
Friday, July 10, 2015

A reunion

Today was a very happy day in North Dollworld. For you to understand the happiness, I would like you to remember this:

"Sit down. you look pretty in a skirt anyway."

Andie and Rylan have been pretty much inseparable ever since Rylan came to live with us. They had been having a great time together before I tried the eye swap thing. (which Andie is still mad at me for. Seeing rylan without eyes freaked her out.) I got one of her eyes back in, but not the other. I messed up the plastic backing and was not having much luck getting it positioned. But after a while Rylan told me "It's fine, stop worrying, I'll do it myself." Her plan was to embark on a quest to visit a sacred place aways south of here where a forest spirit dwells who might help her get her eye back in. (that redhead who's name is still unknown)
So she packed her bag and walked off into the forest alone, which I didn't document because Lilly and I were too busy keeping Andie from racing after her.  If you're questioning my judgement on letting one of my dolls wander off into the woods alone, i'll remind you that 1) Rylan is the most responsible doll I know, 2) nothing wants to eat a girl made of vinyl, and 3) you have no idea how many protection spells Lilly cast on her before she left. She was practically glowing.
The weeks without Rylan had been tough on Andie. At first she spent her time frowning at the ceiling, and then a few days crying at the floor. The rest of the time she looked a mixture of bored and sad. It got to the point where whenever she was doing something other than moping around I was like WOO HOO YEAH LET'S GO TAKE A PICTURE OF THAT GREATNESS!

That was a lot of unnecessary explaining. I can do it again in Caveman Talk if you want.
anyway, on with the story

Today was a less than mopey day, so I accompanied her into the woods on her walk.

WE were just thinking of heading back home when she saw something around the corner.

I tell you I have never seen Andie move so fast.

She was expecting a hug, of course, but not one of this size. on a hug agressiveness scale of 1-10, I would rate this "bear attack".

Like I said. Very enthusiastic hug. It's a wonder neither of them got hurt.
"You're crushing me."
"Not sorry. Gimme hug."
"'k fine. You didn't mope the whole time I was gone, did you?"
"Noooooo, of course not........ I.. um.. squished a cookie. That was fun. I tried to be The Doctor, but I needed a companion. And Lilly got me to play legos with her, but we needed a third person to operate the helicopter. And I practiced doing some magic. I can levitate rocks now."
"Oh. good for you! Will you let me up now? I've been sleeping on the ground far too much lately."
Andie was not super keen on this, but she was at least empathetic in knowing that it is not very fun to have rocks digging into your back while someone is squeezing the life out of you.

They spent a couple more minutes talking about Rylan's journey, the forest spirits, and appreciating the fact that all her eyes were in the right place, and then making plans to watch movies and eat lots of ice cream.

She was a little muddy

And there was a weird mark around one eye that she blames on "a small magic explosion."

But it's all good. She has both her eyes, came back in one piece, and Andie is grinning uncontrolably.

I managed to get Rylan's other eye back in! I'm so proud of myself. (but it took me 4 weeks to get off my butt and get the thumb of power into action.) at least I did it. I didn't have to send her to the hospital.

Interpretive dance of the day: Gwen, wipe up the peanut butter

Bye, peoples!


  1. OH MY GOD.
    OH MY GOD.
    I SHIP IT.
    OH MY GOD.

    - Ellie

    P.S. - Also, congrats on getting Rylan's eye back in!

    1. *whispers* me too.
      I wasn't sure what I wanted at first, cause I've been making up different stories and stuff in my head for months, but yeah. This is good.

      I know! I'm so excited! Items like having her brand new again after 4 weeks of not playing with her.

      anyways, i'm so glad to hear that you got rylan's eye back in!


  2. I love it!!! I'm so glad you got Rylan's eyes back it! And finally they are reunited :D

  3. "Andie,"
    "You're crushing me."
    "Not sorry. Gimme hug."
    Oh my gosh that is so me and my friends! I went to camp for a month and when I came back that is literally exactly what happened. :)
    Yay, Rylan's back! So happy you were able to get her eye back on.

    1. Friends are great people to have, even if you get squashed once in a while.

    and that is one fabulous interpretive dance

    1. Dad and I decided to communicate only through interpretive dances. It's fun to try and decipher them. This one was the title: Gwen needs to wipe the peanut butter off the counter.

  5. Yay! You got it back in!!! Wonderful photo story, I'm so glad Rylan came back :)

  6. I'm glad to hear you finally got it back in! How's the thumb afterwards?

    1. Very powerful indeed. The eye actually popped right back in. The hardest part was scrambling around for tweezers so I could adjust it.

  7. Congrats on getting her eye in!
    I know how Andie felt- my sister left for camp this week and she came back today and I think I tackled her life andie did. (We're only a year apart so we're best friends and fight a teeny bit, but not a lot.)
    I loved the interpretive dance!

    1. Glad you got your sister back!
      My brother and I get along pretty well too.

  8. Could you email me some stuff on how doll-Gwen would act?


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