
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

This is my new year post. There are many more like it, but this one is mine.

Happy new year!

At this time last year I was waiting and waiting and waiting for Goty 2014 to come out. {I was disappointed when she finally did come, I might add}
I was in my room hiding (and playing with Andie) while my family played Rock Band on the xbox.
Back then I only had Andie {who was, at that time, known as Rachel}

she and ALL of my stuffed animals had a party.

Goals/dreams fulfilled/ cool happenings from 2014:
  • made a blog [november]
  • got #33 lilly [february]
  • made some school friends {being sociable is not my thing} people are much easier to tolerate on the nerd side of the force.
  • read the hunger games {and didn't like it}
  • survived the EOC test they sprung on us at the end of algebra. [may] Now I'm in geometry. my class is the first 8th grade geometry class my town has had in a long time. {they used to just send smart kids up to the high school for math}

Now my dolls are:

Hanging out on the top bunk eating ice cream
And watching movies on the iPad
My cousin got me My Neighbor Totoro for christmas. Its so weird and so awesome. Andie and lilly like it too.

What I plan to do in 2015

  • finish my story {remember when I said that I have a story with a beginning and half on an end? Now I have a beginning of a middle}
  • Turn above story into a photo story 
  • Comment on your blogs more
  • become better at drawing
  • learn to use my sewing machine

What do you do on new year? What do you plan to do in 2015?



  1. Cool New Year post Gwen! My New Year resolution(s) regarded my blog are to:
    -Get better at photography.
    -Comment more on other peoples blogs.
    -expand the blogs I view.
    Happy new year!!

  2. Great New Year post Gwen. I feel like the odd blogger out who didn't do a New Year's post. Oh well. :}
    My main goal for the year is to just try to be healthier and have a positive outlook on things. =)

  3. Happy 2015!!!! Awesome post! I loved the pictures and your goals for this year are awesome! I've heard about My Neighbor Totoro, but I've never seen it! :)

    1. It's really an odd movie plot wise. The conflict doesn't come in till waaaay late in the movie.
      And if you watch it and don't like the story, you will love the art!



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