
Friday, April 3, 2015

AGPC entry (a little late)

I recently bought this jacket from etsy. Even though it's starting to warm up around here, today was fairly rainy. So I went out in between showers and took a couple pictures.

My entry
Though I really like the colored one better.
Yesterday night I was laying in bed and the thought happened to cross my mind: "I wonder then the AGPC pictures are due?" So I looked at my phone and realized "oh dang! That was today!"
But here it is, better late than never. I hope this doesn't get me disqualified.

It's a really awesome coat.
Came from MJsDollBoutique18T



  1. I love your entry!
    That coat is really cute!

    1. Isn't it though? When it came I was surprised- there was sparkles in the fabric and it didn't close (now who would invent a coat that didn't button or zip in the front? It seems silly)
      But these things were immediately forgiven when I put it on because it's so darn cool. You can't really tell that from the pictures though cause I was rushing. Perhaps I'll post more later.

  2. I love your entry--I hope you win! :) Though I don't know if there's a winner or not--I don't know the rules. XD
    Where did you get that coat? It's adorable!

    1. I got it from Etsy. MJs18Tdollboutique? or something like that
      The people you choose from gets smaller each time. Eventually I could win, but I don't think that's likely.


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