
Thursday, June 4, 2015


I went to target the other day with my mom. She and my brother went to look for clothes and I dashes off to the Our Generation section, hoping that the Hip To Be Square outfit was there. It was! And so was the Jumping for Joy romper thingie! I hadn't expected that because I hadn't found it anywhere online recently. I love OG clothing, but if there is one thing they could improve, it would be the consistency. Numerous people have expressed their dissatisfaction over the fact that what's online isn't the same as what's in the store, which isn't the same as what's in the store one city over. It is very frustrating. 

Rylan is modeling the Jumping for Joy outfit. There is a scarf and shoes (icky OG plastic kind) too, but we're only showing the cutest parts here.

Here is the lace part at the top.

The whole thing. It's kind of a grandma style pattern put into a new fun style. (Actually I have no idea if rompers are anything new, but I haven't seen them a whole lot before 2014.) It's not a very  modest outfit, if you are concerned about your dolls following average school dress code thing about adequately covering thighs. They are very short, if that is something you worry about. 

The sweater is my favorite part. It's lightweight and vibrant red (doesn't close, by the way). It'll be great for mix and match.

It's a tad see-through.

The sleeves are actually long enough to do the tie-y thing! Most AG long sleeve sweaters won't do this.

Andie is showing us the Hip To Be Square outfit. It had come with a red and yellow cardigan. I haven't tried it on anyone yet-I'll have to let you all know how it looks. This romper is a tad longer, simpler, and less form fitting. The bows at the shoulder are too big for my taste, but I'm sure I could find a away around that.

You can see the difference in length and style here.

Since I ran out of things to say about clothes, let's talk about what's going on lately.
My language arts teacher hates Thor with a white hot fury (I think it's because he doesn't have a built up skill set like Iron Man or Hawkeye, he just relies on godly powers and a stupid hammer). So I printed out a bunch of tiny pictures of Thor and taped them all over his classroom. He found them and told me I was disgraceful (which is Rush code for "that's awesome, but I still hate Thor"). What he didn't know was that I had folded one up and stuck it in the mouth hole of his coffee cup and put down the flap. Apparently he doesn't wash his coffee cup lid, cause he told me that the next morning he got a mouthful to thor instead of coffee.
so much win.
Have you ever pulled a prank on a teacher?

I have been reading The Carpet People (another Terry Pratchett book) while I wait for The Light Fantastic to come. It's pretty good. It's about a bunch of tribes of people who live in a carpet in a house, it seems.
It's easier to follow when you have a short attention span, but also less funny. (than discworld)

I'm still wondering if I should give Rylan blue eyes and if that would be cool or weird. What I really want is deep purple eyes, but they don't make that sort of thing. : (
And while we're talking about doll customization, I found a wig from Etsy that I want to order! I can't wait 'till I get to start customizing.

I probably should have edited this one so the whites don't stand out so much. : /

So how have you all been? Sorry I haven't been commenting much, but I have read every post.


  1. I love the hip to be square outfit! Rylan would look excellent with blue eyes, I saw a custom like that on instagram before. The photos are great, I love the third one. I don't think I have ever played a prank on a teacher, I never had any that were the sort that take a prank too well.

    1. Great! I'll probably figure out how to eye swap this summer.
      I am very thankful for teachers who put up with me.

  2. I LOVE the red cardigan.

    - Ellie

  3. Beautiful photos! That Jumping For Joy outfit is wonderful isn't it? It's very trendy for doll clothing. And to my knowledge, rompers and jumpsuits are making a comeback. I haven't ever played a prank on a teacher but one time this happened: One day I was with my friends and we got really bored. So, naturally, we made paper phones. (Yes, paper phones) The following night I was up late reading. As my mother approached telling me to get to sleep, I quickly shoved the paper phone into my book as a bookmark. The next day in reading class, I finished early and so I took the make-shift bookmark out and began to read. My teacher comes by, picks up the phone and spends the next half hour of class giving me a totally convincing lecture about not having phones at school. That will always be one of my favorite memories of 5th grade... It was pretty awesome.

    1. That's brilliant! did the teacher ever figure out it was paper?
      I made a paper phone once and pretended I was playing Angry Birds so well that dad almost thought it was a real iPod. almost. ; )

  4. Both of the outfits are really cute, but I like the blue romper best! The pictures are soooo pretty! I saw purple eyes on eBay today. The only bad thing was that they were $64!

    1. Seriously? AG eyes? 'Cause AG dolls only take AG eyes. $64 is insane.

    2. Yeah, somebody custom painted them or something! I don't know how that's even possible, but I think that's what the listing said.

  5. I love the Jumping for Joy outfit! It's super cute.
    That sounds soooo funny. My teachers wouldn't take a prank very well though, though I could do it to my brother......
    I think Rylan would look great with purple eyes or dark blue ones. I think that you could find Purple eyes if you looked up Pullip eyes or Blythe eyes though I'm not sure they would fit.
    - Zoë

    1. I have seen them on there, but they don't have the eyelash/lid attached like AG eyes do. Hmmmm

  6. Ugh!! Our Generation kills me, the store closest to me is very rarely ever stocked and if it does it never has the sets I want! I love both outfits, I discovered today that the AG hoodies will not tie at the dolls waist as I was getting ready to go hiking. (I then had to either leave it or hope it would not fall off) I would love to customize dolls and I still think she would look amazing with any color of blue eyes but purple would be awesome too. If you could find a doll that has silver eyes I think it is possible to paint the eyes the color that you want although i'm not sure. If I could find a link I will post it :) Thanks you for the review, I didn't even know the Hip to Be Squared Outfit existed!, I think it would be cute for 4th of July.

    1. it would be ADORABLE for 4th of July!
      Silver eyes? how would you paint it? Like paint the outside or is there a way to take them apart? AG hoodies and OG stock is very frustrating. Grrrr

  7. Hi! Just here to remind you that your entry for my contest is due Friday! No rush, just a reminder!


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