
Friday, December 5, 2014


Well hello!!! Fancy seeing you here! What's that you say? I've been absent? Huh. Well.... I've been off on lovely 8th grade adventures. So I won't be boring you to death with the story of my week, I'll just bore you into a coma.

I read the hunger games! It was very much a page turner. In all honesty, I didn't like it. I refused to read the last few pages because I knew that katniss would not go home and see prim before the book ended. [actually, I may be wrong. I don't know, I didn't read the last pages!] The nastiness of the Capitol really bothered me. I just have a problem with things like that. I wouldn't finish Warriors: into the wild either because tiger claw is just too evil. It makes me winder why Voldemort didn't bother me. Its not the author I don't like , I think, because I read another series by Suzanne Collins that I enjoyed greatly. Gregor the Overlander is the first book, if you want it. So I think part of It is that I don't like the first person point of view (but Im writing in first person- how hypocritical is that?) Also, The hunger games didn't appeal to me because it's lack in magic. Now when I say magic Im not referring to the awesomeness factor of books, but the amazing, inexplicable happenings in the story. Like, actual magic. The hunger games is set in a futuristic, dystopian society. No magic. But in Gregor the overlamder, he travels to a forgotten land miles underground where humans ride on giant bats and are on the brink of war with giant rats. Magic. Harry Potter. Duh. Magic. The amulet of samarkand. Magic. The leviathan trilogy in an alternate WWI where people fly around in whales genetically modified to be blimps. Sort of magic.

one night I took a break from reading the hunger games. I went to wikipedia and wrote down all the cool things about uranium. I like wikipedia way too much. I hand the paper yo my buddy William, who is going to make a model of a uranium atom for science and he says "yeah I read that all on wikipedia last night." That makes two of us.
 Anyone else like wikipedia? Or science? 

So those were the vaguely interesting things that happened this week [Oh wait! I accidentally squirted mustard in my eye! the classic, stupid way- "why isn't any coming out?" *peers into bottle* I was laughing at myself too hard to notice if it hurt or not.]
Are you ready to get to the doll stuff? yeah, me too.

 I didn't play with my dolls all week and that made me sad. So today I decorated their room for christmas! Nope. no tree yet, just red paper and lights. not quiiiiiite done.
Just so you know this is not our christmas picture. I would look way better in my christmas picture. Thanks for that, Lilly.

I just love christmas lights.

Ok that was really short, compared to the hunger games opinions. To reward you for your trouble, I have a little something extra.

 Hey, readers of Gwyn's blog! Andie here. Im glad the 1/2 inch of frozen snow melted, but its still not dry or light enough for me to go outside and practice cartwheels after school. [hey Gwyn? when will you post something that actually happened this month? I just did, silly. *scrolls up* oh. thats from today, even! cool!]

 Why is it that i can balance my dolls on their heads better than their feet?

*sighs* I miss the roses.

Good night, everyone! 
With much love and doll enthusiasm,


  1. I read The Hunger Games a few years ago, so I don't really remember how much I liked it or not. Though I do love the book Divergent, I prefer fantasy too :0) And yes love Harry Potter!
    Oh Andie! How do you balance her on her head so well? I guess none of my girls are good at gymnastics :0) I know what you mean, I miss it being light out when I come home from school.
    - Zoë

    1. Ah yes I was at the book fair at my school with my friend Whitney and she helped me choose between the hunger games and divergent.
      Oh FANTASY!! thank you for that! I know all these great words and the moment I need them they fly out of my head.

      The balancing thing is really unexplainable with the headstand, but for the cartwheel I just cropped out my fingers.
      Yeah the light makes me sad. I like to run and by the time I'm done with geometry homework it's too dark to run. And the leaves on the plum tree didn't even bother turning orange! One day they were green and the next they were black. Fall really makes me sad.

  2. My mom won't even let me read the hunger games! Their room looks sooo cute! I love Christmas lights too! The photos of Andie doing the cartwheel are so adorable! The pictures after that are really pretty! You are a really good photographer! :)

    1. Yeah, I was in 5th grade when the hunger games was really popular, but my dad wouldn't let me read it. He had read it and knows I tend to be a sensitive person, so the killing would probably bother me as a ten year old.
      I'm glad you think so on the photography bit. A lot of my family is kinda amateur artists and my cousin and dad enjoy photography too. My mom, though she doesn't do it often, is good at watercolor paintings.
      I guess the reason why I like making things for my dolls so much is that I've been told since I was little, "yes, by all means turn off the tv and go make something that makes you happy."
      Ok that was a really long comment all about myself.
      Oops.... : )


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