide some insights on the tomato plan.
"You're getting ahead of yourselves. Do you have a plan on making the hats? Are they actual tomatoes, or just hats made to look like tomatoes? If they are actual tomatoes, do you realize that people will make knockoff ones from the grocery store with out donating to your little tomato organization? Do you have the money to make hats? OH WOULD YOU LOOK A THAT I GOT DIALOGUE LIKE ANY NORMAL STORY SHOULD." she exclaimed sarcastically.

"Aaaaaaactually," Saige said slowly with her newly granted dialogue, enjoying the feeling of speaking through actual words instead of descriptions."We're promoting a way of life. Everyone should wear tomatoes on their heads. It's a good feeling, sure to make people want to stop fighting. It's like un-bunching your underwear, but in your attitude. People should buy their own tomatoes, wear them and eat them. The donations are just for people who can't afford their own tomatoes."
Thus, the planning continued.
I'll let you know if anything interesting happens.

*** *** *** ***
Bonus Pictures {all of Lilly and her attitude.}:
Lilly's braided bun. Her hair's not long enough to go around itself and still look good normal braid bun style, so I made one long braid down her back and rolled it up under the base of her hair, securing it with bobby pins.

"I would make a darn fine princess."


  1. I love the tomato hat idea:)
    I, myself personally, have had countless tea parties with my old neighbor (the one that was 8 years younger than me). but this is by far the most interesting.
    I do like Lily's hair.


    1. Chatting with people younger than you is very interesting indeed. They say the strangest things, don't they. One time I was making a cake and my little cousin was pretending to be a dinosaur, and as I put the eggs in he shouted "YOU'RE EATING MY YOUNG, YOU'RE EATING MY YOUNG!"

  2. I love Lilly's hair!

    - Ellie

    1. YES I KNOW IVE WANTED IT FOR SO LONG! She looks fantastic.

  3. Lilly WOULD be a darn fine princess!
    I love Rylan in Addy's dress.

  4. How would one fasten a tomato hat so it stays? I just had to ask ;) You make me want to buy Lilly just because of how that outfit looks on her. I never would have thought she would look amazing in bright red.

    1. No fastening. We'll just pretend that trying to keep tomatoes on your head is good for posture and balance.
      I'd buy one a little different than lilly. She's becoming less and less unique. (Shouldn't buy 55 or 61 either.)


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