
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Andie is a bookworm. Big time.

We started out with this little photo shoot of my 2nd try at the Tauriel hairstyle. {Grrr Still not working!}
It them morphed into me talking pictures while she sorta did her own thing.
 "Hey Gwen? Can we go to the bookshelf? We're pretty close to the bookshelf."

 "I would like to go to the bookshelf please."

 "Lets get a move on!"

"Hair first, if you please."
"I don't please."

 "That took long enough"

 "Now which one?"


"The Terry Brook Dragon..."


"I wanna live THERE!!! Gwen, we should live in a castle."
"I wish."

 Sometimes she imagines herself in books she reads. Lilly complains that she has been called Hermione, Alek, Gandalf, Flora, Jem....

I think she's fighting a dragon.

Her new favorite book is way up at the top.
Does anyone want to speak cat? the only title you can see is the Cat Speak book.

 Even standing on a table isn't enough to reach.

 "Excuse me, Harry. I must stand on your face for a bit."
Harry potter can help.

 "its a novel written entirely in rhyme!"
 "Sometimes I imagine I'm Katrina Katrell and I go down and visit the Zorgles."
"so awesome."
"we could take pictures of you with you favorite books, if you like."
"It is my duty as a doll to be pretty and awesome. Sure."
 She was actually much more cooperative with the book pictures than the hair ones.


Raise your hand if you think the last picture is a tad scary.
*raises hand* 
Oh wait Lilly, NO IM TYPIN-

Andie is a bit crazy, you know.
After reading a really good book she goes nearly silent for a month and randomly starts grinning. And she calls me by other character's names. Mr. Sharp indeed! Huh!

I make up stories in my head, Ok?

I think I better stop blogging before this gets out of hand.

& Andie!
Why was I forgotten? Did no one remember Lilly's wise words on Andie's state of mental health!?!?!?!?!? LILLY, DARN IT! IM SIGNING MY NAME ALL BIG SO YOU ALL CAN REMEMBER!!!!!

Chill out. Do you need a hug?

*sniffs* yes

Sorry my family is so weird, people. That kinda dissolved into chaos, didn't it? Ill let you recover now, as soon as I find the publish button. 


  1. This was such a fun photo story/photoshoot! I think it's great that Andie loves books so much. : )

  2. This is probably the best photo story that I've ever read! Probably because I like ag's, that hairstyle, and Harry Potter!

    1. Harry Potter is so awesome! And so are Tolkien elves.

  3. Haha! I used to love to read, but I'm not so into it anymore! Andie is so cute and I love her personality! Her hair looks awesome, I like it better that your first attempt! ;)


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