
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I want to talk to you

It's weird the fear that goes with that statement. When someone says "I want to talk to you" you immediately feel something bad is going to happen. BUT WORRY NOT! I'm just bored and it's past my bedtime so I have no one to talk to. Of course, I'm not really talking to anyone, just typing on my phone. But it's a good outlet nonetheless. My creative brain always seems to be extra active at night- it's normally when I write my stories. Night is also when I tend to be more snarky (there were several award posts I answered at night and made fun of the rules. (Really, rules on awards is dumb. The doll blogging community is especially kind and loving, so the rules aren't there to protect anyone, just state random "you must nominate 7 people" junk like that. And it's not like anyone can enforce those rules either. It's just dumb. It needs a This Is Dumb sticker.) no that was not a rant, that was me pointing out flaws in the award system (don't you love being awarded for doing nothing?) and everyone seems to be kinda tired of awards. Just another thing they feel they have to post even though it's not terribly interesting. At all. The only people who seem to like the awards are the new bloggers. But really all they want is shout outs. So I propose an idea. We ditch the award thing and just give the newbies/undiscovered bloggers shout outs. It's way simpler than doing an award post.

Woah. that was quite the anecdote.
In Language arts Mr Rush sorted us into houses. He put a picture of the sorting hat up on the screen and I brought my wand. Once people were sorted we had to make a utopia with our group. And come up with a name, wich hasn't seemed to happen yet. But anyway, That was fun. And Rush talked in his Yoda voice the whole time.

I'm beginning to wonder if I should show you a partially finished rough draft of my story. I'm planning on turning it into a photo story and a comic for the parts where it would be easier to draw than photograph. Heck, my doll's names are already in there. It's happening, folks, just not sure when.

Clouds hung low in the sky that day, and their melancholy grayness dribbled down to the houses on the suburban street. It swirled in the wind and crept through cracks in the windows. Mingling with contentment, it seeped through the air and fell into the cereal in a bowl of a girl. 
She slurped up a spoonful and stared off into space, thinking not very much about nothing in particular.
Slicing through her quiet contemplation, there was a knock at the door. "Andie?" A voice called. "Do you wanna build a snowman? I came over here to plaaay- I won't sing this song anymore, open the door, don't make me go awaaaaaay!"
Andie grinned and got up from the table, walking through the living room to the front door. "Go away Lilly." She said through the door. "Okay, byyyyyyye...." Came the response. Andie opened the door, still grinning. "Frozen references are getting a little old." She remarked. 
Lilly entered the living room, saying "Frozen is LIFE! Don't you forget that. Hey I got your mail on the way in- you got a letter from hogwarts!" 
Andie peeked over her shoulder. "Really, now- Who's it from? If it's the library telling me I have overdue books I'm gonna..." She read the envelope. "What's the council of Plante Trær?"
Lilly handed her the letter, mumbled something about hungry and wandered into the kitchen, plunking the rest of the mail onto the table.
Andie tore the envelope open and started to read.
"Princess Andrea:
     The council of Plante Trær writes to inform you of your heritage, if your legal guardian has not already done so. Twelve years ago, nearly a year after your birth, your mother, Queen Aeolian of Plante Trær, was slaughtered in a merciless attack by Ond. Ond is a meanie-butt tyrant who has taken over our land!!! [councilor Jem apologizes for his lack of professional tone] But as the rightful heir of Plante Trær, we ask you to please come and claim your throne, and defeat Ond while you're at it. [councilor Jem is really not sorry for using an unprofessional tone. He thinks we should be frank with children.] Anyhow, we expect to see you sometime next week. Enclosed is a map and directions to the territory Plante Trær. Your letter will whistle for your guide.

 The council of Plante Trær 
Andie's brow furrowed in confusion as she read the letter again. The basic information seemed right. Her full name was indeed Andrea, and she had been one year old when her mother died, and was 13 now. But what was all this royal business? And the council stuff, and Ond? Who was he? A meanie- butt, apparently.
"Huh." She said indifferently, deciding it was a wrong address, or a weird add or something- anything that would mean it wasn't her business. She threw the letter in the trash and stole a crasin from Lilly's bag.
"No stealing my food!" Lily grunted. She swallowed and pulled a book from behind her back. "Look what I have!" She taunted. In her hands was a book The Golem's Eye. 
   Andie and Lilly are very bookish girls, and they had made it their summer goal to read all fantasy books. "No magic=no good," They said. Their most recent read, the amulet of Samarkand, had a fast moving plot, fabulous big words, And a wisecracking demon, Bartemaeus. They took turns reading chapters and giggling at the conceited footnotes. The golems eye was the second book, and Lilly had found it at the library and intended to read it first. Andie, of course, could not permit this. A brief, good natured tussle arose and was quickly ended by giggling shrieks of "don't rip it! Don't rip it!"
  Andie was in possession of the book and was about to say "HAH! I have bested you!" When she heard something. It was coming from the trash can. Lilly had heard the noise too and was staring at the trash can in confuzzlement. 
   There was a human-ish voice coming from the trash can, saying. "Princess Andrea, if you must dispose of this letter, at the very least recycle it!"
  Lilly glanced at Andie, who had gone white. "Is that your hogwarts letter?" She queried, "will you take me to London with you?" Then she gasped "did it say princess? Are you a princess?!!?" Andie watched in apprehension  as Lilly reached into the trash can and pulled out the letter.
  "Princess Andrea: the united cou-" she began, and read the rest of the letter in silence.  "Well that is so weird... Maybe they're spamming you?" 
  Andie shrugged as the letter asked politely "what is spam, dear ladies?"
 Lilly dropped the letter in surprise, then knelt down next to it, curious. "Oooh! It's talking again!"
  The letter began to repeat its contents. When it was finished, Lilly asked, "so? Are you going to go to Plante Trær or whatever it is?"
  "Nope, I have no intention of dealing with Ond the meanie butt tyrant." Andie stated resolutely as she stuffed a handful of crasins into her mouth.
  The letter gave a huffy sigh. "If I cannot convince you to help your own country out of a difficult time, we shall send your guide to persuade you."
  Andie shot a drop dead look at the letter when it began to glow a gentle purple. Oh no... What was it doing now?.... A low pitched whistling filled the air, resonating off the walls and deep into the earth. The whole world heared it, yet not the people. The trees heared, the grass heared, the dogs laying in the grass and cats stalking alleys heared, the oceans and all their fishes heared, and still the humans remained oblivious to the noise. Except Andie and Lilly it seemed. The otherworldly music stopped an a thick science followed. Andie stood stalk still, half wishing she could hear the song again and the other half wishing it had  never happened, as she felt, as her very being knew, that was the start of something great. After a time that was both two minutes and two ages, depending upon if you heared, the small gathering in the living room heared hoof beats pounding across the back porch. A Goat burst in through the door. "Good afternoon, Princess Andrea, my name is Pythagoras and I-"

Well that was interesting. I better get writing, huh.


  1. I like the story!
    And I love the cloud background on your new blog design. My mind is always more awake in the night than the morning. I also come up with those random story ideas in the night too.

    1. I'm really loving the clouds too- much better than the wood.
      Maybe our creative minds are more awake at night because we can see our ideas better in the dark. And we don't have to think about homework or talking to people or feeding the dogs so we think about other, more interesting things.
      Yes! Write down those story ideas, writing girl! I love to read your works!

  2. Love the new design!!!

    Allie D.

    1. Thank you! I'm liking it s lot better- I think blue is secretly everyone's favorite color.

    Bartimaeus is just the best. I mean really, come on. :)
    I think your small vinyl friends have very excellent reading tastes, if you don't mind me saying so. Fantasy for the win! :)
    Ooh, awesome story! Lilly is amazing and it's quite funny without being too unrealistic - great job! "meanie-butt tyrant". YAS.
    On another note (because I have to because feels), did you know that Tolkien's original name for Gondor was Ond? It went from Ond to Ondor to Gondor. Just thought you might find that interesting. :D

    - Ellie

    1. I DO find that interesting. I translated the world "evil" to Norwegian and Ond is what came out. That is very interesting indeed. But Tolkien had a background in Old Norse and that sort of thing, right? So it's entirely possible a Scandinavian word for evil slipped in there somewhere.
      Yes, Bartemaeus! Have you read Skullduggery pleasant? I tend to read him in the same voice as Bartemaeus. I just love sarcastic, concited demons (and skeletons) like that.
      Thank you, dear Ellie. I'm trying to decide if I should put more of it up tomorrow or will that spoil it?

  4. Great job writing! You are so talented in writing stories!


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