
Monday, December 29, 2014

End of the year and other musings. [Gwen says more than just photo commentary!]

Welp, 2014 is drawing to a close and you are all well aware that this means farewell to Isabelle.
Izzy here is our little ballerina, modern dancer, and fashion designer.

She's gotten a whole lot of love this past year, and a whole lot of hate. [actually, I find the wonder bread comparison on American Girl Outsider quite amusing]
She was ok, I guess.
I watched her movie, wich was endearingly cheesy. I even learned the dance when no one was looking. [i wanted to take dance when I was little, but never bothered to sign up]

She was the first doll with mix and match, wich was really cool- and also an excuse to charge $50 for one very purple outfit. : |

Her collection was very girly. Wich is to be expected, really. You are buying dolls targeted at nine year olds. But I kept comparing her to Saige. Saige had clothes that my dolls would wear. That I would wear if I cared remotely about human fashion. Look at saige's meet. Dark blue, no sparkles. Saige was definently awesome for older or less girly girls. I'm kicking myself for not buying her when I had the chance. But Isabelle appealed to the younger, girlier girls- with her straight hair and sparkles.

So what did I learn from Isabelle?
That a person can OD on sparkles. No doubt about that in the first place, but the fact was reinforced.

Oog. My eyes can't take it!

Now we have Grace.
In a few short days we will see her official, not leaked stock photo,
I see this and think "ooo new freckles! ooo side bangs! eww lipgloss!"
smiling prettily with her face mold that deviates from the past two years of classic. YAY! She has side swept bangs, also uncommon for AG. .
We'll get new love, new hate, new opinions, and a new look. Were gonna spend way too much money buying her, MAGs to be her besties, and her collection. woo hoo! thats how dolly addiction WORKS, people! yeah. I will definently buy her pajamas
Maybe her luggage
Her baking set is kinda cool
And Im actually pleased with this outfit. It is weird to me, but adorably so.
What I like about her collection is that it's red and turquoise. I consider turquoise to be a shade of blue and I love all shades of blue.
Also look at this! not a lot of sparkles! you can count them! Cant see 'em very well, but it looks like 10.
 I'm waiting to go to the AG store in January with Barrett to see If it's love at first sight. If not, I plan to buy #58.

What I hope for (not to be confused with predictions!) :

  • Less pink! It is foolish to hope for this- look at the direction they've taken! [sorry these are screenshots]

Lots o pink

  • New MAG meet outfits. They are due for a change this year. Been here since 2012. I hope they have pants and no pink. And that AG would Change the meet with the GOTY change because I don't want to wait.
  • Cool colors (blues greens purples)

Other Musings:

The good thing about not liking what AG has avalible: brings in business for etsy shops. I don't own one myself, but there are several that get my patronage. And it inspires creativity in doll owners dissatisfied with what's in stock to make their own stuff.
For instance, I notice a certain lack in decent camping supplies. It's all bright colors, wich appeals to children, but a real person would never actually buy something like that, let alone take it into the woods and get dirt on it.{there should be a font for sarcasm or snark or something} A lot of the kids in my school go hunting. it is totally normal for a girl to have camping supplies in muted colors. While I avoid killing animals and guns and such the like, I would not at all mind seeing a nice sturdy backpack. Maybe even in camo. I made one, one time, out of my brother's old shorts.

In the long run: doll prices will go down. Have you noticed that the price went up to $115 the last time? They are just going to up the price until the dolls are so far out of our budget that we can't buy them. That's when the prices will go down. They're trying to find that sweet spot where you can have the most customers paying the most money.
Call it greedy if you like- I'll call it business. {wich is pretty much just another word for greedy, in this nasty unfair reality we live in} : /

Video where I got the Grace pictures:

Sorry Ive been missing lately. Just being a lazy bum over here.


  1. Is turquoise not in the blue category? O-o I've always thought it was in the blue realm. xD
    I agree about the whole Etsy fact. I tend to buy more doll clothes from there than from AG. Not really a pink fan. :P

  2. Yes, I think so. But those clothes maybe have some green in them... Oh well. Cool colors have always been my favorite.

  3. Oh, yes. Last year, after watching the Isabelle movie, I started doing ballet in my room (and I'm too lazy and I don't bother to take lessons) and with the soundtrack, I downloaded it on my iPod and since our computer runs REALLY slow when i get onto iTunes, I was like, "COME ON STUPID ITUNES! JUST DOWNLOAD THE STINKIN' SOUNDTRACK ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Thank you for listening to my thing above.


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