
Saturday, November 22, 2014

How To Make A Doll Lamp

  I should like, today, to show you how to make a doll lamp with a little storage tray on the bottom.

 This is the first one I made

 You can store little pencils or cards or whatever you like in the bottom.

 You need an empty duck tape roll.

 For the base, you will trace around the duck tape roll on a piece of cardboard...

 with a knife! Depending on how much your parents trust you, you may or may not need help.

 You will have two circles like this.

 Mine was a little thick, so I crushed it.

 Now you need to choose your weapon glue >: ) hehehe

 I choose tacky glue. Squeeze around the circumference of the duck tape roll.

 Stick your cardboard to the roll.

 Here is your base

 Now here is something hard. Cut a piece of thick paper a little wider than the duct tape roll. I don't have exact measurements for you. If its too wide, use an exact-o* knife to  cut off the extra. 

 Wrap around...

 Stick with tape.

 The fun part of the project is choosing the tape- cute patterned washi tape works well, but I was in the mood for electrical tape.

 Wrap it around

 And fold it over

 Here is your base

 For the stem... stick? of the lamp, you need a really thick pencil or a dried out highlighter or perhaps a dowel. Wrap it in your pretty tape.

 Begin heating up your hot glue gun

 Take your 2nd cardboard circle and wrap around it another piece of paper, as tall as you want the lampshade to be.

 If this part frustrates you, congratulations! You are a normal human being!

 I finally got it with tape.

 Put tape around the edges, just as you did the base. 
now you have the lampshade. If you are confused so far, here is how it goes: you have just made two small cylinders. A duck tape roll covered in paper and tape with a cardboard bottom is the base. The lampshade is a tube of paper, also with a cardboard bottom.

 By now the hot glue gun should be heated up. Put a blob of hot glue on the cardboard bottom of the base. Stick the stem of the lamp or whatever into the blob. hold it straight until it cools.

 Now you need the lampshade on the other end of the stick or stem or whatever.

 You are just about done!

 Ok I lied- you are all done- YAY!!

 You can now fill the base with cool stuff.

 Nail stickers are a good size for doll stickers. Oog. Sorry this is fuzzy.

 You may also fill the base with rocks. I happen to have a dish of very pretty rocks.**

Yeah. So pretty.

Put a a battery candle in there so it glows

*The knife of exact zero! I love the lego movie!
**From the ocean. I love rock hunting on the beach! Washington beaches aren't good for swimming, but for enjoying nature.

With much love and doll enthusiasm-


  1. I'll defiantly have to try this!
    I really like the doll room on the last picture. Those Polaroid photos on yarn are just too cute :0)
    - Zoë

  2. Thanks! Its my favorite part of the doll room.


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