
Monday, June 22, 2015


So I bought #61 a while back on the Jills Steals and Deals thingamabob. It took both my mom and brother standing over my shoulder saying "wow that IS a great deal!" To convince dad that $78 was a fabulous price not to be passed up.
And now I'm wondering if she should be a normal person or a forest spirit.

Here's a squirrell. He was watching me very intently.

Then he decided that I was coming too close to his tree with my big black clicking box of terror and started yelling at me in squirrel talk.

For the above two photos I wanted to suck out all the color except for the hair, but that made the lips look weird and Im having the too-lazy-to-edit-photos problem again.

What should I name her?


  1. She's gorgeous <3 the last and seventh pics are my favorite.
    Hmm. Maybe Briar. She looks like a Briar, especially so if she's going to be forest-centered, whether in spirit form or not. Maybe also Hermione or something that starts with C. She looks like her name would start with C, specifically Ca.
    *idk I'm so weird*
    I love that squirrel. We have a squirrel on my property named Mr. Longtail because he has such a long and bushy tail. When I was little, my grandma would write stories about me having adventures with Mr. Longtail. We never did irl, but it was still fun to pretend. :)
    Mr. Longtail also has a dim-witted nephew named Ham (short for Hamilton), whose preferred method of catching creatures to eat is to chatter loudly at them until they fly away and then uselessly bite at the air around his head where they used to be. Ham is the son of Mr. Longtail's older sister. Mr. Longtail also has a niece who, if not as smart as he, is at least a heck of a lot brighter than Ham.
    I like your squirrel. You should feature him more. He is quite amaze :).

    - Ellie

    1. There are 6 huge gray squirrels that hang out on my grandma's deck when she puts out birdseed. They are so fearless now that they just sit there and watch when she fills the feeders instead of scampering off.
      There's a smaller squirrel on the front deck (probably a baby) that Cole named Twitch.
      That squirrell story was just perfect. It sounds like something my grandma would do too, but I don't remember.
      I would name a crow Ca, perhaps. There's a raven that hangs around my house that we call Poe, after Edgar Allen Poe.

      I feel like Briar has already been taken by that EAH doll onThe Doll Mag.
      Hermione is good. *nods approvingly*
      I'll look into C names.

      Welcome to the weird club!

  2. Ooh she's super cute! :)
    As for names...
    Charlie (short for Charlotte)

    Eh idk...


    1. I like Peyton!
      Charlie reminds me of Candidly Charlie (who's blog you should read.)

  3. So. Freakin. Cute!
    I am in love with #61! I've been wanting her for a while and with everyone getting her....
    I love the photos by the way, especially the last 2.
    As for names:
    Sara Rose..

    1. I KNOW! She's adorable!
      Savvy is the title of a book you should read. It's about a girl who goes on an unplanned road trip, becomes closer to family, and finds her magic power. Her Savvy.

  4. Hmmmmmm she should be named Briar and she's super pretty!

  5. Oh wow shes pretty these photos are amazing too! There aren't many squirrels around here my dog chases them all off. Maybe Rowan, Adin, or Emma. Oh don't leave her hair in braids for a while I did that on my 61 Cat once and her hair got super messed up and kinda strait.

    1. Mmm hmm. Andie's hair used to be wavy and pretty but I kept it in braids too long and it did the same thing.
      Heidi (Rottweiler) and Dude (Pomeranian-papillon mix) both love to chace after the squirrels. The squirrels always outsmart them, though.
      Ooh I like Rowan!

  6. she's gorgeous! archer says hello. ;) i think being a forest spirit is awesome, you should go for it. or maybe she could change forms? as for names, i'm gonna have to agree with a few previous commenters and say that briar is a name that would suit her very well. :) also i believe that maybe phoenix or arden would be good for her.


    1. CHANGING FORMS YAS! You are a GENIUS, Maddie! Either that or you're full of good ideas. : }
      Pheonix is a very interesting one. Unique. Perhaps, since she has red hair and the Pheonix is a fire bird, she should be a fire spirit!

    2. hehe, thanks. xD :)
      ooo, a fire spirit would be so. cool.


  7. I love dolls in trees! My favorite picture is the seventh picture. The squirrel looks very cute, the ones near my backyard move too fast to get a good shot.

    1. I was surprised at this one. The Douglass squirrels don't usually let me see them. I was lucky enough to get those 2 good shots before he ran away to yell at me.
      Trees are the greatest.

  8. She's so pretty!!! Your photos you took of her are gorgeous! I don't know what you should name her. My sister thinks Macie, but I don't really like that name. :)

    1. Nah, I don't really like Macie either.
      Thank you, dear kaitlyn! *bows*

  9. Here are 2 names: Kayla and London

  10. She's beautiful.
    I'm thinking of making a custom and having her be an imaginary friend for my dolls. Maybe if you don't want her to be a human, she could be a fairy or imaginary person of sorts.

    1. Imaginary friends are cool! Or perhaps a ghost that haunts the house?

    2. Gosh that sounds awesome.
      I'm convinced my house is haunted you know. We even have several things shaped suspiciously like coffins.

  11. Holy nacho cheese puffs! That doll is pure beauty! She should totally be a forest spirit.
    I want #61 so bad! My doll wishlist is #55, #61, and #27. I hope to have them all by 2017. Here's some name ideas for your lovely new dolly: Auttumn, Luella, Rose, Reagan, Harper... That's all I can think of. Do you like any of those?

    1. Reagan and rose are nice.
      Rose reminds me of rose tyler (I'm very into Doctor Who right now. only on season 2, but still.) So no, I don't think I want rose, since it's already been taken.

    2. Well, at least you now know you like the names that begin with R. Oh and sorry but I disagree with everyone who said Briar was a good name for her, but that's just me. It reminds me of the EAH doll.

    3. Yup. No Briar Beauties for me. Too much pink frivolity with that.

    4. I also think Maple is sorta cute. You?

  12. So cute! Hmmm...Marilyn? Casey? Stacy? Anyway, congrats!

  13. She's a very pretty doll and those are some great photos! I would be tempted to give her a nature kind of name--Willow, Aspen, something along those lines.

    Squirrels and chipmunks can be so cute and annoying at the same time.

  14. so cute. :) Kara, Willow maybe. :)

  15. so cute. :) Kara, Willow maybe. :)


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