
Thursday, March 19, 2015

The far side

Is one of my favorite comics. Mr Rush shows them to us we we can learn double meaning and other educational stuff, but only me and Colton seem to get it and find them highly amusing. It's painful how many kids say "I don't get it. That's stupid" But it's brilliant. I hope you find these as amusing as I do.

Do you have any humor that you want to share with me?



  1. I love these :)
    Umm you've probably already heard this one but
    Knock knock!
    Who's there?
    To who?
    To WHOM.
    I also really like the Pickles comic in the Sunday newspaper. :)

    - Ellie

    1. Actually, I havent! Perfect for the grammar fiend.
      What happens when you get kicked out of fort Nisqually?
      You get NISQUALIFIED!
      Disqualified. So punny.
      Yeah, I read pickles.
      It seems that all my favorite comics happened long ago, in a mysterious time refered to as the 80's.
      I am only aware of them because dad has books of Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side on a shelf in the living room.

  2. Those kangeroos look so funny!
    Here's a joke:
    Knock knock.
    Who's there?
    Boo who?
    Awe [insert name] don't cry!

    Why did the chicken cross the road?
    Knock knock.
    Who's there?
    The chicken of course; he came to see you!

    Yea. I don't have many jokes xP

    1. Why did the chicken cross the road?
      To get to the idiot's house.

      Knock knock
      Who's there?
      The chicken.

      this is fabulous for people you don't particularly like.
      use it well (as in not like I just did because I don't not particularly like you.)

  3. Hey Gwen! I've noticed that you have great photos and great stories, so I decided to ask if you would like to participate in a program that involves photos and stories. The rules, and other stuff is on my blog so I would love it if you would check it out! :)

    Allie D.

  4. Some of those are hilarious! I didn't get 3 or 5. 7 was sad. I felt sorry for the cat. But I loved the rest!

    1. In three, we are assuming the dinosaurs knew they were going to go extinct. The one on the podium is naming all the reasons why they are probably going to die.
      In 5 An anthropologist is a person who studies humans, past and present. Here we have a tribe of seemingly primitive people trying to hide their modern, not primitive things.
      7: That's what you get for sticking your arms into a piranha bowl!

  5. I admit, I didn't get all of those, but many were funny! My favorite was, "Just to make things interesting..." :D Oh and, Sorry to bug you, Gwen, but, you were following my original blog, and you never followed my new blog. ;)


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