
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The mad girl with the blue box

*TARDIS noises*

Can you Aragorn the doors of the TARDIS? is that legal?
Aragorn: verb, to throw open a pair of adjacent doors simultaneously and forcefully, while striding through purposefully. 
"If I Aragorn this door, it might just shatter the glass with the force of pure awesome."

It looks like the windows weren't shattered with the force of pure awesome. Oh well. Maybe Andie isn't that awesome.... *looks over shoulder* I'm a dead man now, if she heard. OR the awesomeness of the TARDIS ballances out that of Andie. Or the glass is just made (or grown?) really strong because it zooms through time and space on a weekly basis.

Uh oh.
There's some aliens/cyborgs/normal things possessed by aliens/unethical activities/more aliens making a mess of things. 

which means, of course, we should go poke it with a stick (both metaphorically and physically), try to make the aliens/cyborgs/normal things posessed by aliens/those commiting unethical activities/ more aliens stop making a mess, remain tactful and witty, do some clever stuff, put ourselves in danger, fix the problem while killing a minimum number of aliens, and let someone else clean up the mess.

It's a good plan.

I'm doing that thing again. where I take a photoshoot (not a photostory) and then come back in and start narrating things like maybe it could be a story if we were actually doing things and writing a story instead of just describing to you the gist of very episode of doctor who I have seen so far. Now you have a vague idea of what's going on and know that we're not writing a story; it's just a photoshoot dubbed over with me yacking on and on about a convoluted something or other. Si usted lee todos por encima y esta frase en espaƱol, puede tener una galleta.

We're going to do a lot of running.

Evil grass aliens??? I'm not sure what's going on. maybe I should have left this wordless.

*malicious cackle*

Perhaps if I had ideas, materials, or patience, I would make a story about Andie being The Doctor (things are different in Doll World, you know.) 

ah well.
In other news:
  • you can type in your phone with a gummy bear!
  • It is too hot
  • I want pie to be made with three crusts. one bottom, middle, and top. I love crusts.
  • i went to portland with my family 
  • and bought a pair of doc martens and cant wait until the weather cools down so i can wear them, which should be interesting because i rarely wear anything but my running shoes.
  • #61's name is Morgan when she isn't a nature spirit.
  • I was recently made aware of Deena and Beena and looked at the about section of her youtube.
     *ominous music- cellos and bass instruments rumbling quietly*
     *ominous music intensifies- violas and alto saxophones are added, sounding distressed*
     *violins and flutes positively wailing now*

*climax. one loud beat from the drum section, and then silence*

I hate coincidences.

  • on with the news!
  • I was looking on the lottie website (those plasticy dolls with the airplane arms that work well for doll's dolls) and saw this: 

Boys. Playing with dolls.
This is brilliant! my faith in humanity is doing great right now! we've got same-sex marriage all legal and good, and now I see gender expectations being squashed.
Who else is happy about this?
Lottie. lottie and i are happy.

I think that't all for now.



  1. andie would make a great time lord, you should definitely do a photo story sometime. :]

    OOO YOU GOT DOCS. awesome. you should post a picture on here when you start wearing them.

    morgan is such a pretty name! suits her very well. archer is jealous that morgan got a normal name, as opposed to one that was randomly spawned in the mind of the owner. *shrugs*

    boys with dolls have always been a thing i love. have you ever seen agforeverfun's youtube and/or instagram? he's such an amazing photographer, and a real inspiration.

    oh well--coincidences happen. i know there's another #47 named jade somewhere in the agtube world, i just forget where. it's quite bothersome. you think you gave your doll a unique name and POOF!--all of the sudden people might assume you took the name of someone else's doll. *sigh*


    1. I will... I hope.
      I will do that too. They're dark red and tall... Really awesome!

      Unique names that "randomly spawn" are the best. Take it as a sign that your brain is fully functioning. Mine over here is just a squashed pea, so humdrum names are common.
      Brain: how 'bout a nice, boring name .... Like Morgan.
      Me: sure! Then can we go take a nap?

      I haven't. There's loads of people I haven't heard of. I need to go check that out now.


    its way too hot here too. its been over 100 degrees for about a week now and im dying.
    I love Portland. ^_^
    Wonderful post!! ^_^

    1. Have you been to the giant bookstore there?

      Very happy! My little brother has wanted an American BOY doll for years... He still hasn't plucked up the courage to get one yet, though.

    Andie would be a good Doctor, I think. Lily could be her magical and sassy assistant.
    She looks like a Morgan.
    I hate heat.
    This concludes Ellie's Absentminded Musings in Gwen's In Depth Narrative Completely Unrelated To The Post section.

    - Ellie

    1. Ellie's Absentminded Musings in Gwen's In Depth Narrative Completely Unrelated To The Post section is appreciated.
      I think Rylan and Andie get along better. Alas, Rylan is lacking an eyeball, and I still haven't sent her to the doll hospital yet.
      Coincidences are crap and it's nowhere near holy.
      YES! Also yay for girls playing with dinosaurs!
      I think so too.
      Heat makes your butt all hot and sweaty so your panties stick to it and it's one big ugly hot sweaty mess.

  4. This makes me want to watch Doctor Who even more, my friend is trying to convince me but right now I have no time. Trying to name a doll is so hard and when I do name a doll I try to look for unique names but the ones I like are already used by someone else, I don't want to copy but it's hard finding a name that sticks with a doll!


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