
Thursday, April 9, 2015

It's time I started being a good friend.

I should probably stop being snarky and obnoxious on award posts. Even if I don't like them, it seems that everyone else has a grand old time tagging eachother. So when I get nominated for an award I either completely ignore it or I unleash my weirdness. I on the last award post you saw my out of whack sense of humor. Let's hope we never see that again. (I tend to delete posts like that because I usually regret things I say. A few days after the fact, things are no longer clever, but dumb.)
So here I go, endeavoring to be a good friend with my "Good Friend Blogger Award", which was given to me by the sweet Allie D, from Spreading My Joy. Man is she good at spreading that joy of hers. She never fails to leave a nice comment. I should probably follow you, dear. Remind me to do so.

I'm debating weather I should contemplate the above proverb.
Too late here we go!
So I have a lot of acquaintances, but no one true friend who sticks closer than a brother. Man. It's pretty hard to get closer than me and my brother. I find him a LOT easier to get along with than school people. And while my online friends are great, you can't really beat a person you know in real life since you were three. Does mean that I will come to ruin? I mean, I can see how you can come to ruin if you try to please too many people... oh I don't know. The more I think about it the more confuzzling it gets.
Will some biblicaly experienced person explain this to me?

Here are the rules that I am not going to be sarcastic about.
1. Choose 3+ bloggers you love and agree that they are amazing bloggers!
2. Ask them 3+ questions
3. Post on your blog

Alrighty now. We are no longer going to call this the interrogation, but the interview. This not being snarky thing is going pretty well so far.
1. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert. I really love being around the people that I like, but no matter how much I like you I still need some time to myself away from people to recharge. People in general irritate me, even if they're trying to be nice. I like you online folks better than real people, though, because I can just close the browser if I don't feel like talking.
2. Do you enjoy board games or card games? If so, what is your favorite?
Apples to apples.
3. Do you look more like your mom or dad? Or are you a mix between both?
I have my mom's thick hair that got curly like dad's when I hit puberty.
I have my dad's nose and get along better with him too.
4. Ice cream or cake?
Iiiiiicccceeeee ccccrrrreeeeaaaammm. Tillamook mudslide.
One time my family and mom's friend's family drove down to Oregon to camp and visit the Tillamook cheese factory. It was pretty cool, and we all got ice cream. On the way back Elijah and I rode in dad's car and we found swim goggles in the back seat. So he put them on and we stuck out heads out the windows. The road was empty and curving through farmland and we were going fairly fast, It was fun having the wind rush through your hair and dry out your gums. Also I got him to sing about belly buttons, which is awesome because Elijah never sings, much less contemplates his belly button. That was the last fun time I had with Eli, because now his parents are divorced and he is a grouch, and since we've gotten older our moms label every interaction as "flirting". So we don't talk much any more.
5. Dogs or cats?
Dogs. Dogs treat you like companions, not slaves. And they poop outside and come when you call and go on hikes with you. and they're big.
6. What do you prefer-hamsters, gerbils, or birds?
Guinea pigs. My cousins have guinea pigs. they smell like hay. mmmm
7. If you could live anywhere...where would you live?
Where I live now, only in the past when my dad was a kid and there were no neighbors on our street and he and Aunt Sara could ride their horses as far as they pleased
8. Pink or purple?
Purple. Royal purple.
9. Photography or music? (you can choose both! :))
I used to take piano lessons, only I got bored, so now I don't. I am graced with mediocre piano, saxophone, and clarinet skills (for I took a year of each before I got bored.) And soon I shall have a bass, because Uncle Travis is making a stand up bass and the bridge is a wooden skull.
I like photography best.
10. Have you or do you have braces?
I have braces. I hate them. I don't see why I need them.  I only had one sideways tooth when I got them on. It (the tooth)didn't bother me. The most ironic thing is that they're always playing that " you're beautiful just the way you are" song in the orthodontist office.

Ok. now I have to nominate people.
and I'm actually gonna list people this time. 'cause I'm a good friend.
Ellie and Emily. Because you are my best online friends.
Seven Little Daisies. You are always commenting on my blog and I should probably follow you too. Remind me. OH MAN I JUST REMEMBERED THAT YOU ARE OCEAN AG! OK! We have talked before and you are pretty cool. Man I am good at keeping track of things, huh?
Maddie. I seem to have it in my head that you are on a much higher level than me and I don't feel worthy leaving comments or nominating you for awards, but that very notion is so completely off. I should talk to you more, even If I feel like you're way up there on the awesomeness scale.
The Sunshine Dollies, Who is known by many names across the galaxy, including AmericanGirlDolls4Ever. Don't worry- you have the exact right number of toes you should have on your left foot. lol

Half of you already got this award, but you can have it again for good measure, you good friendly people.

Queations for you:
1) How much energy does it take to power a time machine?

2) What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen sparrow?

3) Who killed Indigo Montoya's father? Should they prepare to die?
4)What is crewman number 6 used for?

5) Name the movie for each above reference.

And Hey,  just figured out how to get rid of the stupid white highlighting when you copy rules and questions to your blog! you go to HTML where you compose your post and look for where it says 
<span style="background-color: white;"
and you get rid of the "white"
<span style="background-color: ;"
There are a LOT of these, one for every line you type, and you have to get rid of all the "white"s. Leave the rest of it alone and you're good!
(I did not figure that out on my own, I looked it up and got it from a youtube video. So here's the link if you want it, but I did it better, if I do say so myself.)

My, my, my. 
That is a heck of a lot easier when I bite the bullet and don't waste time with shenanigans.


  1. Thank you so much, dear! :) I'll try to get it up soon.
    By the way, either it's new or I was stupid and didn't see it until now, but I love your signature! :)

    - Ellie

  2. Congrats on the award! Just for the record, I quite like your snarkiness, it makes me laugh. ;) and pfft, I am not way up there on the awesomeness scale--have you ever seen me attempt to be funny or something? Thanks for the nomination, I'll try to have my post up soon. :)


  3. Congrats on the award! I like you signature to!

  4. Oh oh oh! You nominated me! *Squeals with joy* Sorry I haven't been looking at your blog lately, for a while Blogger was telling me you had it on private mode. (Did you?)

    1. There was a time when I pushed every button and flicked every switch, and that's probably where our problems came from. But you don't have to do it, because no one else has seen those movies so no one will find it funny. (These questions are mostly an experiment to see what I can reference and what I cant)

    2. The only question I understood was "How much energy does it take to power a time machine?" I love Back To The Future. And the answer is 1.21 gigawatts, obtained by lightning striking the flux capacitor.

  5. I have already gotten this before, so I won't do a post, but thanks for it anyway. :)


I love getting comments! <3 And sometimes I even remember to reply ;P