
Saturday, January 17, 2015

My dolls want to talk to you.

 Is it on?
Oh Ok.

 Hi, peoples! Its Lilly here!

 And Andie.

 We Have something to discuss with you.

 Gwen has not been posting much about us recently. Sooo...

 We're going to take over! We'll rule this place! Mua hahahahahahah


No. We are going to be respectful, not dictators.

 Gwen is going to post whatever her weird little heart desires...
And we're going to post about us.

 We're kinda self- centered that way.
Ok yeah. kinda

This is fabulous because I get to have Andie take pictures of me!

And I get to use the camera and the computer!

Sound like a plan?
Yes. of course it does!
You can't change our minds anyway.


-Andie & Lilly


  1. Love this new blog set-up! :) Lilly and Andie are absolutely hilarious. :D I can't wait to see more of them! :D :D

    1. Oh yeah We'll be on here quite a bit (when Andie gets fast at typing)

      I am fast at typing! But not as good at computers as I am the camera. Wait until you see the photoshoot I did of Lilly! (It'll be up tomorrow.)

      -Lilly & Andie

  2. Ooh, I'm looking forward to posts from you guys :) my girls are also excited, perhaps they can get to know you two through comments ;)


  3. Haha! You guys are sooo funny! I can't wait for more posts from you! XD


I love getting comments! <3 And sometimes I even remember to reply ;P