
Sunday, March 8, 2015

In which Lilly and Andie discover a mysterious beach void of sand

Yesterday my family want down to Kamilchie and my dolls were very excited to explore.
Lilly is purple and Andie is black
"I can't wait until we get down there and can make sandcastles and play in the water and sunbathe!"
"Sunbathing is not good for your vinyl. And if you want to be down there so bad you should walk faster"

They made it down the path and took a seat on a concrete ledge.
"sandcastles don't look like they're happening"
"It doesn't  even look like we can get to the water without getting stuck in the mud."

"Fine. we shall explore this strange phenomenon of a beach void of sand and discover buried treasure and such the like." Andie got up and took the stairs down to another ledge, this one covered in seaweed and barnacles, eroding from years of being beaten by the sea.

"There are actually little creatures living inside of those barnacles, they open when the tide comes in."
She broke one to reveal the orange goo of a once lining creature, causing Lilly to be torn between saying "oooh" and "eeeww"

Here is one that is not broken for you.

They walked a little farther.

And Andie found a muscle.

And as she reached down for it her tank top began to glow evilly. hehehe

"That must be why they're called muscles." she muttered as she tried and failed to pick up the muscle that wouldn't budge

"Im gonna go find some cool rocks."
"I saw some white shells- I must investigate- this beach is full of strange occurrences!"

"Gwen Gwen look at this!"
{this picture is awesome courtesy Google+'s auto awesome or something like that. It chooses one picture from every shoot and edits it. I don't know how it works. It is very odd indeed. I can't decide if it's cool or scary.}

"See? the shells are normally purple on the inside but this one is white!"

It was indeed. very unusual. We hypothesized that the shell had been bleached by the sun and the salt water.

She then found a pile of slimy mud that collects water from the tide. 

It was very slippery.

And from atop the the pile of hard, slippery mud, she stumbled upon a small cave in the concrete wall.

"yes!" she exclaimed excitedly, "I shall delve into this cave and find chests of treasure and ferocious  sea dragons and innumerable secrets of the sea!"
{I regret to inform you that Puget Sound is not home to sea dragons or pirate treasure}

Lilly was searching for crabs hiding under rocks.

"There! I see one! awww it scuttled away."

Her mission to hold a crab, however small, had failed, and she rejoined Andie at the wall to do some team exploring.

"What's around the corner, I wonder?"
"Pirate ships and octopuses' gardens and the end of the rainbow, of course"

It was just a bulkhead.

But beyond that ...

"It's a cave! I can feel my indiana jones side kicking in! I must enter and find a lost arc.. or something like that." She waved her hand dissmissively.
{her tank top seems to be glowing again. I wonder what it's up to...}

Lilly waited patiently for her sister to finish poking around.

Outside the cave they saw some seaweed that was actually green, not brown and began to make up wild stories about it.
"careful not to touch it- green seaweed causes hallucinations, spontaneous combustion, and the detachment of the third toe on the right foot!"
Andie very casually and deliberately put her hand on the plant.
"Oh no I touched it!" she yelled.
"That's really too bad, Andie, for as I recall, the green seaweed of Kamelchie Point is known to make you-" she laid a dramatic emphasis on the word- "explode"

"Explode?!?!??!" Andie jerked up

"Yes. I fear you haven't  much time to live my dear."

Andie gasped, ripping her hand away from the seaweed.

She staggered backward, grabbing for the third toe on her right foot

and fell writhing into a heap on the ground.
"pop" she whispered. And lay still.

"was that you exploding?"
"Yes. Ive never been a very extravagant exploder" came Andie's voice from her place on the ground.

Luckily Andie recovered quickly from the explosion and they proceded to climb a low wall next to the bulkhead to see if they could get up onto it.

Good thing shoes provide excellent protection against green seaweed.


"that was too much work"

"How fare you, sister?"

"Im fine."


"All right I'm up. Where do we go from here?" Lilly said upon rejoining her sister.

Andie said nothing.

Then she saw what.


"What are we gonna do?"
Andie bagan to pace.

She analyzed what is from now on referred to The Steps Of Despair

"Easy," she said after a while. "We'll hop from here on the green seaweed  up to the brown seaweed. Avoiding, of course, all the cracks of doom."


blurry doom

slide to your doom

dark skinny doom

pointy doom

"That's a lot of doom!"

'Let's go"

"Oh no! I'm sliding to my premature demise!"

"Please don't. You're scaring me and you already exploded once today."

"Right. sorry"
The rest of the journey to the top was uneventful, joking or otherwise.

"We made it."
"That was fun. should we do it again?"
"Ok, ok. We should go get some food then."

What to you like to do at the beach?


  1. Such a great story! I loved it <3. You should do more posts of Andie and Lilly exploring!

    - Ellie

  2. I should. And then perhaps I will get better at it, because now I have 2 or 3 interesting parts and the rest is rambles and boring.

  3. Ooh, I loved reading about Andie and Lilly's adventures :) I agree with Ellie, more would be awesome. :)


  4. Cute post! I really enjoyed reading about their adventure at the beach!:) I love those caves!!! They look so fun!:)

  5. Wow, your trip down to the beach sounds super fun! :) The story and pictures are awesome--I laughed so hard when Lilly told Andie about the seaweed. Don't explode!

    1. Oh, and sorry to be a bother, but do you think you could put my blog button up here? Thanks!

  6. Oh, yeah! I can totally do that! I use my phone (blogger's mobile version) so I forget that I even have buttons.
    I'll remember in a day or two.
    But be careful- buttons have a nasty habit of exploding.

  7. Haha! Oh my gosh Gwen! This was hilarious! I loved it! That beach is really cool! :)

  8. I love the story! The beach looks amazing! I love to collect shells at the beach. And when my brother and sister and I go to the beach with our friends we run to the pier as fast as we can and lay under neath of it. It's alot of fun!

  9. This was so funny. "that's a lot of doom." lol. I never go to the beach because there aren't any beaches near where I live. I seriously love andie's flipflops :)


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